C# Client Library
A C# Client Library for the AnalyzeRe REST API
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1using System;
2using System.Runtime.Serialization;
5namespace AnalyzeRe.Layers
9 {
10 #region Interface Implementation
17 [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design",
18 "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
20 [IgnoreDataMember]
21 [PropertyAlias(new[] { "occurrence limit", "occ limit", "event limit" })]
23 {
24 get { return event_limit; }
25 set { event_limit = value; }
26 }
28 // Suppress CA1033, as we intentionally only want certain properties to be
29 // visible to types that have an interface reference to this class since
30 // the properties have been renamed or have fixed values.
31 // We can't seal QuotaShare because it's inherited by AggQuotaShare
32 [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design",
33 "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
34 [Obsolete("QuotaShare layers do not currently support an attachment other than zero.")]
36 [IgnoreDataMember]
37 [PropertyAlias(new[] { "retention", "deductible" })]
38 MonetaryUnit ILayer_WithOccurrenceTerms.attachment
39 {
40 get { return null; }
41 set
42 {
43 if (value == null || value.value.Equals(0d))
44 return;
45 throw new NotSupportedException("QuotaShare layers do not currently support an attachment other than zero.");
46 }
47 }
48 #endregion Interface Implementation
50 #region Public Properties
52 [DataMember(Order = 20)]
53 [NotNull]
54 [GreaterThan(0, true)]
55 [PropertyAlias("limit")]
56 public MonetaryUnit event_limit { get; set; }
57 #endregion Public Properties
58 }
Specifies one or more aliases to be used as synonyms for the property's name.
Specifies that a property is generated by the server and should not be specified on the client side d...
Abstract representation of a layer. This resource type cannot be instantiated instead derived resourc...
Representation of a Quota Share contract.
Definition QuotaShare.cs:9
MonetaryUnit event_limit
The maximum amount to be covered by the Quota Share per event.
Definition QuotaShare.cs:56
Representation of a monetary value with a currency.
Abstract representation of a layer that has occurrence terms.
MonetaryUnit limit
The per-occurrence limit applied by this layer.