Python C# HTTP


Welcome to the Developer Guide for Analyze Re PRIME. This guide is intended to be the only resource developers need to reference when building applications or writing scripts that use the PRIME API.

We currently provide client libraries in Python and C#, but are looking to expand our offerings in this area. You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can change the programming languages the examples are displayed in by clicking one of the tabs to the top right.


GET / HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Accept: */*
import analyzere

analyzere.base_url = ''
analyzere.username = '<userid>'
analyzere.password = '<password>'
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Authentication;

// Set server URL and login credentials
API.ServerURL = "";
BasicAuthenticationToken auth = new BasicAuthenticationToken("username", "password");

// Note: You don't have to hard-code your credentials.
// If you handle the AuthenticationRequested event, you can prompt the user as needed
API.AuthenticationRequested += (ref IAccessToken toAuth, string authType) =>
    string username = null, password = null; // TODO: Prompt for username and password
    ((BasicAuthenticationToken)toAuth).GenerateAccessToken(username, password);

Analyze Re PRIME uses the HTTP Basic Authentication Scheme to authenticate users and authorize access to the platform. This form of authentication should only be used via HTTPS over an encrypted SSL/TLS connection. The Analyze Re PRIME API enforces HTTPS for all requests.

In order to connect to the Analyze Re PRIME server you will need the API Base-URL (e.g., a userid and password.

Connection Pool

catalogs = analyzere.EventCatalog.list(search='AIR',

simulations = analyzere.Simulation.list(search='AIR',

loss_filters = analyzere.LossFilter.list(search='EQ',

fx_profiles = analyzere.ExchangeRateProfile.list(search='default',

Example debugged output

2024-03-05 14:28:39,578 DEBUG Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
2024-03-05 14:28:40,034 DEBUG "GET /event_catalogs/?search=AIR&ordering=-created HTTP/1.1" 200 4424
2024-03-05 14:28:40,144 DEBUG "GET /simulations/?search=AIR&ordering=-created HTTP/1.1" 200 6370
2024-03-05 14:28:40,662 DEBUG "GET /loss_filters/?search=EQ&ordering=-created HTTP/1.1" 200 6779
2024-03-05 14:28:40,784 DEBUG "GET /exchange_rate_profiles/?search=default&ordering=-created HTTP/1.1" 200 802

From the debugged example output above, it is evident that a new connection is established only once and then utilized for subsequent requests to the server.

The Python client (from version 0.7.0) supports session usage to reuse existing connections rather than initiating new ones for each request, leading to improved performance. Note that no configuration changes are needed to utilize this feature as long as the analyzere Python client is >= 0.7.0.

Configure Connection Pool

import requests.adapters
from analyzere.requestor import session as analyzere_session

analyzere_session.mount("https://", requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(pool_maxsize=50))

In a multi-threaded environment where concurrent requests are made from multiple threads, the maximum number of connections to be reused can be configured by using the session object from analyzere.requestor and mounting it to a custom HTTPAdapter. HTTPAdapter supports different configurations for different requests based on the target URL. For HTTPAdapter settings, refer: HTTPAdapter. For more information on what these settings mean, refer: Customizing Pool Behaviour.

The HTTPAdapter supports pool_maxsize parameter which is essentially the maximum number of connections to save in the pool. The default value of pool_maxsize is 10, which means a maximum of 10 connections will be saved in the connection pool. This default behaviour can be changed by updating the value of the parameter to the desired number.

NOTE: It is recommended to set the value of pool_maxsize parameter “equal to” or “greater than” the number of threads used, in order to avoid encountering WARNING Connection pool is full, discarding connection message.

API Conventions

At its foundation, Analyze Re PRIME is a RESTful API that uses HTTP to transfer data between the PRIME API server and a client. The PRIME API differentiates between collection objects, resource objects and embedded objects. All objects in PRIME are represented as JSON when transported over HTTP.

The PRIME API uses a type-based object model to distinguish between types of objects that are being communicated between the client and the API server.


Collections are groups of objects of a certain type. Some collections contain polymorphic resources. Typically PRIME collections support REST operations using the HTTP verbs POST and GET.


Resource Objects

Resource objects are types of objects that are represented as resources by the API. They can be individually saved to and loaded from the PRIME API. A resource object is always associated with a unique identifier (ID), which is determined by PRIME when the object is created. The unique identifier, typically a UUID, can be used to retrieve the object from the API and to otherwise refer to the object in another context. Resource objects are managed in collections and each base type of a resource object is associated with a unique collection.

For example, at the HTTP REST level, resource objects of type Layer are associated with the /layers/ collection endpoint and resource objects of type AnalysisProfile are associated with the /analysis_profiles/ collection endpoint.

Embedded Objects

Embedded objects are types of objects that are embedded within the definition of other objects. Embedded objects cannot be saved to the API as stand-alone objects and must always be assigned as a value to either another embedded object or a resource object.

For example, an embedded object that captures a monetary value and its associated currency is typically a member of some other composite type.

Monetary Unit

All monetary values in the system are represented by the MonetaryUnit embedded object. This allows information about the monetary value to be captured to ensure proper handling of the value when currency conversions are required.

Attribute Required Description
currency yes a valid 3-character ISO 4217 currency code (default=‘USD’)
value yes the amount of money in the given currency
value_date no the date to be used for currency conversion
rate1 no the rate to be used for currency conversion
rate_currency1 no the currency of the rate, to be used for currency conversion

Fee Reference

Examples of fee references for premium sources:

{"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
{"ref": ["Layer", "ReinstatementPremium"]}

Examples of fee references for loss sources:

{"ref": ["Layer", "Losses"]}
{"ref": ["Layer", "ReinstatementBrokerage"]}

Examples of fee references for fee sources:

{"ref": ["Layer", "Fees", "MyFixedExpense"]}
{"ref": ["Layer", "Fees", "Arbitrary Fee Name"]}

Example of fee references included in a fee:

   "_type": "ProfitCommmission",
   "name": "MyProfitCommission",
   "payout_date": "2017-08-08T00:00:00Z",
   "rate": 0.01,
   "premiums": [
       {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]},
       {"ref": ["Layer", "ReinstatementPremium"]}

   "losses": [
       {"ref": ["Layer", "Losses"]},
       {"ref": ["Layer", "ReinstatementBrokerage"]}
   "fees": [
       {"ref": ["Layer", "Fees", "MyFixedExpense"]}
       {"ref": ["Layer", "Fees", "MyProportionalExpense"]}

Fee References are used to explicitly define the dependencies of a particular fee. There are three dependency categories: premiums, losses, and fees. The fee type defines which of these categories are meaningful. For instance, Fixed Expense has no dependencies, so none of these categories are meaningful. Contrastingly, all categories are meaningful for Profit Commission.

Meaningful dependency categories appear as attributes on the fee object. Each of these attributes accept a list of Fee References.

Fee References define a path from the layer to the type of resource to be considered as a source.

For fee sources, only the specific fee defined by the Fee Reference is considered. The dependencies of the fee source are not considered. For instance, if you have Fee B that is dependent on Fee A, and Fee C that is dependent on both Fee A and Fee B, you must explicity include both Fee A and Fee B as Fee References when defining Fee C.

See Fees for C#/Python examples of creating Fee References.


To get a list of layers containing only the first entry of the layers collection:

from analyzere import Layer

layers = Layer.list(limit=1, offset=0)
GET /layers/?limit=1&offset=0 HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache
using AnalyzeRe;
using System.Collections.Generic;

IEnumerable<Layer> layers = API.GetResourceList<Layer>(
    API.Parameters.Page(offset: 0, limit: 1)).items;

Responses include the pagination information in a meta section of the response:

  "items": [],
  "meta": {
    "total_count": 0,
    "limit": 1,
    "offset": 0

Depending on the resource, a collection within PRIME can store a large number of objects and it is infeasible to return all of the stored objects to the client. Thus, the PRIME API uses pagination to limit the number of objects that are being returned in a single listing request.

PRIME resources support two query parameters that can be used independently or combined.

Parameter Description
offset (zero-based) index of the first record to return (default=0)
limit the number of records to return (starting at offset) (default=100)

When lists of resources are requested (even without specifying offset or limit) the response objects includes the property meta with the following pagination information:

Attribute Description
total_count the total number of records in the collection
offset (zero-based) the index of the first record returned
limit the number of records returned in the response

Batch Resource Retrieval

GET /layers/?ids=4c2608d7-6f87-4f77-b470-d65d39d1b950,c25618e5-dcb3-4592-8ece-9d7926a1f3ab HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache
from analyzere import Layer

layers = Layer.list(ids='4c2608d7-6f87-4f77-b470-d65d39d1b950,c25618e5-dcb3-4592-8ece-9d7926a1f3ab')
using AnalyzeRe;
using System.Collections.Generic;

IEnumerable<string> ids = new []
}; // Can be any list, array, or other enumerable of strings

// Retrieve a list of items using the static collection instance:
IEnumerable<Layer> layers = API.Layers.GetItems( ids );

// Alternatively, using generic type arguments, any resource type or subtype can be used:
layers = API.BatchGet<QuotaShare>( ids );

Response includes the two layers requested and pagination information in a meta property:

  "items": [
        "_type": "QuotaShare",
        "id": "4c2608d7-6f87-4f77-b470-d65d39d1b950",
        "description": "India Re Layer 5",
        "meta_data": {},
        "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
        "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
        "premium": {
            "value": 245810.8696,
            "currency": "USD"
        "fees": [
                "_type": "FixedExpense",
                "name": "MyFixedExpense",
                "payout_date": "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z",
                "amount": {
                    "value": 1500,
                    "currency": "USD"
                "_type": "ProportionalExpense",
                "name": "MyProportionalExpense",
                "payout_date": "2017-05-16T00:00:00Z",
                "rate": 0.04,
                "premiums": [
                    {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
        "loss_sets": [
              "href": "",
              "ref_id": "e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"
              "href": "",
              "ref_id": "9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d"
        "participation": 0.098,
        "event_limit": {
            "value": 300000,
            "currency": "USD"
        "_type": "AggregateQuotaShare",
        "id": "c25618e5-dcb3-4592-8ece-9d7926a1f3ab",
        "description": "India Re Layer 5",
        "meta_data": {},
        "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
        "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
        "premium": {
            "value": 245810.8696,
            "currency": "USD"
        "fees": [],
        "loss_sets": [
              "href": "",
              "ref_id": "e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"
              "href": "",
              "ref_id": "9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d"
        "participation": 0.098,
        "event_limit": {
            "value": 300000,
            "currency": "USD"
        "aggregate_limit": {
            "value": 1000000,
            "currency": "USD"
  "meta": {
    "total_count": 2,
    "limit": 100,
    "offset": 0

Multiple specific resources may be retrieved in a single listing request by specifying a list of UUIDs for the resources to be retrieved. This request is more similar to a search than a GET request. If the provided list contains UUIDs that do not exist, the returned list will simply not contain resources corresponding to those UUIDs. No error will be raised.

Batch requests only support up to 100 UUIDs.

Parameter Description
ids a list of UUIDs for the resources to be retrieved

The response object includes the same meta property described in Pagination.


At the HTTP level, there are a few errors that can be returned by the API. Client modules (Python and C#) typically abstract these HTTP level error codes to more meaningful error objects.

HTTP Status Code Description
503 For long-running operations, the Retry-After header will indicate when the resource is expected to be available.


Some types of resource objects have polymorphic properties and in fact are represented by different types which share a common interface. Polymorphic objects can be recognized by their _type attribute which indicates the specific specialized type of the object.

The Layer resource basic type, for example, has a number of sub-types which are used to represent different types of contractual structures such as CatXL for Excess of Loss structures or QuotaShare for Quota Share structures.


Response containing references:

    "_type": "AndFilter",
    "id": "cc97fdcf-9132-4fe0-969f-12d833d869d3",
    "name": "North America",
    "description": "North American All Peril",
    "invert": false,
    "expressions": [
            "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "de265859-4a91-4a2f-b63f-e493e3e4046e"
            "ref_type": "AnyFilter",
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "a3a502c6-6a83-460e-9bf6-a80dc20d221e"

References are a construct used by the PRIME API to “link” objects together without the need of creating multiple copies of one object. References are only supported for resource objects which can be uniquely identified using their basis type and ID. The representation of a reference consists of the type of object it refers to and the object’s unique identifier. However, most client-side bindings that utilize the PRIME API abstract the concept of a reference from the user and either eagerly or lazily fetch referenced objects automatically.

When references are included in a response, an additional href attribute is included as part of every reference object. The href URL takes you directly to the referenced resource.

Expanding References

Request with server-side expansion of references:

GET /loss_filters/cc97fdcf-9132-4fe0-969f-12d833d869d3 HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache
References: expand

Response with references expanded:

    "_type": "AndFilter",
    "id": "cc97fdcf-9132-4fe0-969f-12d833d869d3",
    "name": "North America",
    "description": "North American All Peril",
    "invert": false,
    "expressions": [
            "_type": "AnyOfFilter",
            "id": "de265859-4a91-4a2f-b63f-e493e3e4046e",
            "name": "NA",
            "description": "North America",
            "invert": false,
            "attribute": "Region",
            "values": [
            "_type": "AnyFilter",
            "id": "a3a502c6-6a83-460e-9bf6-a80dc20d221e",
            "name": "All Perils",
            "description": "All Perils",
            "invert": false

References can be resolved automatically in responses by including the References: expand HTTP header.

Filtering on Metadata Fields

The API supports a query language for filtering against keys and values with matching and logical operators.

A query string can be added to your GET requests via the metaquery GET parameter to send a field filtering request to the server. If the endpoint supports data filtering, the results will be taken from a filtered subset of the endpoint’s data.

Currently, field filtering exclusively targets the meta_data field.

Supported Operations and Example Queries

Given a set of key and value pairs by which you’d like to filter, you can submit the following sample queries as the content of the 'metaquery’ GET parameter. (e.g. ?metaquery=<query>)

exact match



substring match

meta_data[key]~"value" (“contains”)

comparison match (lexicographic or numeric)

If quoted, value will be compared lexicographically. If not quoted, the query engine will attempt to convert value to a number and perform numerical comparison.





logical operators

Queries against keys and values may be logically combined using AND, OR and NOT.

NOT meta_data[key]="value"

meta_data[key1]="value1" AND meta_data[key2]="value2"

meta_data[key1]="value1" OR NOT meta_data[key2]="value2" AND meta_data[key3]="value3"

grouping via parentheses

Parentheses change the order of logical evaluation in the query.

meta_data[key]="value" AND (meta_data[key2]="value2" OR meta_data[key3]="value3")

filtering by key presence


meta_data[key1] AND meta_data[key2]

case sensitivity

By default, queries are case insensitive. Any value may be prefixed with the symbol


to activate case sensitivity. e.g.


quoting keys and values

Keys and values need not be double-quoted. However, unquoted keys and values may not contain certain characters including but not limited to whitespace. Surround keys and values with double-quotation marks for safety. See right for the full list of characters disallowed in unquoted keys/values.

Core Syntax of a Field Filtering Query:


{field} must be the string “meta_data”.

{key} must be a string, representing a key in your field.

{op} is an operator from the following list: "!=", "<=", ">=", ">", "<", "=", "~"

{value} is an integer, real number or string representing a value in your field.

Furthermore, query elements may be combined using parentheses and logical operators which include:

"(", ")", AND, OR, NOT

Unquoted keys and values may not contain the following tokens:

whitespace "AND" "NOT" "OR" "__" ! " [ ] ( ) = ~ &lt; &gt;

Quoted keys and values may contain any character except unescaped quotes. Quotes may be escaped by repetition. e.g. a query for a value containing double-quotes:

meta_data[key]="The question was ""to be or not to be""."

or a query with a key containing quotes

meta_data["key_with_""quoted portion"""]=value


The PRIME platform forms the basis for Analyze Re’s advanced solutions to strategic planning, pricing, and portfolio analytics. In order to support this, the PRIME API exposes a number of concepts and functions that allow the user to control the the platform and perform varying types of analyses.

Event Catalogs

Event Catalogs are a concept used in PRIME to describe stochastic event sets. They represent a mapping of stochastic events to meta-information about that event, such as peril type, vendor model, magnitude, etc. PRIME users can also construct their own event catalogs which may be combinations of event sets from multiple vendors. Event catalogs may contain arbitrary meta fields, which can be used for filtering.

Event Catalog data is provided to PRIME as a CSV file. In order to upload an Event Catalog to the PRIME server the CSV file must contain two mandatory columns: “Rate” and “EventId”. Additional columns in the CSV file will be collected as Loss Attributes. The event attributes collected as Loss Attributes will be available for building Loss Filters.

An example of a (blended RMS + AIR) Event Catalog might look like:

EventId Peril Region Rate Vendor
101217 “EQ” “CA” 0.00182766850727944 RMS
101218 “EQ” “CA” 0.00318487802791267 RMS
101219 “EQ” “CA” 0.00869657632513287 RMS
101220 “EQ” “CA” 0.0235000702667579 RMS
340001 “HU” “US” 0.00001 AIR
340002 “HU” “US” 0.00001 AIR
340003 “HU” “US” 0.00001 AIR
340004 “HU” “US” 0.00001 AIR
340005 “HU” “US” 0.00001 AIR

Event Catalogs form one of the key ingredients in performing simulation analysis of Layers and Portfolios.


  "id": "fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051",
  "description": "Combined RMS + AIR Catalog Jan 2015",
  "tags": ["2015", "Version 12"],
  "source": "Combined RMS + AIR catalog"

Event Catalogs in PRIME are composed of two data sets. The first data set is an object created within the /event_catalogs/ collection, which holds the unique ID of the catalog as well as additional meta data. The second data set is the list of events in CSV format as described above.

The Event Catalog object is defined as follows:


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
description string a short description of the Event Catalog
meta_data dictionary any custom metadata - can be used when searching for catalogs.
source string (optional) the source (typically Vendor model) of the events
tags list(strings) (optional) a list of string tags that can be associated with the catalog

Create an Event Catalog

POST /event_catalogs/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "description": "Combined RMS + AIR Catalog Jan 2015",
  "tags": ["2015", "Version 12"],
  "source": "Combined RMS + AIR catalog"
from analyzere import EventCatalog

# Create the Catalog
catalog = EventCatalog(description='Combined RMS + AIR Catalog Jan 2015',
                       tags=['2015', 'Version 12'],
                       source='Combined RMS + AIR catalog').save()

# Upload Catalog data
with open('files/catalogs/RMS+AIR_Catalog-2015.csv', 'rb') as catalog_data:
// 1. Create the catalog definition
EventCatalog catalog = new EventCatalog
    description = "AIR v17 2019",
    meta_data = new Dictionary<string, object>
        { "Vendor", "AIR" },
        { "ModelVersion", 17 },

// 2. Upload Catalog data
// 2 a) You can upload from a string"Event,Rate,Peril,ModelId\n27000001,0.00001,HU,27");
// 2 b) You can upload from a file path"C:/files/catalogs/AIR_Catalog_2019.csv");
// 2 c) You can stream data from a file, database, or other source;
// See for more details.

Example response body

  "id": "fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051",
  "created": "2018-08-21T17:49:07.833485Z",
  "modified": "2018-08-21T17:49:07.899960Z",
  "data": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "78094fad-af1f-43de-b12b-f9ddd0b43259"
  "source": "Combined RMS + AIR catalog",
  "status": "processing_succeeded",
  "status_message": null,
  "tags": ["2015", "Version 12"],
  "meta_data": {},
  "description": "Combined RMS + AIR Catalog Jan 2015"

In order to create an Event Catalog on the PRIME platform, you must first create a new Event Catalog object and then upload the event list associated with that catalog in CSV format.


Name Traits Description
name required
description required
source required
tags required The list is required but can be an empty list.

Retrieve an Event Catalog

GET /event_catalogs/fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051 HTTP/1.1
from analyzere import EventCatalog

catalog = EventCatalog.retrieve('fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051')
using AnalyzeRe;

EventCatalog catalog = API.Get<EventCatalog>("fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051");

Example response body

  "id": "fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051",
  "created": "2018-08-21T17:49:07.833485Z",
  "modified": "2018-08-21T17:49:07.899960Z",
  "data": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "78094fad-af1f-43de-b12b-f9ddd0b43259"
  "source": "Combined RMS + AIR catalog",
  "status": "processing_succeeded",
  "status_message": null,
  "tags": ["2015", "Version 12"],
  "meta_data": {},
  "description": "Combined RMS + AIR Catalog Jan 2015"

Event Catalogs are retrieved by ID.

Retrieve an Event Catalog Profile

from analyzere import EventCatalog

catalog = EventCatalog.retrieve('fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051')
GET /event_catalogs/fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051/profile HTTP/1.1

Example response body

  "attributes": [
      "_type": "str",
      "name": "Peril",
      "values": [
      "_type": "str",
      "name": "Region",
      "values": [

The profile provides extra metadata information collected from the csv file at upload time. Each attribute, if it is of type string, provides the list of unique values for that column ordered by most common to least common.

Download Event Catalog Data

GET /event_catalogs/fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051/data HTTP/1.1
from analyzere import EventCatalog

catalog = EventCatalog.retrieve('fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051')
csv = catalog.download_data()
using AnalyzeRe;

EventCatalog catalog = API.Get<EventCatalog>("fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051");
string csv =;

Example response body


You can retrieve the original CSV data associated with an Event Catalog by asking for the CSV data.

List Event Catalogs

GET /event_catalogs/?search=RMS&ordering=-created HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import EventCatalog

catalogs = EventCatalog.list(search='RMS',
using AnalyzeRe;
using System.Collections.Generic;

IEnumerable<EventCatalog> eventCatalogs = API.SearchResourceList<EventCatalog>(
    "RMS", API.Parameters.Order("-created")).items;

Example response body

  "items": [
        "id": "fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051",
        "created": "2018-08-21T17:49:07.833485Z",
        "modified": "2018-08-21T17:49:07.899960Z",
        "data": {
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "78094fad-af1f-43de-b12b-f9ddd0b43259"
        "source": "Combined RMS + AIR catalog",
        "status": "processing_succeeded",
        "status_message": null,
        "tags": ["2015", "Version 12"],
        "meta_data": {},
        "description": "Combined RMS + AIR Catalog Jan 2015"
        "id": "939c12be-7fd5-4b0e-b601-aaa9597325cc",
        "created": "2017-07-17T13:16:24.559432Z",
        "modified": "2017-11-01T16:45:58.700242Z",
        "data": {
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "94b7846a-b8d8-433b-86d3-8d653a48601b"
        "source": "RMS",
        "status": "processing_succeeded",
        "status_message": null,
        "tags": ["2012", "Version 10"],
        "meta_data": {},
        "description": "RMS Catalog"
  "meta": {
    "total_count": 2,
    "limit": 100,
    "offset": 0

Event Catalogs are returned in a list.


Name Traits Description
limit optional the maximum number of Event Catalogs to return (default 100)
offset optional the number of Event Catalogs to skip before returning the limit
fields optional a list of the Event Catalog fields to include in the response (case-sensitive exact match)
omit optional a list of the Event Catalog fields to exclude from the response (case-sensitive exact match)
ids optional a list of UUIDs for the Event Catalogs to be retrieved (max 100 UUIDs)
search optional filters the list of Event Catalogs by description (case-insensitive substring match)
description optional filters the list of Event Catalogs by description (case-sensitive exact match)
status optional filters the list of Event Catalogs by status (case-sensitive exact match)
ordering optional orders the list of Event Catalogs

ordering accepts the following values (case-sensitive):

This will return results in ascending order. To return results in descending order, add the prefix - to a value. e.g. -id will return results sorted by id in descending order.

To order by multiple attributes, provide a list of attributes to ordering. e.g. description,-created will sort results by description in ascending order and then sort by created in descending order (for duplicate descriptions).


Simulations are a concept used in PRIME to describe a set of possible realizations of next year as described by a sequence of events. The events that appear in the trials (years) of a Simulation must reference events from an Event Catalog.

Simulations in PRIME support model blending, by allowing trials to contain events from multiple sources (RMS, AIR, EQE, etc).

The data that defines a Simulation is typically stored and uploaded to the PRIME server via a csv file. An example of a Simulation definition:

Trial Day Event Quantile
1 1.23 100 0.4
1 14.34 200 0.3
1 16.45 300 0.3
1 32.14 400 0.4
1 32.98 500 0.3
10000 345.34 100 0.5
10000 355.44 400 0.3
10000 361.41 200 0.3
10000 364.87 300 0.3

Simulation files can be sparse, meaning they do not have to have rows for every trial. Trials that do not have any rows will be treated as empty trials.


The sequence or day of an event occurrence in a simulation is a time-offset in fractional days from the start_date of the simulation. It can only be considered a “sequence” if the absolute temporal properties of the occurrence are not relevant for the analysis. However, as soon as layer inception or expiry, or reporting period are used for analysis the sequence or day column should be strictly considered time-offsets from the start_date.

Sequence Numbering

The sequence numbering begins at 0 by default, which means an occurrence with a day value of 0.0 will occur at the start_date of the simulation (typically January 1st midnight UTC of some year). Likewise, an occurrence with a day of 1.0 or greater will occur one or more days after the start_date of the simulation (e.g. January 2nd midnight UTC).

Sequence Adjustment

If your sequence numbering begins at 1 instead of 0, (starting at a sequence or day value of 1.0, instead of 0.0), use one of the following options when uploading the simulation data:

Option 1 (recommended)

Set the one_based_sequencing flag to true to adjust the sequence numbering.

Option 2 (legacy)

Offset the simulation start_date by -1 day to correctly model the actual real time. For example, if the original start_date of a simulation is January 1st midnight UTC of some year, but the sequence in the simulation considers January 1st midnight UTC to be day 1, then the start_date of the simulation must be corrected by an offset of -1 day to December 31st midnight UTC of the previous year.

Leap year adjustment

Set the adjust_leap_years flag to true when uploading the simulation data.

Feb 29th of each leap year will be skipped by shifting sequence values on or after Feb 29th one day forward, and there will be no difference between the leap year and common year simulations.


Static Simulation

  "id": "c8918b81-6d4e-41b8-8594-e5d4c765b4fa",
  "_type": "StaticSimulation",
  "created": "2022-08-16T16:42:27.990370Z",
  "modified": "2022-08-16T16:42:30.579629Z",
  "name": "RMS Simulation 100000 Trials",
  "data": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "7bd1f290-1986-433d-99c8-e37c1196d206"
  "event_catalogs": [
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051"
  "meta_data": {},
  "notes": {},
  "start_date": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "status": "processing_succeeded",
  "status_message": null,
  "trial_count": 100000,
  "description": "RMS Simulation 100000 Trials",
  "one_based_sequencing": "false",
  "adjust_leap_years": "false"

A Static Simulation is user-managed: users control the set of trials and corresponding event sequences.


Name Type Description
id string A server-generated UUID.
_type Type StaticSimulation
name string The name of the Simulation.
description string A short description of the Simulation.
event_catalogs1 References (EventCatalog) The Event Catalogs that are part of the Simulation.
trial_count2 int The number of trials in the Simulation.
notes string Any notes that should be associated with the Simulation.
one_based_sequencing bool Default value is false. Set this flag to true if your loss sequence values begin at 1 (rather than 0), where 1 represents the beginning of the trial/year.
adjust_leap_years bool Default value is false. Set this flag to true if your loss sequence values do not account for leap years.

Create a Simulation

Static Simulation

POST /simulations/ HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "StaticSimulation",
  "name": "RMS Simulation 100000 Trials",
  "description": "RMS Simulation 100000 Trials",
  "event_catalogs": [
        "ref_type": "EventCatalog",
        "ref_id": "fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051"
  "start_date": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "trial_count": 100000,
  "one_based_sequencing": "false",
  "adjust_leap_years": "false"
from analyzere import EventCatalog, Simulation
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import pytz

# Get the Event Catalog to associate with the Simulation
catalog = EventCatalog.retrieve('fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051')

simulation = Simulation(name='Combined ARE + AIR Simulation',
                              description='RMS 12 + AIR 3.0 Simulations',
                              start_date=datetime(2022, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc),

# upload Simulation data from csv file
with open('files/simulations/RMS+AIR-Simgrid.csv') as simulation_data:
using AnalyzeRe;

// Get the Event Catalog to associate with the Simulation
EventCatalog catalog = API.Get<EventCatalog>("fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051");

// Create the a new StaticSimulation
StaticSimulation static_simulation = new StaticSimulation(); = "Combined ARE + AIR Simulation";
static_simulation.description = "RMS 12 + AIR 3.0 Simulations";
static_simulation.trial_count = 10000;
static_simulation = static_simulation.Save();

// upload Simulation data from CSV file"files/simulations/RMS+AIR-Simgrid.csv");

Response Body:

  "id": "c8918b81-6d4e-41b8-8594-e5d4c765b4fa",
  "_type": "StaticSimulation",
  "created": "2022-08-16T16:42:27.990370Z",
  "modified": "2022-08-16T16:42:30.579629Z",
  "name": "RMS Simulation 100000 Trials",
  "data": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "7bd1f290-1986-433d-99c8-e37c1196d206"
  "event_catalogs": [
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051"
  "meta_data": {},
  "notes": {},
  "start_date": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "status": "processing_succeeded",
  "status_message": null,
  "trial_count": 100000,
  "one_based_sequencing": false,
  "adjust_leap_years": false,
  "description": "RMS Simulation 100000 Trials"  


Name Traits Description
_type required StaticSimulation
name required
description required
event_catalogs required
trial_count required
notes optional
one_based_sequencing optional
adjust_leap_years optional

Retrieve a Simulation

GET /simulations/c8918b81-6d4e-41b8-8594-e5d4c765b4fa HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import Simulation

# The base Simulation class can be used here
simulation = Simulation.retrieve('c8918b81-6d4e-41b8-8594-e5d4c765b4fa')
using AnalyzeRe;

StaticSimulation simulation = API.Get<StaticSimulation>("c8918b81-6d4e-41b8-8594-e5d4c765b4fa");

Response Body

  "id": "c8918b81-6d4e-41b8-8594-e5d4c765b4fa",
  "_type": "StaticSimulation",
  "created": "2022-08-16T16:42:27.990370Z",
  "modified": "2022-08-16T16:42:30.579629Z",
  "name": "RMS Simulation 100000 Trials",
  "data": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "7bd1f290-1986-433d-99c8-e37c1196d206"
  "event_catalogs": [
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051"
  "meta_data": {},
  "notes": {},
  "start_date": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "status": "processing_succeeded",
  "status_message": null,
  "trial_count": 100000,
  "one_based_sequencing": false,
  "adjust_leap_years": false,
  "description": "RMS Simulation 100000 Trials"  

Simulations are retrieved by ID.


Name Traits Description
id required

List Simulations

GET /simulations?search=RMS&ordering=-created HTTP/1.1
from analyzere import Simulation

simulations = Simulation.list(search='RMS',
using AnalyzeRe;
using System.Collections.Generic;

IEnumerable<Simulation> simulations = API.SearchResourceList<Simulation>(
    "RMS", API.Parameters.Order("-created")).items;

Response Body

  "items": [
        "id": "c8918b81-6d4e-41b8-8594-e5d4c765b4fa",
        "_type": "StaticSimulation",
        "created": "2022-08-16T16:42:27.990370Z",
        "modified": "2022-08-16T16:42:30.579629Z",
        "name": "RMS Simulation 100000 Trials",
        "data": {
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "7bd1f290-1986-433d-99c8-e37c1196d206"
        "event_catalogs": [
              "href": "",
              "ref_id": "fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051"
        "meta_data": {},
        "notes": {},
        "start_date": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "status": "processing_succeeded",
        "status_message": null,
        "trial_count": 100000,
        "one_based_sequencing": false,
        "adjust_leap_years": false,
        "description": "RMS Simulation 100000 Trials"       
  "meta": {
    "total_count": 1,
    "limit": 100,
    "offset": 0

Simulations of all types are returned in a list.


Name Traits Description
limit optional the maximum number of Simulations to return (default 100)
offset optional the number of Simulations to skip before returning the limit
fields optional a list of the Simulation fields to include in the response (case-sensitive exact match)
omit optional a list of the Simulation fields to exclude from the response (case-sensitive exact match)
ids optional a list of UUIDs for the Simulations to be retrieved (max 100 UUIDs)
search optional filters the list of Simulations by name (case-insensitive substring match)
name optional filters the list of Simulations by name (case-sensitive exact match)
trial_count optional filters the list of Simulations by trial_count (exact match)
status optional filters the list of Simulations by status (case-sensitive exact match)
ordering optional orders the list of Simulations

ordering accepts the following values (case-sensitive):

This will return results in ascending order. To return results in descending order, add the prefix - to a value. e.g. -id will return results sorted by id in descending order.

To order by multiple attributes, provide a list of attributes to ordering. e.g. name,-created will sort results by name in ascending order and then sort by created in descending order (for duplicate names).

Loss Filters

Loss Filters are used to specify the grouping of losses by event attribute, for the purpose of viewing loss output.

Loss Filters can be defined against any of the Loss Attributes.

The PRIME platform supports the following types of Loss Filters:

  1. Any Filter
  2. Any Of Filter
  3. Record Type Any Of Filter
  4. Less Than Filter
  5. Greater Than Filter
  6. Range Filter
  7. And Filter
  8. Or Filter

Record Types

Every occurrence in a YELT has an associated RecordType categorizing its record type. Use Record Type Any Of Filters to filter losses by their types.

Currently supported record types:


Any Filter

  "id": "855e80b0-d19c-11e4-ace7-9fc9f67fd390",
  "_type": "AnyFilter",
  "name": "WW_AP",
  "description": "Match Everything"

Special filter that matches every Event. This filter will match Events from all sources, including Parametric LossSets.

Any Of Filter

  "id": "855ed42a-d19c-11e4-acf3-67b062f6b3b7",
  "_type": "AnyOfFilter",
  "name": "WS",
  "description": "Windstorm",
  "attribute": "Peril",
  "values": ["HU", "CY", "TY"],
  "invert": false

Filter used to match values using a “contains” operation. Event attribute must have an exact match for the values.


Attribute Type Decription
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type AnyOfFilter
name string a human readable “short” identifier for the filter
description string a human readable description of the purpose of the filter
invert bool flag that indicates that behaviour of the filter should be inverted
attribute string the name of the Event attribute to match on
values list(string or number) the set of values that should be matched (exact match)

Record Type Any Of Filter

  "id": "855ed42a-d19c-11e4-acf3-4b2eb6f6b716",
  "_type": "RecordTypeAnyOfFilter",
  "name": "PC",
  "description": "Profit Commission",
  "values": ["ProfitCommission"],
  "invert": false

Filter used to match occurrences based on specified record types. See Record Types for a list of supported record types.

Each string in values must match a supported record type exactly.


Attribute Type Decription
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type RecordTypeAnyOfFilter
name string a human readable “short” identifier for the filter
description string a human readable description of the purpose of the filter
invert bool flag that indicates that behaviour of the filter should be inverted
values list(string) (choices) the set of values that should be matched (exact match)

Less Than Filter

  "id": "855f0b34-d19c-11e4-a341-9f79de8aac82",
  "_type": "LTFilter",
  "name": "Small-EQ",
  "description": "Small Earthquakes",
  "attribute": "Magnitude",
  "value": 6.0,
  "inclusive": true

Filter used to match Events with attribute values that are less-than the specified value. The optional inclusive flag allows uses to switch between < and <= (inclusive==true).


Attribute Type Decription
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type AnyOfFilter
name string a human readable “short” identifier for the filter
description string a human readable description of the purpose of the filter
invert bool flag that indicates that behaviour of the filter should be inverted
attribute string the name of the Event attribute to match on
value string or number the value that of the Event attribute is compared against
inclusive bool boolean flag that indicates < v.s. <= (default=false)

Greater Than Filter

  "id": "855f416c-d19c-11e4-adb6-af2bd5dc69b4",
  "_type": "GTFilter",
  "created": "2018-07-31T23:08:07.632210Z",
  "modified": "2018-07-31T23:08:07.632210Z",
  "name": "Large-EQ",
  "invert": false,
  "attribute": "Magnitude",
  "value": 8.5,
  "inclusive": true,
  "meta_data": {},
  "description": "Large Earthquakes"

Filter used to match Events with attribute values that are greater-than the specified value. The optional inclusive flag allows uses to switch between > and >= (inclusive==true).


Attribute Type Decription
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type AnyOfFilter
name string a human readable “short” identifier for the filter
description string a human readable description of the purpose of the filter
invert bool flag that indicates that behaviour of the filter should be inverted
attribute string the name of the Event attribute to match on
value number the value that of the Event attribute is compared against
inclusive bool boolean flag that indicates > v.s. >= ( default=false)

Range Filter

  "id": "855f7420-d19c-11e4-95fe-4b2eb6de13e2",
  "_type": "RangeFilter",
  "name": "Med-EQ",
  "description": "Medium Earthquakes",
  "attribute": "Magnitude",
  "begin_value": 6.0,
  "begin_inclusive": false,
  "end_value": 8.5

Filter used to match Events with attribute values that are within the specified range of values. The begin and end values of the range can be flagged separately to indicate inclusiveness (i.e. [1,10] (begin + end are inclusive), versus [1,10) (begin is inclusive, end is exclusive))


Attribute Type Decription
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type RangeFilter
name string a human readable “short” identifier for the filter
description string a human readable description of the purpose of the filter
invert bool flag that indicates that behaviour of the filter should be inverted
attribute string the name of the Event attribute to match on
begin_value number the value that marks the beginning of the range of values to match
begin_inclusive bool flag that indicates ( == exclusive v.s. [ == inclusive (default=true)*
end_value number the value that marks the end of the range of values to match
end_inclusive bool flag that indicates ) == exclusive v.s. ] == inclusive (default=false)*

And Filter

  "id": "855fa512-d19c-11e4-a683-cfc2f4cc4716",
  "_type": "AndFilter",
  "name": "US-HU",
  "description": "US Hurricane",
  "expressions": [
               "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
               "ref_id": "e1957ab6-ac41-4bd5-b46e-a334aee658e8",
               "href_id": ""
               "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
               "ref_id": "c8a952c7-4e5c-4d9e-aa40-d63e3f1d2d0b",
               "href_id": ""

Used to join (AND) filters together. Typically a number of constituent Loss Filters are created, then combined using either the AndFilter of the OrFilter.


Attribute Type Decription
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type AnyOfFilter
name string a human readable “short” identifier for the filter
description string a human readable description of the purpose of the filter
invert bool flag that indicates that behaviour of the filter should be inverted
attribute string the name of the Event attribute to match on
expressions List(Filters) a list of Filters to be combined using the AND operator

Or Filter

  "id": "bbe2797a-d19c-11e4-b3f2-ffb232df5532",
  "_type": "OrFilter",
  "name": "US | HU",
  "description": "US -or- Hurricane",
  "expressions": [
               "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
               "ref_id": "83a15a5a-c65b-11e4-b2e0-00219b17747b",
               "href_id": ""
               "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
               "ref_id": "96596660-c65b-11e4-b002-53e20651f4c8",
               "href_id": ""

Used to join (OR) filters together. Typically a number of constituent Loss Filters are created, then combined using either the AndFilter of the OrFilter.

Attribute decription
expressions a list of Filters to be combined using the OR operator


Any Filter

POST /loss_filters HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache

  "_type": "AnyFilter",
  "name": "WW_AP",
  "description": "Match Everything"
from analyzere import LossFilter

any_filter = LossFilter(type='AnyFilter',
                        description='Match Everything').save()
using AnalyzeRe.LossFilters;

any_filter = new AnyFilter(); = "WW_AP";
any_filter.description = "Match Everything";

any_filter = any_filter.Save();

Response Body:

  "id": "855e80b0-d19c-11e4-ace7-9fc9f67fd390",
  "_type": "AnyFilter",
  "name": "WW_AP",
  "description": "Match Everything"


Attribute Traits Decription
_type required AnyFilter
name required
description required
invert optional (default=false)
attribute required

Any Of Filter

POST /loss_filters HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache

  "_type": "AnyOfFilter",
  "name": "WS",
  "description": "Windstorm",
  "attribute": "Peril",
  "values": ["HU", "CY", "TY"],
from analyzere import LossFilter

any_of_filter = LossFilter(type='AnyOfFilter',
                           values=['HU', 'CY', 'TY']).save()
using AnalyzeRe.LossFilters;

any_of_filter = new AnyOfFilter(); = "WS";
any_of_filter.description = "Windstorm";
any_of_filter.attribute = "Peril";
any_of_filter.values.AddRange(new string[]{ "HU", "CY", "TY" });

any_of_filter = any_of_filter.Save();

Response Body:

  "id": "855ed42a-d19c-11e4-acf3-67b062f6b3b7",
  "_type": "AnyOfFilter",
  "name": "WS",
  "description": "Windstorm",
  "attribute": "Peril",
  "values": ["HU", "CY", "TY"],
  "invert": false


Attribute Traits Decription
_type required AnyOfFilter
name required
description required
invert optional (default=false)
attribute required
values required

Record Type Any Of Filter

POST /loss_filters HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache

  "_type": "RecordTypeAnyOfFilter",
  "name": "PC",
  "description": "Profit Commission",
  "values": ["ProfitCommission"],
from analyzere import LossFilter

record_type_any_of_filter = LossFilter(type='RecordTypeAnyOfFilter',
                                       description='Profit Commission',
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.LossFilters;

RecordTypeAnyOfFilter record_type_filter = new RecordTypeAnyOfFilter(); = "Loss Filter";
record_type_filter.description = "Filters out Fees";
record_type_filter.values.AddRange(new RecordType[]{ RecordType.Loss });

record_type_filter = any_of_filter.Save();

Response Body:

  "id": "855ed42a-d19c-11e4-acf3-4b2eb6f6b716",
  "_type": "RecordTypeAnyOfFilter",
  "name": "PC",
  "description": "Profit Commission",
  "values": ["ProfitCommission"],
  "invert": false


Attribute Traits Decription
_type required RecordTypeAnyOfFilter
name required
description required
invert optional (default=false)
values required

Less Than Filter

POST /loss_filters HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache

  "_type": "LTFilter",
  "name": "Small-EQ",
  "description": "Small Earthquakes",
  "attribute": "Magnitude",
  "value": 6.0,
  "inclusive": true
from analyzere import LossFilter

small_quake_filter = LossFilter(type='LTFilter',
                                name='Small Earthquake',
                                description='Small Earthquakes',
using AnalyzeRe.LossFilters;

small_quake_filter = new LTFilter(); = "Small-EQ";
small_quake_filter.description = "Small Earthquakes";
small_quake_filter.attribute = "Magnitude";
small_quake_filter.value = 6.0;

small_quake_filter = small_quake_filter.Save();

Response Body:

  "id": "855f0b34-d19c-11e4-a341-9f79de8aac82",
  "_type": "LTFilter",
  "name": "Small-EQ",
  "description": "Small Earthquakes",
  "attribute": "Magnitude",
  "value": 6.0,
  "inclusive": true


Attribute Traits Decription
_type required LTFilter
name required
description required
invert optional (default=false)
attribute required
value requried
inclusive optional (default=false)

Greater Than Filter

POST /loss_filters HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache

  "_type": "GTFilter",
  "name": "Large-EQ",
  "description": "Large Earthquakes",
  "attribute": "Magnitude",
  "value": 8.5,
  "inclusive": true
from analyzere import LossFilter

big_quake_filter = LossFilter(type='GTFilter',
                              name='BIG Earthquake',
                              description='Big Earthquakes',
using AnalyzeRe.LossFilters;

big_quake_filter = new GTFilter(); = "Large-EQ";
big_quake_filter.description = "Large Earthquakes";
big_quake_filter.attribute = "Magnitude";
big_quake_filter.value = 8.5;
big_quake_filter.inclusive = true;

big_quake_filter = big_quake_filter.Save();

Response Body:

  "id": "855f416c-d19c-11e4-adb6-af2bd5dc69b4",
  "_type": "GTFilter",
  "created": "2018-07-31T23:08:07.632210Z",
  "modified": "2018-07-31T23:08:07.632210Z",
  "name": "Large-EQ",
  "invert": false,
  "attribute": "Magnitude",
  "value": 8.5,
  "inclusive": true,
  "meta_data": {},
  "description": "Large Earthquakes"


Attribute Traits Decription
_type required GTFilter
name required
description required
invert optional (default=false)
attribute required
value requried
inclusive optional (default=false)

Range Filter

POST /loss_filters HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "RangeFilter",
  "name": "Med-EQ",
  "description": "Medium Earthquakes",
  "attribute": "Magnitude",
  "begin_value": 6.0,
  "begin_inclusive": false,
  "end_value": 8.5
from analyzere import LossFilter

range_filter = LossFilter(type='RangeFilter',
                          name='Med EQ',
                          description='Medium sized Earthquakes',
POST /loss_filters HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache

range_filter =
using AnalyzeRe.LossFilters;

range_filter = new RangeFilter(); = "Med-EQ";
range_filter.description = "Medium Earthquakes";
range_filter.attribute = "Magnitude";
range_filter.begin_value = 6.0;
range_filter.begin_inclusive = false;
range_filter.end_value = 8.5;
range_filter.end_inclusive = false;

range_filter = range_filter.Save();

Response Body:

  "id": "855f7420-d19c-11e4-95fe-4b2eb6de13e2",
  "_type": "RangeFilter",
  "name": "Med-EQ",
  "description": "Medium Earthquakes",
  "attribute": "Magnitude",
  "invert": false,
  "begin_value": 6.0,
  "begin_inclusive": false,
  "end_value": 8.5,
  "end_inclusive": false


Attribute Traits Decription
_type required RangeFilter
name required
description required
invert optional (default=false)
attribute required
begin_value required
begin_inclusive optional (default=true)
end_value required
end_inclusive optional (default=false)

And Filter

POST /loss_filters HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache

  "_type": "AnyOfFilter",
  "name": "US",
  "description": "United States",
  "attribute": "Region",
  "values": ['US']

POST /loss_filters HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache

  "_type": "AnyOfFilter",
  "name": "HU",
  "description": "Hurricane",
  "attribute": "Peril",
  "values": ['HU']

POST /loss_filters HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache

  "_type": "AndFilter",
  "name": "US-HU",
  "description": "US Hurricane",
  "expressions": [
                   "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
                   "ref_id": "e1957ab6-ac41-4bd5-b46e-a334aee658e8"
                   "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
                   "ref_id": "c8a952c7-4e5c-4d9e-aa40-d63e3f1d2d0b"
from analyzere import LossFilter
us = LossFilter(type='AnyOfFilter',
                description=' United States',

hu = LossFilter(type='AnyOfFilter',

us_hu = LossFilter(type='AndFilter',
                   description='US Hurricane',
                   expressions=[us, hu]).save()
using AnalyzeRe.LossFilters;

us = new AnyOfFilter(); = "US";
us.description = "United States";
us.attribute = "Region";
us.values.Add("US" );
us = us.Save();

hu = new AnyOfFilter(); = "HU";
hu.description = "Hurricane";
hu.attribute = "Peril";
hu.values.Add("HU" );
hu = hu.Save();

us_hu = new AndFilter(); = "US-HU";
us_hu.description = "US Hurricane";
us_hu = us_hu.Save();

Response Body:

  "id": "855fa512-d19c-11e4-a683-cfc2f4cc4716",
  "_type": "AndFilter",
  "name": "US-HU",
  "description": "US Hurricane",
  "expressions": [
               "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
               "ref_id": "e1957ab6-ac41-4bd5-b46e-a334aee658e8",
               "href": ""

               "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
               "ref_id": "c8a952c7-4e5c-4d9e-aa40-d63e3f1d2d0b",
               "href": ""



Attribute Traits Decription
_type required RangeFilter
name required
description required
expressions required

Or Filter

POST /loss_filters HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache

  "_type": "AnyOfFilter",
  "name": "US",
  "description": "United States",
  "attribute": "Region",
  "values": ['US']

POST /loss_filters HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache

  "_type": "AnyOfFilter",
  "name": "HU",
  "description": "Hurricane",
  "attribute": "Peril",
  "values": ['HU']

POST /loss_filters HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache

  "_type": "OrFilter",
  "name": "US | HU",
  "description": "US -or- Hurricane",
  "expressions": [
               "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
               "ref_id": "83a15a5a-c65b-11e4-b2e0-00219b17747b"
               "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
               "ref_id": "96596660-c65b-11e4-b002-53e20651f4c8"
from analyzere import LossFilter

us = LossFilter(type='AnyOfFilter',
                description='United States',

hu = LossFilter(type='AnyOfFilter',

us_or_hu = LossFilter(type='OrFilter',
                      name='US | HU',
                      description='US -or- Hurricane',
                      expressions=[us, hu]).save()
us = new AnyOfFilter(); = "US";
us.description = "United States";
us.attribute = "Region";
us = us.Save();

hu = new AnyOfFilter(); = "HU";
hu.description = "Hurricane";
hu.attribute = "Peril";
hu = hu.Save();

us_or_hu = new OrFilter(); = "US | HU";
us_or_hu.description = "US -or- Hurricane";
us_or_hu = us_or_hu.Save();

Response Body:

  "id": "bbe2797a-d19c-11e4-b3f2-ffb232df5532",
  "_type": "OrFilter",
  "name": "US | HU",
  "description": "US -or- Hurricane",
  "expressions": [
               "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
               "ref_id": "83a15a5a-c65b-11e4-b2e0-00219b17747b",
               "href": ""
               "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
               "ref_id": "96596660-c65b-11e4-b002-53e20651f4c8",
               "href": ""


Attribute Traits Decription
_type required RangeFilter
name required
description required
expressions required


Any Filter

GET /loss_filters/855e80b0-d19c-11e4-ace7-9fc9f67fd390 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import LossFilter

any_filter = LossFilter.retrieve('855e80b0-d19c-11e4-ace7-9fc9f67fd390')
using AnalyzeRe.LossFilters;

AnyFilter any_filter = API.Get<AnyFilter>("855e80b0-d19c-11e4-ace7-9fc9f67fd390");

Response Body:

  "id": "855e80b0-d19c-11e4-ace7-9fc9f67fd390",
  "_type": "AnyFilter",
  "name": "WW_AP",
  "description": "Match Everything"


Attribute Traits Decription
id required

Any Of Filter

GET /loss_filters/855ed42a-d19c-11e4-acf3-67b062f6b3b7 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import LossFilter

any_of_filter = LossFilter.retrieve('855ed42a-d19c-11e4-acf3-67b062f6b3b7')
using AnalyzeRe.LossFilters;

AnyOfFilter any_of_filter = API.Get<AnyOfFilter>("855ed42a-d19c-11e4-acf3-67b062f6b3b7");

Response Body:

  "id": "855ed42a-d19c-11e4-acf3-67b062f6b3b7",
  "_type": "AnyOfFilter",
  "name": "WS",
  "description": "Windstorm",
  "attribute": "Peril",
  "values": ["HU", "CY", "TY"],
  "invert": false


Attribute Traits Decription
id required

Record Type Any Of Filter

GET /loss_filters/855ed42a-d19c-11e4-acf3-4b2eb6f6b716 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import LossFilter

record_type_any_of_filter = LossFilter.retrieve('855ed42a-d19c-11e4-acf3-4b2eb6f6b716')
using AnalyzeRe.LossFilters;

RecordTypeAnyOfFilter record_type_filter = API.Get<RecordTypeAnyOfFilter>("855ed42a-d19c-11e4-acf3-4b2eb6f6b716");

Response Body:

  "id": "855ed42a-d19c-11e4-acf3-4b2eb6f6b716",
  "_type": "RecordTypeAnyOfFilter",
  "name": "PC",
  "description": "Profit Commission",
  "values": ["ProfitCommission"],
  "invert": false


Attribute Traits Decription
id required

Less Than Filter

GET /loss_filters/855f0b34-d19c-11e4-a341-9f79de8aac82 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import LossFilter

small_quake_filter = LossFilter.retrieve('855f0b34-d19c-11e4-a341-9f79de8aac82')
using AnalyzeRe.LossFilters;

LTFilter small_quake_filter = API.Get<>("855f0b34-d19c-11e4-a341-9f79de8aac82");

Response Body:

  "id": "855f0b34-d19c-11e4-a341-9f79de8aac82",
  "_type": "LTFilter",
  "name": "Small-EQ",
  "description": "Small Earthquakes",
  "attribute": "Magnitude",
  "value": 6.0,
  "inclusive": true


Attribute Traits Decription
id required

Greater Than Filter

GET /loss_filters/855f416c-d19c-11e4-adb6-af2bd5dc69b4 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import LossFilter

big_quake_filter = LossFilter.retrieve('855f416c-d19c-11e4-adb6-af2bd5dc69b4')
using AnalyzeRe.LossFilters;

GTFilter big_quake_filter = API.Get<GTFilter>("855f416c-d19c-11e4-adb6-af2bd5dc69b4");

Response Body:

  "id": "855f416c-d19c-11e4-adb6-af2bd5dc69b4",
  "_type": "GTFilter",
  "created": "2018-07-31T23:08:07.632210Z",
  "modified": "2018-07-31T23:08:07.632210Z",
  "name": "Large-EQ",
  "invert": false,
  "attribute": "Magnitude",
  "value": 8.5,
  "inclusive": true,
  "meta_data": {},
  "description": "Large Earthquakes"


Attribute Traits Decription
id required

Range Filter

GET /loss_filters/855f7420-d19c-11e4-95fe-4b2eb6de13e2 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import LossFilter

range_filter = LossFilter.retrieve('855f7420-d19c-11e4-95fe-4b2eb6de13e2')
using AnalyzeRe.LossFilters;

RangeFilter range_filter = API.Get<RangeFilter>("855f7420-d19c-11e4-95fe-4b2eb6de13e2");

Response Body:

  "id": "855f7420-d19c-11e4-95fe-4b2eb6de13e2",
  "_type": "RangeFilter",
  "name": "Med-EQ",
  "description": "Medium Earthquakes",
  "attribute": "Magnitude",
  "invert": false,
  "begin_value": 6.0,
  "begin_inclusive": false,
  "end_value": 8.5,
  "end_inclusive": false


Attribute Traits Decription
id required

And Filter

GET /loss_filters/855fa512-d19c-11e4-a683-cfc2f4cc4716 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import LossFilter

and_filter = LossFilter.retrieve('855fa512-d19c-11e4-a683-cfc2f4cc4716')
import AnalyzeRe.LossFilters;

AndFilter and_filter = API.Get<AndFilter>("855fa512-d19c-11e4-a683-cfc2f4cc4716");

Response Body:

  "id": "855fa512-d19c-11e4-a683-cfc2f4cc4716",
  "_type": "AndFilter",
  "name": "US-HU",
  "description": "US Hurricane",
  "expressions": [
               "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
               "ref_id": "e1957ab6-ac41-4bd5-b46e-a334aee658e8",
               "href_id": ""
               "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
               "ref_id": "c8a952c7-4e5c-4d9e-aa40-d63e3f1d2d0b",
               "href_id": ""


Attribute Traits Decription
id required

Or Filter

GET /loss_filters/855fa512-d19c-11e4-a683-cfc2f4cc4716 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import LossFilter

or_filter = LossFilter.retrieve('bbe2797a-d19c-11e4-b3f2-ffb232df5532')
import AnalyzeRe.LossFilters;

OrFilter or_filter = API.Get<OrFilter>("bbe2797a-d19c-11e4-b3f2-ffb232df5532");

Response Body:

  "id": "bbe2797a-d19c-11e4-b3f2-ffb232df5532",
  "_type": "OrFilter",
  "name": "US | HU",
  "description": "US -or- Hurricane",
  "expressions": [
               "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
               "ref_id": "83a15a5a-c65b-11e4-b2e0-00219b17747b",
               "href_id": ""
               "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
               "ref_id": "96596660-c65b-11e4-b002-53e20651f4c8",
               "href_id": ""


Attribute Traits Decription
id required

List Loss Filters

GET /loss_filters?search=EQ&ordering=-created HTTP/1.1
from analyzere import LossFilter

loss_filters = LossFilter.list(search='EQ',
using AnalyzeRe;
using System.Collections.Generic;

IEnumerable<LossFilter> lossFilters = API.SearchResourceList<LossFilter>(
    "EQ", API.Parameters.Order("-created")).items;

Response Body

 "items": [
     "id": "855f416c-d19c-11e4-adb6-af2bd5dc69b4",
     "_type": "GTFilter",
     "created": "2018-07-31T23:08:07.632210Z",
     "modified": "2018-07-31T23:08:07.632210Z",
     "name": "Large-EQ",
     "invert": false,
     "attribute": "Magnitude",
     "value": 8.5,
     "inclusive": true,
     "meta_data": {},
     "description": "Large Earthquakes"
 "meta": {
   "total_count": 1,
   "limit": 100,
   "offset": 0

Loss Filters of all types are returned in a list.


Name Traits Description
limit optional the maximum number of Loss Filters to return (default 100)
offset optional the number of Loss Filters to skip before returning the limit
fields optional a list of the Loss Filter fields to include in the response (case-sensitive exact match)
omit optional a list of the Loss Filter fields to exclude from the response (case-sensitive exact match)
ids optional a list of UUIDs for the Loss Filters to be retrieved (max 100 UUIDs)
search optional filters the list of Loss Filters by name and description (case-insensitive substring match)
ordering optional orders the list of Loss Filters

ordering accepts the following values (case-sensitive):

This will return results in ascending order. To return results in descending order, add the prefix - to a value. e.g. -id will return results sorted by id in descending order.

To order by multiple attributes, provide a list of attributes to ordering. e.g. description,-created will sort results by description in ascending order and then sort by created in descending order (for duplicate descriptions).

Exchange Rate Tables

The Exchange Rate Table collection contains a set of ISO 4217 currencies with associated exchange rates. Exchange Rate Tables are used to perform currency conversions during simulations.

Exchange Rate data can be obtained from a number of free services. Customers are able to upload rate tables as needed, and can provide only those currencies that are relevant for the deals being simulated.

The Exchange Rate Table expects that rates are provide in base_currency per unit of foreign currency. For example, if the Exchange Rate Table has a base currency of USD and the rate corresponding to EUR is 1.5, this denotes that one EUR is equivalent to 1.5 USD.

Exchange Rate Table data is typically represented by a csv file. In order to upload an Exchange Rate Table to the PRIME server, the csv file must contain three mandatory columns: “currency”, “date”, and “rate”. An example of an Exchange Rate Table csv file:

currency date rate
CUC 2014-09-28T00:00:00Z 0.99
EUR 2014-09-28T00:00:00Z 2.00
CAD 2014-09-28T00:00:00Z 1.05
JPY 2014-09-28T00:00:00Z 0.50
CAD 2014-09-27T00:00:00Z 0.89
EUR 2014-09-27T00:00:00Z 1.26


  "id": "e37ffc8d-9235-4aa5-bc02-f68de558f2fa",
  "created": "2015-02-05T17:27:55.663000Z",
  "modified": "2015-02-05T17:27:55.804640Z",
  "base_currency": "USD",
   "data": {
       "href": "",
       "ref_id": "893aeb0e-e018-49b4-a4fb-456a70be9422"
   "status": "processing_succeeded",
   "status_message": null,
  "description": "Default Exchange Rate Table"


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
created datetime string the datetime the resource was created
base_currency ISO 4217 currency code rates in the table are relative to this currency
description string a short description of the Portfolio

Create an Exchange Rate Table

POST /exchange_rate_tables/ HTTP/1.1

  "base_currency": "USD",
  "description": "Default Exchange Rate Table"
from analyzere import ExchangeRateTable

table = ExchangeRateTable(base_currency='USD',
                          description='Default Exchange Rate Table').save()

# upload the csv file that contains the rates
with open('files/exchange-rate-tables/USD-Feb-01-2017.csv') as table_data:
using AnalyzeRe;
ExchangeRateTable table = new ExchangeRateTable();
table.base_currency = "USD";
table.description = "Default Exchange Rate Table";
table = table.Save();

// upload the csv file that contains the rates"files/exchange-rate-tables/USD-Feb-05-2015.csv");

Response Body

  "id": "e37ffc8d-9235-4aa5-bc02-f68de558f2fa",
  "created": "2015-02-05T17:27:55.663000Z",
  "modified": "2015-02-05T17:27:55.804640Z",
  "base_currency": "USD",
   "data": {
       "href": "",
       "ref_id": "893aeb0e-e018-49b4-a4fb-456a70be9422"
   "status": "processing_succeeded",
   "status_message": null,
  "description": "Default Exchange Rate Table"


Name Traits Description
description required
base_currency required

Retrieve an Exchange Rate Table

GET /exchange_rate_tables/e37ffc8d-9235-4aa5-bc02-f68de558f2fa HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import ExchangeRateTable

table = ExchangeRateTable.retrieve('e37ffc8d-9235-4aa5-bc02-f68de558f2fa')
using AnalyzeRe;

ExchangeRateTable table = API.Get<ExchangeRateTable>("e37ffc8d-9235-4aa5-bc02-f68de558f2fa");

Response Body:

  "id": "e37ffc8d-9235-4aa5-bc02-f68de558f2fa",
  "created": "2015-02-05T17:27:55.663000Z",
  "modified": "2015-02-05T17:27:55.804640Z",
  "base_currency": "USD",
   "data": {
       "href": "",
       "ref_id": "893aeb0e-e018-49b4-a4fb-456a70be9422"
   "status": "processing_succeeded",
   "status_message": null,
  "description": "Default Exchange Rate Table"


Name Traits Description
id required

List Exchange Rate Tables

GET /exchange_rate_tables/?search=default&ordering=-created HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import ExchangeRateTable

tables = ExchangeRateTable.list(search='default',
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.ExchangeRates;
using System.Collections.Generic;

IEnumerable<ExchangeRateTable> tables = API.SearchResourceList<ExchangeRateTable>(
    "default", API.Parameters.Order("-created")).items;

Response Body

  "items": [
       "id": "e37ffc8d-9235-4aa5-bc02-f68de558f2fa",
       "created": "2015-02-05T17:27:55.663000Z",
       "modified": "2015-02-05T17:27:55.804640Z",
       "base_currency": "USD",
        "data": {
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "893aeb0e-e018-49b4-a4fb-456a70be9422"
        "status": "processing_succeeded",
        "status_message": null,
       "description": "Default Exchange Rate Table"
  "meta": {
      "total_count": 1,
      "limit": 100,
      "offset": 0


Name Traits Description
limit optional the maximum number of Exchange Rate Tables to return (default 100)
offset optional the number of Exchange Rate Tables to skip before returning the limit
fields optional a list of the Exchange Rate Table fields to include in the response (case-sensitive exact match)
omit optional a list of the Exchange Rate Table fields to exclude from the response (case-sensitive exact match)
ids optional a list of UUIDs for the Exchange Rate Tables to be retrieved (max 100 UUIDs)
search optional filters the list of Exchange Rate Tables by description (case-insensitive substring match)
description optional filters the list of Exchange Rate Tables by description (case-sensitive exact match)
base_currency optional filters the list of Exchange Rate Tables by base_currency (case-sensitive exact match)
status optional filters the list of Exchange Rate Tables by status (case-sensitive exact match)
ordering optional orders the list of Exchange Rate Tables

ordering accepts the following values (case-sensitive):

This will return results in ascending order. To return results in descending order, add the prefix - to a value. e.g. -id will return results sorted by id in descending order.

To order by multiple attributes, provide a list of attributes to ordering. e.g. description,-created will sort results by description in ascending order and then sort by created in descending order (for duplicate descriptions).

Retrieve Unique Currencies List

The list of unique currencies from the exchange rate table returned. The request does not accept any additional arguments.

If the exchange rate table CSV has not been uploaded, an empty list will be returned. If the CSV file is still being processed, an HTTP 503 response will be returned with a Retry-After header. The client may wish to “poll” the server using this mechanism until the currency codes are returned.

GET /exchange_rate_tables/e37ffc8d-9235-4aa5-bc02-f68de558f2fa/currencies HTTP/1.1
from analyzere import ExchangeRateTable

fx_table = ExchangeRateTable.retrieve('e37ffc8d-9235-4aa5-bc02-f68de558f2fa')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.ExchangeRates;
using System.Collections.Generic;

ExchangeRateTable table = API.Get<ExchangeRateTable>("e37ffc8d-9235-4aa5-bc02-f68de558f2fa");

//To get a unique currencies object that is a representation of the response JSON body
ExchangeRateTable.CurrenciesEndpointResponse uniqueCurrencies = table.currencies.Get();

//Helper function to get only a HashSet of unique currencies codes
HashSet<string> currenciesSet = table.GetUniqueCurrencies();

Response Body

    "currencies": [
            "code": "JPY"
            "code": "CUC"
            "code": "CAD"
            "code": "EUR"

Exchange Rate Profiles

In order to have the PRIME server make use of an Exchange Rate Table, users must first define an Exchange Rate Profile. Exchange Rate Profiles provide rules on how exchange rates should be applied to Monetary Unit values during simulation.


  "_type": "ExchangeRateProfile",
  "id": "25c50127-1d2c-480f-86c8-f0db478ddd2b",
  "created": "2018-03-19T16:08:25.944000Z",
  "modified": "2018-03-19T16:08:25.945000Z",
  "description": "Default Profile",
  "exchange_rate_table": {
      "ref_type": "ExchangeRateTable",
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "d113368b-3961-4fe6-bfcc-77624d534c93"
  "rate_selection_order": [
          "_type": "ExchangeRateDateRule",
          "monetary_unit_overrides": ["Date"],
          "date": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z"
          "_type": "ExchangeRateLatestRule",
          "monetary_unit_overrides": ["Rate"]


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
exchange_rate_table Reference(ExchangeRateTable) the Exchange Rate Table that contains the currency rates
rate_selection_order List(ExchangeRateLatestRule or ExchangeRateDateRule) ordered list of Exchange Rate Selection Rules
description string a short description of the Exchange Rate Profile
created datetime string the datetime when the resource was created
modified datetime string the datetime when the resource was last modified

Embedded Objects

Exchange Rate Profiles are an ordered list of embedded “Exchange Rate Selection Rule” objects. When performing exchange rate conversions, the system will apply the rules in order. In the absence of an associated override flag, if a MonetaryUnit specifies a value_date or rate, the specification in the MonetaryUnit will be used. If none of the rules match, or the value_date specified in the MonetaryUnit can not be found in the Exchange Rate Table, an error will be returned.

An example of a chain of rules that you might define:

  1. ExchangeRateDateRule with date = “2017-01-01T00:00:00Z”
  2. ExchangeRateLatestRule

Given the rules above the system will:

  1. First search for an exchange rate on the date specified by any MonetaryUnits.value_date, or use the date specified in the Rule if no value_date is specified in the MonetaryUnit.
  2. Second, if no exchange rate is found for the date specified in the first rule, search for the latest exchange rate in the associated Exchange Rate Table. Any value_date or rate values in MonetaryUnit will be respected.

There are two types of exchange rate selection rules: ExchangeRateLatestRule and ExchangeRateDateRule.

These two (polymorphic) types of Exchange Rate Selection Rule objects share a common, optional, monetary_unit_overrides attribute.

Exchange Rate Latest Rule

  "_type": "ExchangeRateLatestRule",
  "monetary_unit_overrides": []

The default Exchange Rate Selection Rule. This will result in the most recent exchange rate being selected from the associated Exchange Rate Table for each currency being converted (unless a MonetaryUnit specifies the value_date for which the exchange rate should be used, in which case that date is used.)


Name Type Description
_type Type ExchangeRateLatestRule
monetary_unit_overrides List(string) (optional) override flags (valid values: ‘Date’, 'Rate’)

Exchange Rate Date Rule

  "_type": "ExchangeRateDateRule",
  "monetary_unit_overrides": [],
  "date": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z"

Specify a preferred date to be used when selecting rates from the associated Exchange Rate Table.


Name Type Description
_type Type ExchangeRateDateRule
monetary_unit_overrides List(string) (optional) override flags (valid values: 'Date’, 'Rate’)
date datetime string the preferred exchange rate date

Monetary Unit Override Flags

The (optional) Monetary Unit Override flags ('Date’ and 'Rate’) dictate what field(s) of the MonetaryUnit should be overridden as part of applying the associated Exchange Rate Selection Rule.

'Date’ Override Flag

Indicates that when applying the Exchange Rate Selection Rule, the value_date field of MonetaryUnit values should be overridden with the date indicated by the associated Exchange Rate Selection Rule.

'Rate’ Override Flag

Indicates that when applying the Exchange Rate Selection Rule, the rate field of MonetaryUnit values should be overridden with the rate indicated by the associated Exchange Rate Selection Rule.

Combining Override Flags

It is possible to override both value_date and rate fields of MonetaryUnit values by specifying both 'Date’ and 'Rate’ Override Flags.

Listed below are the possible combinations of 'Date’ and 'Rate’ override flags, and the resulting order of MonetaryUnit field overriding:

  1. Empty monetary_unit_overrides (default)

    1. Use rate from MonetaryUnit (iff supplied).
    2. Use rate from the associated Exchange Rate Table for the date specified in the MonetaryUnit (iff supplied).
    3. If neither date nor rate are specified in a MonetaryUnit - use the rate in the associated Exchange Rate Table based on the Exchange Rate Selection Rule type (Latest or Date).
  2. Date monetary_unit_overrides

    1. Use rate from MonetaryUnit (iff specified).
    2. Use rate from the associated Exchange Rate Table based on Exchange Rate Selection type (Latest or Date).
  3. Rate monetary_unit_overrides

    1. Find rate for the date specified in the MonetaryUnit (iff supplied).
    2. Find rate from the associated Exchange Rate Table based on Exchange Rate Selection type (Latest or Date)
  4. Date and Rate monetary_unit_overrides

    1. Find rate based on Exchange Rate Selection type (Latest or Date)

Create an Exchange Rate Profile

POST /exchange_rate_profiles/ HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "ExchangeRateProfile",
  "description": "Default Profile",
  "exchange_rate_table": {
      "ref_type": "ExchangeRateTable",
      "ref_id": "e37ffc8d-9235-4aa5-bc02-f68de558f2fa"
  "rate_selection_order": [
          "_type": "ExchangeRateDateRule",
          "monetary_unit_overrides": [],
          "date": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z"
          "_type": "ExchangeRateLatestRule",
          "monetary_unit_overrides": []
from analyzere import (

fx_table = ExchangeRateTable.retrieve('e37ffc8d-9235-4aa5-bc02-f68de558f2fa')
# create a preferred date rule
date_rule = ExchangeRateSelectionRule(type='ExchangeRateDateRule', date='2017-01-01T00:00:00Z')

# fall back to latest available date
latest_rule = ExchangeRateSelectionRule(type='ExchangeRateLatestRule')

fx_profile = ExchangeRateProfile(description='Default Exchange Rate Profile',
                                 rate_selection_order=[date_rule, latest_rule]).save()
using AnalyzeRe;
ExchangeRateProfile fx_profile = new ExchangeRateProfile();
fx_profile.description = "Default Exchange Rate Profile";
fx_profile.exchange_rate_table = new Reference<ExchangeRateTable>("e37ffc8d-9235-4aa5-bc02-f68de558f2fa");

// create a preferred date rule
fx_profile.rate_selection_order.Add(new ExchangeRateProfile.ExchangeRateDateRule
  date = new DateTime(2017, 01, 01),

// fall back to latest available date
fx_profile.rate_selection_order.Add(new ExchangeRateProfile.ExchangeRateLatestRule());

fx_profile = fx_profile.Save();

Response Body

  "_type": "ExchangeRateProfile",
  "id": "25c50127-1d2c-480f-86c8-f0db478ddd2b",
  "created": "2018-01-3T16:08:25.944000Z",
  "modified": "2018-01-4T16:08:25.945000Z",
  "description": "Default Profile",
  "exchange_rate_table": {
      "ref_type": "ExchangeRateTable",
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "d113368b-3961-4fe6-bfcc-77624d534c93"
  "rate_selection_order": [
          "_type": "ExchangeRateDateRule",
          "monetary_unit_overrides": [],
          "date": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z"
          "_type": "ExchangeRateLatestRule",
          "monetary_unit_overrides": []


Name Type Description
exchange_rate_table Reference(ExchangeRateTable) the Exchange Rate Table that contains the currency rates
rate_selection_order List(ExchangeRateLatestRule or ExchangeRateDateRule) ordered list of Exchange Rate Selection Rules
description string a short description of the Exchange Rate Profile

Retrieve an Exchange Rate Profile

GET /exchange_rate_profiles/25c50127-1d2c-480f-86c8-f0db478ddd2b HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import ExchangeRateProfile

fx_profile = ExchangeRateProfile.retrieve('25c50127-1d2c-480f-86c8-f0db478ddd2b')
using AnalyzeRe;
ExchangeRateProfile profile = API.Get<ExchangeRateProfile>("25c50127-1d2c-480f-86c8-f0db478ddd2b");

Response Body

  "_type": "ExchangeRateProfile",
  "id": "25c50127-1d2c-480f-86c8-f0db478ddd2b",
  "created": "2018-01-02T16:08:25.944000Z",
  "modified": "2018-01-02T16:08:25.945000Z",
  "description": "Default Profile",
  "exchange_rate_table": {
      "ref_type": "ExchangeRateTable",
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "d113368b-3961-4fe6-bfcc-77624d534c93"
  "rate_selection_order": [
          "_type": "ExchangeRateDateRule",
          "monetary_unit_overrides": [],
          "date": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z"
          "_type": "ExchangeRateLatestRule",
          "monetary_unit_overrides": []

Exchange Rate Profiles are retrieved by ID.


Name Traits Description
id required

List Exchange Rate Profiles

GET /exchange_rate_profiles/?search=default&ordering=-created HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import ExchangeRateProfile

fx_profiles = ExchangeRateProfile.list(search='default',
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.ExchangeRates;
using System.Collections.Generic;

IEnumerable<ExchangeRateProfile> profiles = API.SearchResourceList<ExchangeRateProfile>(
    "default", API.Parameters.Order("-created")).items;

Response Body

  "items": [
          "_type": "ExchangeRateProfile",
          "id": "25c50127-1d2c-480f-86c8-f0db478ddd2b",
          "created": "2018-01-02T16:08:25.944000Z",
          "modified": "2018-01-02T16:08:25.945000Z",
          "description": "Default Profile",
          "exchange_rate_table": {
              "ref_type": "ExchangeRateTable",
              "href": "",
              "ref_id": "d113368b-3961-4fe6-bfcc-77624d534c93"
          "rate_selection_order": [
                  "_type": "ExchangeRateDateRule",
                  "monetary_unit_overrides": [],
                  "date": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                  "_type": "ExchangeRateLatestRule",
                  "monetary_unit_overrides": []
          "_type": "ExchangeRateProfile",
          "id": "0a7efefc-1090-46f1-a78e-0f0f72866ba6",
          "created": "2017-01-02T16:08:26.566000Z",
          "modified": "2017-01-02T16:08:26.568000Z",
          "description": "Default Profile",
          "exchange_rate_table": {
              "ref_type": "ExchangeRateTable",
              "href": "",
              "ref_id": "c077a48f-27dc-4d19-91ee-01321e5c7121"
          "rate_selection_order": [
                  "_type": "ExchangeRateLatestRule",
                  "monetary_unit_overrides": []
  "meta": {
      "total_count": 2,
      "limit": 100,
      "offset": 0

Exchange Rate Profiles are returned in a list.


Name Traits Description
limit optional the maximum number of Exchange Rate Profiles to return (default 100)
offset optional the number of Exchange Rate Profiles to skip before returning the limit
fields optional a list of the Exchange Rate Profile fields to include in the response (case-sensitive exact match)
omit optional a list of the Exchange Rate Profile fields to exclude from the response (case-sensitive exact match)
ids optional a list of UUIDs for the Exchange Rate Profiles to be retrieved (max 100 UUIDs)
search optional filters the list of Exchange Rate Profiles by description (case-insensitive substring match)
description optional filters the list of Exchange Rate Profiles by description (case-sensitive exact match)
ordering optional orders the list of Exchange Rate Profiles

ordering accepts the following values (case-sensitive):

This will return results in ascending order. To return results in descending order, add the prefix - to a value. e.g. -id will return results sorted by id in descending order.

To order by multiple attributes, provide a list of attributes to ordering. e.g. description,-created will sort results by description in ascending order and then sort by created in descending order (for duplicate descriptions).

Analysis Profiles

In order to perform simulation-based analyses of Layers, the PRIME platform needs to know the context under which to perform the analysis.

Typically the goal is to perform simulation analyses on a large set of Layers using a common context. Given that the context under which this large number of Layers is to be performed is rather static in nature, the PRIME platform uses the concept of an Analysis Profile to capture those common attributes of the simulations.

Analysis Profiles are used to bundle together the set of components that are required to perform simulation analyses, and provide a convenient wrapper that allows clients to simply reference the set of components such that each Layers is analyzed using the same context. Analysis Profiles consist of four components:

  1. Event Catalog

    The Event Catalog provides the details (attributes/values) about each event. The simulated losses are collected into buckets that correspond to the set of Loss Filters. When an event occurs during a trial in the simulation, the event attributes/values are matched against the set of LossFilter in order to determine where the losses should be accumulated for the purposes of reporting losses.

  2. Simulation

    The Simulation that defines the set of Trials to use during the simulation. When analyzing/comparing Layers, it is important to use the same Simulation to analyze all Layers.

  3. Loss Filters

    The set of attribute/value based Event attributes that group losses together in a meaningful way for reporting purposes.

  4. Exchange Rate Profile

    The Exchange Rate Profile defines the set of rules and an Exchange Rate Table that are to be used when determining the exchange rates to use during simulation.

All four of these components need to be created on the PRIME server before an Analysis Profile can be created.


    "id": "b815736b-9607-4e64-8e96-1aecf137a30e",
    "created": "2018-08-16T16:42:32.774094Z",
    "modified": "2018-08-16T16:42:33.370012Z",
    "loss_filters": [
            "ref_type": "AnyFilter",
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "e89d952a-e137-45c1-b0b0-f8ba36472142"
            "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "89975af0-b056-4308-af72-8948c3431fdb"
            "ref_type": "AndFilter",
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "20fcd86c-5ca2-4ac2-850c-4823e4afc385"
            "ref_type": "AndFilter",
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "3db2f7e0-59e2-4969-a5df-8e72f0a21927"
    "exchange_rate_profile": {
        "ref_type": "ExchangeRateProfile",
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "25c50127-1d2c-480f-86c8-f0db478ddd2b"
    "simulation": {
        "ref_type": "StaticSimulation",
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "c8918b81-6d4e-41b8-8594-e5d4c765b4fa"
    "event_catalogs": [
            "ref_type": "EventCatalog",
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051"
    "status": "processing_succeeded",
    "status_message": null,
    "meta_data": {},
    "description": "My 2018 Analysis Profile - V1",
    "yelt_loss_set_simulation_filtering": false


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type AnalysisProfile
loss_filters List(Reference LossFilter) the list of LossFilter into which losses will be bucketed
exchange_rate_profile Reference ExchangeRateProfile the ExchangeRateProfile that defines exchange rate rules
simulation Reference Simulation the Simulation to perform
event_catalogs List(Reference EventCatalog) the Event Catalog which define event attributes that are filtered on
yelt_loss_set_simulation_filtering Boolean (optional) Indicate whether YELTs used with this Analysis Profile should be filtered by occurrences in the associated Simulation. If set true then occurrences in the YELT that do not occur in the Simulation will be discarded. The default value is false.

Create an Analysis Profile

POST /analysis_profiles/ HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "AnalysisProfile",
  "loss_filters": [
          "ref_type": "AnyFilter",
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "e89d952a-e137-45c1-b0b0-f8ba36472142"
          "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "89975af0-b056-4308-af72-8948c3431fdb"
          "ref_type": "AndFilter",
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "20fcd86c-5ca2-4ac2-850c-4823e4afc385"
          "ref_type": "AndFilter",
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "3db2f7e0-59e2-4969-a5df-8e72f0a21927"
  "exchange_rate_profile": {
      "ref_type": "ExchangeRateProfile",
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "25c50127-1d2c-480f-86c8-f0db478ddd2b"
  "simulation": {
      "ref_type": "StaticSimulation",
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "c8918b81-6d4e-41b8-8594-e5d4c765b4fa"
  "event_catalogs": [
          "ref_type": "EventCatalog",
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051"
from analyzere import (

// Get the set of Filters
all_regions_all_perils = LossFilter.retrieve('cbe2744d-bd02-42e1-95a3-476404cf4e88')
all_perils = LossFilter.retrieve('3c164222-6fc6-4604-b536-3ec8fd4bbd22')
us_eq = LossFilter.retrieve('9f2644f3-4510-4cc2-babd-34234d7b3f98')
us_hu = LossFilter.retrieve('f69e6a92-f413-4402-b05d-0e0386cfce3d')

profile = AnalysisProfile(event_catalogs=[EventCatalog.retrieve('fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051')],
                          loss_filters=[all_regions_all_perils, all_perils, us_eq, us_hu]).save()
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.LossFilters;

AnalysisProfile profile = new AnalysisProfile();
profile.event_catalogs.Add(new Reference<EventCatalog>("fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051"));
profile.simulation = new Reference<StaticSimulation>("c8918b81-6d4e-41b8-8594-e5d4c765b4fa");
profile.exchange_rate_profile = new Reference<ExchangeRateProfile>("25c50127-1d2c-480f-86c8-f0db478ddd2b");

// Get the set of Filters
AnyFilter all_regions_all_perils = API.Get<AnyFilter>("");
AnyOfFilter all_perils = API.Get<AnyOfFilter>("");
AndFilter us_eq = API.Get<AndFilter>("");
AndFilter us_hu = API.Get<AndFilter>("");

profile.loss_filters.AddRange(new IReference<LossFilter>[]
profile = profile.Save();

Response Body

    "id": "b815736b-9607-4e64-8e96-1aecf137a30e",
    "created": "2018-08-16T16:42:32.774094Z",
    "modified": "2018-08-16T16:42:33.370012Z",
    "loss_filters": [
            "ref_type": "AnyFilter",
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "e89d952a-e137-45c1-b0b0-f8ba36472142"
            "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "89975af0-b056-4308-af72-8948c3431fdb"
            "ref_type": "AndFilter",
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "20fcd86c-5ca2-4ac2-850c-4823e4afc385"
            "ref_type": "AndFilter",
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "3db2f7e0-59e2-4969-a5df-8e72f0a21927"
    "exchange_rate_profile": {
        "ref_type": "ExchangeRateProfile",
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "25c50127-1d2c-480f-86c8-f0db478ddd2b"
    "simulation": {
        "ref_type": "StaticSimulation",
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "c8918b81-6d4e-41b8-8594-e5d4c765b4fa"
    "event_catalogs": [
            "ref_type": "EventCatalog",
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051"
    "status": "processing_succeeded",
    "status_message": null,
    "meta_data": {},
    "description": "My 2018 Analysis Profile - V1"


Name Type Description
_type Type AnalysisProfile
loss_filters List(Reference LossFilter) the list of LossFilter
exchange_rate_profile Reference ExchangeRateProfile the ExchangeRateProfile
simulation Reference Simulation the Simulation
event_catalogs List(Reference EventCatalog) the Event Catalog
yelt_loss_set_simulation_filtering Boolean (optional) Indicate whether YELTs used with this Analysis Profile should be filtered by occurrences in the associated Simulation. If set true then occurrences in the YELT that do not occur in the Simulation will be discarded. The default value is false.

Retrieve an Analysis Profile

GET /analysis_profiles/b815736b-9607-4e64-8e96-1aecf137a30e HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import AnalysisProfile

profile = AnalysisProfile.retrieve('b815736b-9607-4e64-8e96-1aecf137a30e')
using AnalyzeRe;

AnalysisProfile profile = API.Get<AnalysisProfile>("b815736b-9607-4e64-8e96-1aecf137a30e");

Response Body

    "id": "b815736b-9607-4e64-8e96-1aecf137a30e",
    "created": "2018-08-16T16:42:32.774094Z",
    "modified": "2018-08-16T16:42:33.370012Z",
    "loss_filters": [
            "ref_type": "AnyFilter",
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "e89d952a-e137-45c1-b0b0-f8ba36472142"
            "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "89975af0-b056-4308-af72-8948c3431fdb"
            "ref_type": "AndFilter",
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "20fcd86c-5ca2-4ac2-850c-4823e4afc385"
            "ref_type": "AndFilter",
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "3db2f7e0-59e2-4969-a5df-8e72f0a21927"
    "exchange_rate_profile": {
        "ref_type": "ExchangeRateProfile",
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "25c50127-1d2c-480f-86c8-f0db478ddd2b"
    "simulation": {
        "ref_type": "StaticSimulation",
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "c8918b81-6d4e-41b8-8594-e5d4c765b4fa"
    "event_catalogs": [
            "ref_type": "EventCatalog",
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051"
    "status": "processing_succeeded",
    "status_message": null,
    "meta_data": {},
    "description": "My 2018 Analysis Profile - V1"

Analysis Profiles are retrieved by ID.


Name Traits Description
id required

List Analysis Profiles

GET /analysis_profiles/?search=2018&ordering=-created HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import AnalysisProfile

analysis_profiles = AnalysisProfile.list(search='2018',
using AnalyzeRe;
using System.Collections.Generic;

IEnumerable<AnalysisProfile> analysisProfiles = API.SearchResourceList<AnalysisProfile>(
    "2018", API.Parameters.Order("-created")).items;

Response Body

  "items": [
          "id": "b815736b-9607-4e64-8e96-1aecf137a30e",
          "created": "2018-08-16T16:42:32.774094Z",
          "modified": "2018-08-16T16:42:33.370012Z",
          "loss_filters": [
                  "ref_type": "AnyFilter",
                  "href": "",
                  "ref_id": "e89d952a-e137-45c1-b0b0-f8ba36472142"
                  "ref_type": "AnyOfFilter",
                  "href": "",
                  "ref_id": "89975af0-b056-4308-af72-8948c3431fdb"
                  "ref_type": "AndFilter",
                  "href": "",
                  "ref_id": "20fcd86c-5ca2-4ac2-850c-4823e4afc385"
                  "ref_type": "AndFilter",
                  "href": "",
                  "ref_id": "3db2f7e0-59e2-4969-a5df-8e72f0a21927"
          "exchange_rate_profile": {
              "ref_type": "ExchangeRateProfile",
              "href": "",
              "ref_id": "25c50127-1d2c-480f-86c8-f0db478ddd2b"
          "simulation": {
              "ref_type": "StaticSimulation",
              "href": "",
              "ref_id": "c8918b81-6d4e-41b8-8594-e5d4c765b4fa"
          "event_catalogs": [
                  "ref_type": "EventCatalog",
                  "href": "",
                  "ref_id": "fb5257d4-a9e8-4539-b305-dd4f33b10051"
          "status": "processing_succeeded",
          "status_message": null,
          "meta_data": {},
          "description": "My 2018 Analysis Profile - V1"
  "meta": {
     "total_count": 1,
     "limit": 100,
     "offset": 0

Analysis Profiles of all types are returned in a list.


Name Traits Description
limit optional the maximum number of Analysis Profiles to return (default 100)
offset optional the number of Analysis Profiles to skip before returning the limit
fields optional a list of the Analysis Profile fields to include in the response (case-sensitive exact match)
omit optional a list of the Analysis Profile fields to exclude from the response (case-sensitive exact match)
ids optional a list of UUIDs for the Analysis Profiles to be retrieved (max 100 UUIDs)
search optional filters the list of Analysis Profiles by description (case-insensitive substring match)
ordering optional orders the list of Analysis Profiles

ordering accepts the following values (case-sensitive):

This will return results in ascending order. To return results in descending order, add the prefix - to a value. e.g. -id will return results sorted by id in descending order.

To order by multiple attributes, provide a list of attributes to ordering. e.g. description,-created will sort results by description in ascending order and then sort by created in descending order (for duplicate descriptions).


The PRIME platform supports simulations of non-modeled losses (parametric losses). PRIME supports two main methods of defining distributions:

  1. Parameterized Distributions
  2. Custom Distributions

Each method of defining distributions has two main classes of distributions:

  1. Continuous Distributions

    The PRIME server supports a number of common parameterized continuous distributions. Continuous distributions are typically used to define severity components of non-modeled loss sources.

    1. Log Normal
    2. Normal
    3. Pareto
    4. Uniform
  2. Discrete Distributions

    The PRIME server supports a number of common parameterized discrete distributions. Discrete distributions are typically used to define frequency components of non-modeled loss sources.

    1. Binomial
    2. Negative Binomial
    3. Poisson
    4. Uniform Int

List Distributions

GET /distributions?search=severity&ordering=-created HTTP/1.1
from analyzere import Distribution

distributions = Distribution.list(search='severity',
using AnalyzeRe;
using System.Collections.Generic;

IEnumerable<Distribution> distributions = API.SearchResourceList<Distribution>(
    "severity", API.Parameters.Order("-created")).items;

Response Body

  "items": [
      "id": "0e377cca-54a8-48a9-9a83-aaddb7f05691",
      "_type": "CustomSeverityDistribution",
      "created": "2018-03-12T21:29:14.817737Z",
      "modified": "2018-03-12T21:29:14.817737Z",
      "max_val": 5000000.0,
      "mean_val": 3250000.0,
      "min_val": 1000000.0,
      "modulo": null,
      "data": {
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "9a83bbbb-3131-4c3b-8c5a-a895fa9a1ba7"
      "interpolate": false,
      "status": "processing_succeeded",
      "status_message": null,
      "meta_data": {
          "Key3": 3.14,
          "Key2": 1,
          "Key1": "string",
          "Key5": true
      "description": "custom severity distribution"
  "meta": {
    "total_count": 1,
    "limit": 100,
    "offset": 0

Distributions of all types are returned in a list.


Name Traits Description
limit optional the maximum number of Distributions to return (default 100)
offset optional the number of Distributions to skip before returning the limit
fields optional a list of the Distribution fields to include in the response (case-sensitive exact match)
omit optional a list of the Distribution fields to exclude from the response (case-sensitive exact match)
ids optional a list of UUIDs for the Distributions to be retrieved (max 100 UUIDs)
search optional filters the list of Distributions by description (case-insensitive substring match)
description optional filters the list of Distributions by description (case-sensitive exact match)
ordering optional orders the list of Distributions

ordering accepts the following values (case-sensitive):

This will return results in ascending order. To return results in descending order, add the prefix - to a value. e.g. -id will return results sorted by id in descending order.

To order by multiple attributes, provide a list of attributes to ordering. e.g. description,-created will sort results by description in ascending order and then sort by created in descending order (for duplicate descriptions).

Parameterized Distributions


Log Normal

 "_type": "LogNormalDistribution",
 "id": "fb638678-d17b-11e4-9718-1f2d9349b4ad",
 "description": "Sample LogNormal Distribution",
 "location": 0.5,
 "stddev": 0.4


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type LogNormalDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
location Float a real number whose natural logarithm is equal to the mean the associated normal distribution
scale Float a real number, greater than zero, whose natural logarithm is equal to the standard deviation of the associated normal distribution

Normal Distribution

 "_type": "NormalDistribution",
 "id": "fbffd456-d17b-11e4-89ef-ef1c56e787d2",
 "description": "Sample Normal Distribution",
 "mean": 0.5,
 "stddev": 0.4


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type NormalDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
mean Float mean of the Normal Distribution (any real number)
stddev Float standard deviation of the Normal Distribution (any real number greater than zero)


  "_type": "ParetoDistribution",
  "id": "fc4b738e-d17b-11e4-81bc-a3fcd1c2bc0a",
  "description": "Sample Pareto Distribution",
  "scale": 1.1,
  "shape": 0.9


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type ParetoDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
shape Float affects the shape of the Pareto probability distribution (any real number greater than zero)
scale Float statistical dispersion of the Pareto probability distribution (any real number greater than zero). In practice, it is the smallest number the distribution can return


  "_type": "UniformDistribution",
  "id": "fed823b3-4722-41c2-8dff-441f1d6e7995",
  "description": "Sample Uniform Distribution",
  "lower": -3.14,
  "upper": 15.92


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type UniformDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
lower Float lower bound of the domain of the uniform distribution (any real number)
upper Float The upper bound of the domain of the uniform distribution (any real number greater than the lower bound)

Binomial Distributions

  "_type": "BinomialDistribution",
  "id": "fc8af6b2-d17b-11e4-bf9f-9b1c2cef3946",
  "description": "Sample Binomial Distribution",
  "n": 3,
  "p": 0.5


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type BinomialDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
n Int an integer greater than or equal to zero representing the total number of trials, each with an equal probability p of success
p Float a real number between zero and one (inclusive) that represents the probability of success of a single trial

Negative Binomial Distributions

  "_type": "NegativeBinomialDistribution",
  "id": "fd0c923a-d17b-11e4-b75e-8b7cd58144ea",
  "description": "Sample Negative Binomial Distribution",
  "r": 0.5,
  "p": 2.5


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type NegativeBinomialDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
r Float a real number greater than zero representing the total number of successes
p Float a real number between zero and one (inclusive) that represents the probability of success of a single trial

Poisson Distributions

  "_type": "PoissonDistribution",
  "id": "792fa4b8-d17e-11e4-adaf-3f7138acca95",
  "description": "Sample  Distribution",
  "mean": 0.5


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type PoissonDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
mean Float mean of the Poisson Distribution (any real number greater than or equal to zero)

Uniform Int Distributions

  "_type": "UniformIntDistribution",
  "id": "",
  "description": "Sample UniformInt Distribution",
  "lower": -1,
  "upper": 8


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type UniformIntDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
lower Int the lower bound of the domain of the uniform distribution (any integer)
upper Int the upper bound of the domain of the uniform distribution (any int greater than the lower bound)


Log Normal

POST /distributions/ HTTP/1.1

 "_type": "LogNormalDistribution",
 "description": "Sample LogNormal Distribution",
 "location": 0.5,
 "stddev": 0.4
from analyzere import Distribution

distribution = Distribution(type='LogNormalDistribution',
                            description='Sample LogNormal Distribution',
using AnalyzeRe
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions

LogNormalDistribution distribution = new LogNormalDistribution()
distribution.description = "Sample LogNormal Distribution";
distribution.location = 0.5,
distribution.scale = 0.4

distribution = distribution.Save()

Response Body:

 "_type": "LogNormalDistribution",
 "id": "fb638678-d17b-11e4-9718-1f2d9349b4ad",
 "description": "Sample LogNormal Distribution",
 "location": 0.5,
 "stddev": 0.4


Name Type Description
_type Type LogNormalDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
location Float
scale Float restriction: scale > 0

Normal Distribution

POST /distributions/ HTTP/1.1

 "_type": "NormalDistribution",
 "description": "Sample Normal Distribution",
 "mean": 0.5,
 "stddev": 0.4
from analyzere import Distribution

distribution = Distribution(type='NormalDistribution',
                            description='Sample Normal Distribution',
using AnalyzeRe
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions

NormalDistribution distribution = new NormalDistribution()
distribution.description = "Sample Normal Distribution";
distribution.location = 0.5,
distribution.scale = 0.4

distribution = distribution.Save()

Response Body:

 "_type": "NormalDistribution",
 "id": "fbffd456-d17b-11e4-89ef-ef1c56e787d2",
 "description": "Sample Normal Distribution",
 "mean": 0.5,
 "stddev": 0.4


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type NormalDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
mean Float
stddev Float *restriction: stddev > 0 *


POST /distributions/ HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "ParetoDistribution",
  "description": "Sample Pareto Distribution",
  "scale": 1.1,
  "shape": 0.9
from analyzere import Distribution

distribution = Distribution(type='ParetoDistribution',
                            description = 'Sample Pareto Distribution',
using AnalyzeRe
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions

ParetoDistribution distribution = new ParetoDistribution()
distribution.description = "Sample Pareto Distribution";
distribution.scale = 1.1,
distribution.shape = 0.9

distribution = distribution.Save()

Response Body:

  "_type": "ParetoDistribution",
  "id": "fc4b738e-d17b-11e4-81bc-a3fcd1c2bc0a",
  "description": "Sample Pareto Distribution",
  "scale": 1.1,
  "shape": 0.9


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type ParetoDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
shape Float restriction: shape > 0
scale Float restriction: scale > 0


POST /distributions/ HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "UniformDistribution",
  "description": "Sample Uniform Distribution",
  "lower": -3.14,
  "upper": 15.92
from analyzere import Distribution

distribution = Distribution(type='UniformDistribution',
                            description = 'Sample Uniform Distribution',
using AnalyzeRe
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions

UniformDistribution distribution = new UniformDistribution()
distribution.description = "Sample Uniform Distribution";
distribution.location = -3.14,
distribution.scale = 15.92

distribution = distribution.Save()

Response Body:

  "_type": "UniformDistribution",
  "id": "fed823b3-4722-41c2-8dff-441f1d6e7995",
  "description": "Sample Uniform Distribution",
  "lower": -3.14,
  "upper": 15.92


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type UniformDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
lower Float the lower limit of the values to be generated
upper Float the upper limit of the values to be generated

Binomial Distributions

POST /distributions/ HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "BinomialDistribution",
  "description": "Sample Binomial Distribution",
  "n": 3,
  "p": 0.5
from analyzere import Distribution

distribution = Distribution(type='BinomialDistribution',
                            description = 'Sample Binomial Distribution',
using AnalyzeRe
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions

BinomialDistribution distribution = new BinomialDistribution()
distribution.description = "Sample Binomial Distribution";
distribution.n = 3,
distribution.p = 0.5

distribution = distribution.Save()

Response Body:

  "_type": "BinomialDistribution",
  "id": "fc8af6b2-d17b-11e4-bf9f-9b1c2cef3946",
  "description": "Sample Binomial Distribution",
  "n": 3,
  "p": 0.5


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type BinomialDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
n Int restriction: n >= 0
p Float restriction: 1 >= n >=0

Negative Binomial Distributions

POST /distributions/ HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "NegativeBinomialDistribution",
  "description": "Sample Negative Binomial Distribution",
  "r": 0.5,
  "p": 2.5
from analyzere import Distribution

distribution = Distribution(type='NegativeBinomialDistribution',
                            description = 'Sample NegativeBinomial Distribution',
using AnalyzeRe
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions

NegativeBinomialDistribution distribution = new NegativeBinomialDistribution()
distribution.description = "Sample NegativeBinomial Distribution";
distribution.r = 0.5,
distribution.p = 2.5

distribution = distribution.Save()

Response Body:

  "_type": "NegativeBinomialDistribution",
  "id": "fd0c923a-d17b-11e4-b75e-8b7cd58144ea",
  "description": "Sample Negative Binomial Distribution",
  "r": 0.5,
  "p": 2.5


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type NegativeBinomialDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
r Float restriction: r > 0
p Float restriction: 1 >= p >= 0

Poisson Distributions

POST /distributions/ HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "PoissonDistribution",
  "description": "Sample  Distribution",
  "mean": 0.5
from analyzere import Distribution

distribution = Distribution(type='PoissonDistribution',
                            description='Sample Poisson Distribution',
using AnalyzeRe
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions

LogNormalDistribution distribution = new PoissonDistribution()
distribution.description = "Sample Poisson Distribution";
distribution.mean = 0.5

distribution = distribution.Save()

Response Body:

  "_type": "PoissonDistribution",
  "id": "792fa4b8-d17e-11e4-adaf-3f7138acca95",
  "description": "Sample  Distribution",
  "mean": 0.5


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type PoissonDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
mean Float restriction: mean >= 0

Uniform Int Distributions

POST /distributions/ HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "UniformIntDistribution",
  "description": "Sample Uniform Distribution",
  "lower": -1,
  "upper": 8
from analyzere import Distribution

distribution = Distribution(type='UniformIntDistribution',
                            description = 'Sample UniformInt Distribution',
using AnalyzeRe
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions

LogNormalDistribution distribution = new UniformIntDistribution()
distribution.description = "Sample UniformInt Distribution";
distribution.lower = -1,
distribution.upper = 8

distribution = distribution.Save()

Response Body:

  "_type": "UniformIntDistribution",
  "id": "fd50b2da-d17b-11e4-ad85-8b1fe5d9c382",
  "description": "Sample Uniform Distribution",
  "lower": -1,
  "upper": 8


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type UniformIntDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
lower Int the lower limit of the values to be generated
upper Int the upper limit of the values to be generated


Log Normal

GET /distributions/fb638678-d17b-11e4-9718-1f2d9349b4ad HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import Distribution

distribution = Distribution.retrieve('fb638678-d17b-11e4-9718-1f2d9349b4ad')
using AnalyzRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions;

LogNormalDistribution distribution = API.Get<LogNormalDistribution>("fb638678-d17b-11e4-9718-1f2d9349b4ad");

Response Body:

 "_type": "LogNormalDistribution",
 "id": "fb638678-d17b-11e4-9718-1f2d9349b4ad",
 "description": "Sample LogNormal Distribution",
 "location": 0.5,
 "stddev": 0.4


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID

Normal Distribution

GET /distributions/fbffd456-d17b-11e4-89ef-ef1c56e787d2 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import

distribution = Distribution.retrieve('fbffd456-d17b-11e4-89ef-ef1c56e787d2')
using AnalyzRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions;

NormalDistribution distribution = API.Get<NormalDistribution>("fbffd456-d17b-11e4-89ef-ef1c56e787d2");

Response Body:

 "_type": "NormalDistribution",
 "id": "fbffd456-d17b-11e4-89ef-ef1c56e787d2",
 "description": "Sample Normal Distribution",
 "mean": 0.5,
 "stddev": 0.4


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID


GET /distributions/fc4b738e-d17b-11e4-81bc-a3fcd1c2bc0a HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import

distribution = Distribution.retrieve('fc4b738e-d17b-11e4-81bc-a3fcd1c2bc0a')
using AnalyzRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions;

ParetoDistribution distribution = API.Get<ParetoDistribution>("fc4b738e-d17b-11e4-81bc-a3fcd1c2bc0a");

Response Body:

  "_type": "ParetoDistribution",
  "id": "fc4b738e-d17b-11e4-81bc-a3fcd1c2bc0a",
  "description": "Sample Pareto Distribution",
  "scale": 1.1,
  "shape": 0.9


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID


GET /distributions/fed823b3-4722-41c2-8dff-441f1d6e7995 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import

distribution = Distribution.retrieve('fed823b3-4722-41c2-8dff-441f1d6e7995')
using AnalyzRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions;

UniforDistribution distribution = API.Get<UniformDistribution>("fed823b3-4722-41c2-8dff-441f1d6e7995");

Response Body:

  "_type": "UniformDistribution",
  "id": "fed823b3-4722-41c2-8dff-441f1d6e7995",
  "description": "Sample Uniform Distribution",
  "lower": -3.14,
  "upper": 15.92


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID

Binomial Distributions

GET /distributions/fc8af6b2-d17b-11e4-bf9f-9b1c2cef3946 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import

distribution = Distribution.retrieve('fc8af6b2-d17b-11e4-bf9f-9b1c2cef3946')
using AnalyzRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions;

BinomialDistribution distribution = API.Get<BinomialDistribution>("fc8af6b2-d17b-11e4-bf9f-9b1c2cef3946");

Response Body:

  "_type": "BinomialDistribution",
  "id": "fc8af6b2-d17b-11e4-bf9f-9b1c2cef3946",
  "description": "Sample Binomial Distribution",
  "n": 3,
  "p": 0.5


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID

Negative Binomial Distributions

GET /distributions/fd0c923a-d17b-11e4-b75e-8b7cd58144ea HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import

distribution = Distribution.retrieve('fd0c923a-d17b-11e4-b75e-8b7cd58144ea')
using AnalyzRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions;

NegativeBinomialDistribution distribution = API.Get<NegativeBinomialDistribution>("fd0c923a-d17b-11e4-b75e-8b7cd58144ea");

Response Body:

  "_type": "NegativeBinomialDistribution",
  "id": "fd0c923a-d17b-11e4-b75e-8b7cd58144ea",
  "description": "Sample Negative Binomial Distribution",
  "r": 0.5,
  "p": 2.5


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID

Poisson Distributions

GET /distributions/792fa4b8-d17e-11e4-adaf-3f7138acca95 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import

distribution = Distribution.retrieve('792fa4b8-d17e-11e4-adaf-3f7138acca95')
using AnalyzRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions;

PoissonDistribution distribution = API.Get<PoissonDistribution>("792fa4b8-d17e-11e4-adaf-3f7138acca95");

Response Body:

  "_type": "PoissonDistribution",
  "id": "792fa4b8-d17e-11e4-adaf-3f7138acca95",
  "description": "Sample  Distribution",
  "mean": 0.5


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID

Uniform Int Distributions

GET /distributions/fd50b2da-d17b-11e4-ad85-8b1fe5d9c382 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import

distribution = Distribution.retrieve('fd50b2da-d17b-11e4-ad85-8b1fe5d9c382')
using AnalyzRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions;

UniformIntDistribution distribution = API.Get<UniformIntDistribution>("fd50b2da-d17b-11e4-ad85-8b1fe5d9c382");

Response Body:

  "_type": "UniformIntDistribution",
  "id": "fd50b2da-d17b-11e4-ad85-8b1fe5d9c382",
  "description": "Sample Uniform Distribution",
  "lower": -1,
  "upper": 8


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID

Custom Distributions

Custom distributions allow users to specify a distribution that is not covered by any of the parameterized distributions.

When using Distributions to define a non-modeled loss source, the PRIME platform provides four types of custom distributions:

  1. Frequency Distributions
  2. Severity Distributions
  3. Seasonality Distributions
  4. Dirac Distributions


Frequency Distributions

  "_type": "CustomFrequencyDistribution",
  "id": "001b4f59-ff6a-4bed-8c3d-dd20c1f5f777",
  "description": "custom frequency distribution"

Custom frequency distributions are discrete distributions that are used to define the number of events that occur in a trial(year) during a simulation.

When defining a Custom Frequency Distribution, users provide a csv file that describes the distribution. Custom Frequency Distribution files must have a “Probability” and “Frequency” column.

The following sample csv file defines a frequency distribution with 5 equally possible frequency values:

Probability Frequency
0.2 2
0.2 1
0.2 0
0.2 3
0.2 4


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type CustomFrequencyDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
interpolate bool flag that indicates if interpolation between values should be performed

Severity Distributions

  "id": "0e377cca-54a8-48a9-9a83-aaddb7f05691",
  "_type": "CustomSeverityDistribution",
  "created": "2018-03-12T21:29:14.817737Z",
  "modified": "2018-03-12T21:29:14.817737Z",
  "max_val": 5000000.0,
  "mean_val": 3250000.0,
  "min_val": 1000000.0,
  "modulo": null,
  "data": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "9a83bbbb-3131-4c3b-8c5a-a895fa9a1ba7"
  "interpolate": false,
  "status": "processing_succeeded",
  "status_message": null,
  "meta_data": {
      "Key3": 3.14,
      "Key2": 1,
      "Key1": "string",
      "Key5": true
  "description": "custom severity distribution"

Custom severity distributions are continuous distributions that are used to define the severity of the events that occur in a trial(year) during a simulation.

When defining a Custom Severity Distribution, users can discretize the curve and save the values in a csv file for upload to the PRIME server. Custom Severity Distribution files must have a “Probability” and “Loss” column.

The following sample csv file defines a severity distribution that has 4 possible loss values, three of which have equal probability, and the last loss has double the first three:

Probability Loss
0.2 1000000
0.2 5000000
0.2 3000000
0.4 4000000


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type CustomSeverityDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
interpolate bool flag that indicates if interpolation between values should be performed

Seasonality Distributions

  "_type": "CustomSeasonalityDistribution",
  "id": "fb513cf1-9fae-44aa-bcd0-7d2758890735",
  "description": "custom seasonality distribution"

Custom Seasonality Distributions are used to define when during the trial(year) that the events occur. Custom Seasonality Distribution files must contain a “Probability” and “Day” column.

The following sample csv file defines a seasonality distribution where all events occur on the last day of the year:

Probability Day
1.0 365


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type CustomSeasonalityDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
interpolate bool flag that indicates if interpolation between values should be performed

Dirac Distributions

  "_type": "DiracDistribution",
  "id": "1dfd833a-d18d-11e4-a353-b3679f390f23",
  "description": "Sample Dirac Distribution",
  "value": 3.14

Dirac distributions are a special type of custom distribution that can be used in place of any type of distribution (discrete or continuous). Dirac distributions return a constant value.


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
_type Type DiracDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
value Float the singular value to return


Frequency Distributions

POST /distributions HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "CustomFrequencyDistribution",
  "description": "Custom Frequency Distribution"
from analyzere import Distribution

distribution = Distribution(type='CustomFrequencyDistribution',
                            description='Custom Frequency Distribution').save()

// Upload data
with open('CustomFrequencyData.csv', 'rb') as distribution_data:
using Analyzere;
using AnalyzRe.Distributions;

CustomFrequencyDistribution distribution = new CustomFrequencyDistribution();
distribution.description = "Custom Frequency Distribution";
distribution = distribution.Save();

// Upload data"CustomFrequencyData.csv");

Response Body:

  "_type": "CustomFrequencyDistribution",
  "id": "001b4f59-ff6a-4bed-8c3d-dd20c1f5f777",
  "description": "Custom Frequency Distribution"


Name Type Description
_type Type CustomFrequencyDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
interpolate bool flag that indicates if interpolation between values should be performed

Severity Distributions

POST /distributions HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "CustomSeverityDistribution",
  "description": "Custom Severity Distribution"
from analyzere import Distribution

distribution = Distribution(type='CustomSeverityDistribution',
                            description = 'Custom Severity Distribution').save()

// Upload data
with open('CustomSeverityData.csv', 'rb') as distribution_data:
using Analyzere;
using AnalyzRe.Distributions;

CustomSeverityDistribution distribution = new CustomSeverityDistribution();
distribution.description = "Custom Severity Distribution";
distribution = distribution.Save();

// Upload data"CustomSeverityData.csv");

Response Body:

  "id": "0e377cca-54a8-48a9-9a83-aaddb7f05691",
  "_type": "CustomSeverityDistribution",
  "created": "2018-03-12T21:29:14.817737Z",
  "modified": "2018-03-12T21:29:14.817737Z",
  "max_val": 5000000.0,
  "mean_val": 3250000.0,
  "min_val": 1000000.0,
  "modulo": null,
  "data": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "9a83bbbb-3131-4c3b-8c5a-a895fa9a1ba7"
  "interpolate": false,
  "status": "processing_succeeded",
  "status_message": null,
  "meta_data": {
      "Key3": 3.14,
      "Key2": 1,
      "Key1": "string",
      "Key5": true
  "description": "custom severity distribution"


Name Type Description
_type Type CustomSeverityDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
interpolate bool flag that indicates if interpolation between values should be performed

Seasonality Distributions

POST /distributions HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "CustomSeasonalityDistribution",
  "description": "Custom Seasonality Distribution"
from analyzere import Distribution

distribution = Distribution(type='CustomSeasonalityDistribution',
                            description = 'Custom Seasonality Distribution').save()

// Upload data
with open('CustomSeasonalityData.csv', 'rb') as distribution_data:
using Analyzere;
using AnalyzRe.Distributions;

CustomSeasonalityDistribution distribution = new CustomSeasonalityDistribution();
distribution.description = "Custom Seasonality Distribution";
distribution = distribution.Save();

// Upload data"CustomSeasonalityData.csv");

Response Body:

  "_type": "CustomSeasonalityDistribution",
  "id": "fb513cf1-9fae-44aa-bcd0-7d2758890735",
  "description": "custom seasonality distribution"


Name Type Description
_type Type CustomSeasonalityDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
interpolate bool flag that indicates if interpolation between values should be performed

Dirac Distributions

POST /distributions HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "DiracDistribution",
  "description": "Sample Dirac Distribution",
  "value": 3.14
from analyzere import Distribution

distribution = Distribution(type='DiracDistribution',
                            description='Sample Dirac Distribution',
                            value = 3.14).save()
using Analyzere;
using AnalyzRe.Distributions;

DiracDistribution distribution = new DiracDistribution();
distribution.description = "Sample Dirac Distribution";
distribution.value = 3.14;
distribution = distribution.Save();

Response Body:

  "_type": "DiracDistribution",
  "id": "1dfd833a-d18d-11e4-a353-b3679f390f23",
  "description": "Sample Dirac Distribution",
  "value": 3.14


Name Type Description
_type Type DiracDistribution
description string a short description of the Distribution
modulo Float a numeric flag that when set indicates that the distribution should be wrapped modulo the given value
value Float the singular value to return


Frequency Distributions

GET /distributions/001b4f59-ff6a-4bed-8c3d-dd20c1f5f777 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import Distribution

distribution = Distribution.retrieve('001b4f59-ff6a-4bed-8c3d-dd20c1f5f777')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions;

CustomFrequencyDistribution distribution = API.Get<CustomFrequencyDistribution>("001b4f59-ff6a-4bed-8c3d-dd20c1f5f777");

Response Body:

  "_type": "CustomFrequencyDistribution",
  "id": "001b4f59-ff6a-4bed-8c3d-dd20c1f5f777",
  "description": "custom frequency distribution"


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID

Severity Distributions

GET /distributions/0e377cca-54a8-48a9-9a83-aaddb7f05691 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import Distribution

distribution = Distribution.retrieve('0e377cca-54a8-48a9-9a83-aaddb7f05691')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions;

CustomSeverityDistribution distribution = API.Get<CustomSeverityDistribution>("0e377cca-54a8-48a9-9a83-aaddb7f05691");

Response Body:

  "id": "0e377cca-54a8-48a9-9a83-aaddb7f05691",
  "_type": "CustomSeverityDistribution",
  "created": "2018-03-12T21:29:14.817737Z",
  "modified": "2018-03-12T21:29:14.817737Z",
  "max_val": 5000000.0,
  "mean_val": 3250000.0,
  "min_val": 1000000.0,
  "modulo": null,
  "data": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "9a83bbbb-3131-4c3b-8c5a-a895fa9a1ba7"
  "interpolate": false,
  "status": "processing_succeeded",
  "status_message": null,
  "meta_data": {
      "Key3": 3.14,
      "Key2": 1,
      "Key1": "string",
      "Key5": true
  "description": "custom severity distribution"


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID

Seasonality Distributions

GET /distributions/fb513cf1-9fae-44aa-bcd0-7d2758890735 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import Distribution

distribution = Distribution.retrieve('fb513cf1-9fae-44aa-bcd0-7d2758890735')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions;

CustomSeasonalityDistribution distribution = API.Get<CustomSeasonalityDistribution>("fb513cf1-9fae-44aa-bcd0-7d2758890735");

Response Body:

  "_type": "CustomSeasonalityDistribution",
  "id": "fb513cf1-9fae-44aa-bcd0-7d2758890735",
  "description": "custom seasonality distribution"


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID

Dirac Distributions

GET /distributions/1dfd833a-d18d-11e4-a353-b3679f390f23 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import Distribution

distribution = Distribution.retrieve('1dfd833a-d18d-11e4-a353-b3679f390f23')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions;

DiracDistribution distribution = API.Get<DiracDistribution>("1dfd833a-d18d-11e4-a353-b3679f390f23");

Response Body:

  "_type": "DiracDistribution",
  "id": "1dfd833a-d18d-11e4-a353-b3679f390f23",
  "description": "Sample Dirac Distribution",
  "value": 3.14

Dirac distributions are a special type of custom distribution that can be used in place of any type of distribution (discrete or continuous). Dirac distributions return a constant value.


Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID

Loss Sets

Loss Set Class Description
ELT Loss Set Loss set defined by an event loss table.
YELT Loss Set Loss set defined by a year event loss table, this gives an aggregate loss for each event for the given year.
YLT Loss Set Loss set defined by a year loss table, this gives an aggregate loss for all events in a particular year.
Parametric Loss Set Loss set defined by distributions which describe the frequency, severity and seasonality of the losses.
Loaded Loss Set Loss set whose losses are computed by applying a constant load multiplier to all losses generated by some source loss set.
QCLS Loss Set Quantile-based Correlated Loss-Sampling Loss Sets are specialy loss sets that allow independent loss sets with parametrically defined severity distributions to be partially-correlated with one-another using a shared stochastic simulation.

Embedded Objects

Loss Set Profile

Loss set profile example:

  "min_loss": {
    "value": 385.2279667181169,
    "currency": "USD"
  "avg_annual_loss": {
    "value": 709291754.0985539,
    "currency": "USD"
  "max_loss": {
    "value": 486818651.1494909,
    "currency": "USD"
  "num_losses": 10000,
  "non_zero_losses": 10000,
  "attributes": {
    "Region": ["US"],
    "Peril": ["HU"]

When loss sets are uploaded to PRIME server, a profile of the losses is created and associated with the Loss Set whenever possible. This profile is returned by the server as part of the original POST and any subsequent GETs on the Loss Set. The profile includes:


Attribute Type Traits Description
currency string optional The 3-character currency code for the currency of the losses in this loss set.
min_loss float optional Minimum loss.
max_loss float optional Maximum loss.
avg_annual_loss float optional Average annual loss.
num_losses number optional Total number of losses.
non_zero_losses number optional The number of non-zero losses.
attributes object optional The attribute values that appear in this loss set (regions, perils, etc.)

All loss sets share a common base which has the following attributes:


Attribute Type Description
_type string Must equal one of “ELTLossSet”, “YELTLossSet”, “YLTLossSet”, “ParametricLossSet” (in special cases, may also include “QCLSLossSet”, “LoadedLossSet”, “PortfolioLossSet”, “TreatyLossSet”, or “NestedLayerLossSet”).
id string A server-generated UUID.
description string A user description of the loss set.
loss_type string The type of losses in the loss set. Valid values include: “LossNetOfAggregateTerms” for losses with aggregate terms applied, and “LossGross” for losses without terms applied (Default: “LossGross” for all but YLTLossSet, whose default is “LossNetOfAggregateTerms”).
meta_data dictionary Custom metadata that can be used to search for loss sets.
created datetime The time the loss set was first posted to the server.
modified datetime The time the loss set was last modified, or completed validation.
profile LossSetProfile A profile of this loss set, generated by the server.


ELT Loss Set

  "_type": "ELTLossSet",
  "id": "b4fbadc2-a3e9-4fc0-a818-99f2bb5acb87",
  "description": "ELT loss set example.",
  "event_catalogs": [
      "ref_type": "EventCatalog",
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "e02b0ace-96a5-47f8-a90e-c0960485f38e"
  "currency": "USD",
  "loss_type": "LossGross",
  "profile": {
    "currency" : "USD",
    "min_loss": 1000000.000000000000000,
    "avg_annual_loss": 1400000.000000000000000,
    "max_loss": 1500000.000000000000000,
    "num_losses": 12004,
    "non_zero_losses": 12004,
    "attributes": {
      "Region": ["US", "EU"],
      "Peril": ["HU", "EQ", "FF"]

ELT loss sets are used to describe losses with an event loss table (ELT), which defines the loss associated with each event. ELT loss sets also support secondary uncertainty. To enable secondary uncertainty the user must provide the independent and correlated standard deviations as well as the exposure for each event in the loss set.

When defining an ELT loss set, users provide a CSV file that describes the ELT. The CSV file must have columns “EventID” and “Loss”. Optionally for secondary uncertainty the following columns are required: “StdDevIndp”, “StdDevCorr” and “Exposure”.

The following sample CSV file defines an ELT:

EventID Loss StdDevIndp* StdDevCorr* Exposure*
100 1000000 0.0 0.0 0.0
200 1500000 0.0 0.0 1.0
300 1000000 0.0 1.0 0.0


Attribute Type Description
_type string Must equal “ELTLossSet”.
id string A server-generated UUID.
description string A user description of the loss set.
currency string The 3-character currency code for the currency of the losses in this loss set.
event_catalogs list(EventCatalog) The list of event catalogs for the loss set (Note: Only a single event catalog is supported at this time.).
loss_type string The type of losses in the loss set. Valid values include: “LossNetOfAggregateTerms” for losses with aggregate terms applied, and “LossGross” for losses without terms applied (Default: “LossGross”).
meta_data dictionary Custom metadata that can be used to search for loss sets.
data_file reference A reference to the data attached to this resource. This field will automatically be created if you initiate an upload using the data property, or this can be set to reference an existing file on the server to immediately initiate the commit phase of this resource.
status string The upload or processing status of this loss set.
status_message string If the loss set fails upload or validation, contains a detailed error message
profile LossSetProfile A profile of this loss set, generated by the server.

YELT Loss Set

    "id": "59c6641b-65a7-4a7b-a113-1616470cac1b",
    "_type": "YELTLossSet",
    "created": "2017-11-02T12:37:59.698215Z",
    "modified": "2017-11-02T12:37:59.698215Z",
    "loss_type": "LossGross",
    "profile": {
        "currency": "USD",
        "attributes": {},
        "min_loss": null,
        "avg_annual_loss": null,
        "max_loss": null,
        "num_losses": null,
        "non_zero_losses": null
    "currency": "USD",
    "data": {
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "30eee44b-fee7-46b3-a3f6-6e3e70b9287b"
    "data_type": "csv",
    "event_catalogs": [
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "e02b0ace-96a5-47f8-a90e-c0960485f38e"
    "reinstatements_data_type": "percentage",
    "start_date": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "status": "ready",
    "status_message": null,
    "trial_count": 100000,
    "one_based_sequencing": false,
    "adjust_leap_years": false,
    "description": "YELT loss set example."

YELT loss sets are used to describe losses with a year event loss table (YELT), which defines the loss for each year (or trial) in the simulation broken down on a per loss basis.

When defining a YELT loss set, users provide a CSV file that describes the YELT. The CSV file must have columns “TrialID”, “EventID”, “Loss” and “Sequence”. Not every trial needs to have an entry in the table, however the trial id cannot be greater than the supplied trial_count. Any trials missing from the table are assumed to have zero losses for that year.

For information regarding start_date and sequence values of YELT, refer the blue highlighted section in Simulations.

The following sample CSV file defines an YELT:

TrialID EventID Loss Sequence
3 400 300000.0 1.0
3 200 300000.0 2.0
4 300 300000.0 1.0
4 300 300000.0 2.0
4 100 400000.0 3.0
4 100 300000.0 4.0
7 500 300000.0 1.0
7 100 400000.0 2.0
9 100 300000.0 1.0
9 100 400000.0 2.0


Attribute Type Description
_type string Must equal “YELTLossSet”.
id string A server-generated UUID.
description string A user description of the loss set.
currency string The 3-character currency code for the currency of the losses in this loss set.
trial_count number The number of trials used to create the YELT uploaded with the loss set.
start_date datetime The date and time represented by a sequence value of 0 in the YELT data.
reinstatements_data_type string Dictates whether any reinstatement information associated with the loss set should be interpreted as a fixed dollar amount. (ReinstatementsDataType.currency) or as a percentage of the premium of the layer this loss set gets attached to (ReinstatementsDataType.percentage). Note that YELT data can only contain reinstatements if the loss_type is “LossNetOfAggregateTerms”
event_catalogs list(EventCatalog) The list of event catalogs for the loss set (Note: Only a single event catalog is supported at this time.).
loss_type string The type of losses in the loss set. Valid values include: “LossNetOfAggregateTerms” for losses with aggregate terms applied, and “LossGross” for losses without terms applied (Default: “LossGross”).
meta_data dictionary Custom metadata that can be used to search for loss sets.
data_file reference A reference to the data attached to this resource. This field will automatically be created if you initiate an upload using the data property, or this can be set to reference an existing file on the server to immediately initiate the commit phase of this resource.
status string The upload or processing status of this loss set.
status_message string If the loss set fails upload or validation, contains a detailed error message
profile LossSetProfile A profile of this loss set, generated by the server.
one_based_sequencing bool Default value is false. Set this flag to true if your loss sequence values begin at 1 (rather than 0), where 1 represents the beginning of the trial/year.
adjust_leap_years bool Default value is false. Set this flag to true if your loss sequence values do not account for leap years.

YLT Loss Set

  "_type": "YLTLossSet",
  "id": "bee44c4c-7555-4327-b74f-25c97c1d175c",
  "description": "YLT loss set example.",
  "start_date": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "currency": "USD",
  "attributes": {
    "Region": "US",
    "Peril": "HU"
  "loss_type": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
  "trial_count": 100000

YLT loss sets are used to describe losses with a year loss table (YLT), which defines a single loss for each year (or trial) in the simulation.

When defining a YLT loss set, users provide a CSV file that describes the YLT. The CSV file must have columns “TrialID” and “Loss”. Not every trial needs to have an entry in the table, however the trial id cannot be greater than the supplied trial_count. Any trials missing from the table are assumed to have zero losses for that year.

The following sample CSV file defines an YLT:

TrialID Loss
3 300000.0
4 300000.0
7 300000.0
9 300000.0


Attribute Type Description
_type string Must equal “YLTLossSet”.
id string A server-generated UUID.
description string A user description of the loss set.
currency string The 3-character currency code for the currency of the losses in this loss set.
trial_count number The number of trials used to create the YLT uploaded with the loss set.
start_date datetime The date and time represented by a sequence value of 0 in the YLT data.
reinstatements_data_type string Dictates whether any reinstatement information associated with the loss set should be interpreted as a fixed dollar amount. (ReinstatementsDataType.currency) or as a percentage of the premium of the layer this loss set gets attached to (ReinstatementsDataType.percentage). Note that YLT data can only contain reinstatements if the loss_type is “LossNetOfAggregateTerms”
attributes object A raw dictionary of the LossAttributes associated with events generated by the loss set.
loss_type string The type of losses in the loss set. Valid values include: “LossNetOfAggregateTerms” for losses with aggregate terms applied, and “LossGross” for losses without terms applied (Default: “LossGross”).
meta_data dictionary Custom metadata that can be used to search for loss sets.
data_file reference A reference to the data attached to this resource. This field will automatically be created if you initiate an upload using the data property, or this can be set to reference an existing file on the server to immediately initiate the commit phase of this resource.
status string The upload or processing status of this loss set.
status_message string If the loss set fails upload or validation, contains a detailed error message
profile LossSetProfile A profile of this loss set, generated by the server.

Parametric Loss Set

  "_type": "ParametricLossSet",
  "id": "1baed37d-1f2d-417d-ac76-de9b1e39e2b5",
  "description": "Parametric loss set example",
  "frequency": {
    "ref_type": "PoissonDistribution",
    "href": "",
    "ref_id": "3b1ed207-1e14-491e-9d38-a040346e2799"
  "severity": {
    "ref_type": "ParetoDistribution",
    "href": "",
    "ref_id": "f3147df2-2508-40a2-931a-d5aeef8f3ea5"
  "seasonality": {
    "ref_type": "UniformDistribution",
    "href": "",
    "ref_id": "ebf7bfb6-0074-4910-bab1-050322af0001"
  "currency": "USD",
  "attributes": {
    "Region": "US",
    "Peril": "VL"
  "loss_type": "LossGross"

Parametric loss sets provide a way of describing losses using distributions, this allows losses to be modelled when models are not available from model vendors such as AIR or RMS.


Attribute Type Description
_type string Must equal “ParametricLossSet”.
id string A server-generated UUID.
description string A user description of the loss set.
currency string The 3-character currency code for the currency of the losses in this loss set.
event_id int64 Optional event id that will be associated with all occurrences generated.
frequency ref(Distribution) A reference to a distribution which describes the frequency of the events per trail. Valid distributions include any discrete distribution, a dirac distribution or a custom frequency distribution.
severity ref(Distribution) A reference to a distribution which the loss for each event in a trial is sampled from. Valid distributions include any continuous distribution, a dirac distribution or a custom severity distribution.
seasonality ref(Distribution) A reference to a distribution which describes the seasonality of the events for a trial. Valid distributions include any continuous distribution, a dirac distribution or a custom seasonality distribution.
loss_type string The type of losses in the loss set. Valid values include: “LossNetOfAggregateTerms” for losses with aggregate terms applied, and “LossGross” for losses without terms applied (Default: “LossGross”).
attributes object A raw dictionary of the LossAttributes associated with events generated by the loss set.
meta_data dictionary Custom metadata that can be used to search for loss sets.
profile LossSetProfile A profile of this loss set, generated by the server.

Loaded Loss Set

  "_type": "LoadedLossSet",
  "id": "b4fbadc2-a3e9-4fc0-a818-99f2bb5acb87",
  "description": "Loaded loss set example.",
  "load": 1.2,
  "source" : {
     "ref_type": "ELTLossSet",
     "href": "",
     "ref_id": "b4fbadc2-a3e9-4fc0-a818-99f2bb5acb87"
  "loss_type": "LossGross",
  "profile": {
    "currency" : "USD",
    "min_loss": 0.0,
    "avg_annual_loss": 1680000.0,
    "max_loss": 1800000.0,
    "num_losses": 82401,
    "non_zero_losses": 23123,
    "attributes": {
      "Region": ["US"],
      "Peril": ["HU", "EQ"]

Loaded loss sets are special kind of loss set used to apply a loading factor to an existing LossSet. The ‘source’ LossSet must exist and all associated loss data uploaded to the server.


Attribute Type Description
_type string Must equal “LoadedLossSet”.
id string A server-generated UUID.
description string A user description of the loss set.
source LossSet The source LossSet that provides the losses to be “loaded”.
load double A constant load factor by which to multiply all losses emitted by the source loss_set.
loss_type string The type of losses in the loss set. Valid values include: “LossNetOfAggregateTerms” for losses with aggregate terms applied, and “LossGross” for losses without terms applied (Default: the loss_type from the source LossSet).
meta_data dictionary Custom metadata that can be used to search for loss sets.
profile LossSetProfile A profile of this loss set, generated by the server. This represents a copy of the source loss set’s profile with the load applied.


ELT Loss Set

from analyzere import LossSet, EventCatalog

event_catalog = EventCatalog.retrieve('e02b0ace-96a5-47f8-a90e-c0960485f38e')

loss_set = LossSet(type='ELTLossSet',
                   description='ELT loss set example.',

with open('elt.csv', 'rb') as elt:
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.LossSets;

ELTLossSet loss_set = new ELTLossSet
    description = "ELT loss set example.",
    currency = "USD",
    event_catalogs = new List<IReference<EventCatalog>> { 
        new Reference<EventCatalog>("e02b0ace-96a5-47f8-a90e-c0960485f38e") }
POST /loss_sets HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "ELTLossSet",
  "description": "ELT loss set example.",
  "event_catalogs": [
      "ref_type": "EventCatalog",
      "ref_id": "e02b0ace-96a5-47f8-a90e-c0960485f38e"
  "currency": "USD"

Response Body:

  "_type": "ELTLossSet",
  "id": "991986fc-a2d4-4464-9fe1-3ca2e59bcd1b",
  "description": "ELT loss set example.",
  "event_catalogs": [
      "ref_type": "EventCatalog",
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "e02b0ace-96a5-47f8-a90e-c0960485f38e"
  "currency": "USD",
  "loss_type": "LossGross",
  "profile": {
    "currency" : "USD",
    "min_loss": 132340.0,
    "avg_annual_loss": 4358274.0,
    "max_loss": 12435443.0,
    "num_losses": 15774,
    "non_zero_losses" : 15774,
    "attributes": {
      "Region" : ["US"],
      "Peril": ["HU"]
Name Traits Description
_type required ELTLossSet
description required
currency required
event_catalogs required
loss_type optional
meta_data optional

YELT Loss Set

from analyzere import EventCatalog, LossSet
from datetime import datetime, timezone

event_catalog = EventCatalog.retrieve('e02b0ace-96a5-47f8-a90e-c0960485f38e')

loss_set = LossSet(type='YELTLossSet',
                   description='YELT loss set example.',
                   start_date=datetime(2017, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc),

with open('yelt.csv') as yelt:
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.LossSets;

YELTLossSet loss_set = new YELTLossSet
    description = "YELT loss set example.",
    currency = "USD",
    trial_count = 100000,
    event_catalogs = new List<IReference<EventCatalog>>
        new Reference<EventCatalog>("e02b0ace-96a5-47f8-a90e-c0960485f38e")
POST /loss_sets HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "YELTLossSet",
  "description": "YELT loss set example.",
  "event_catalogs": [
      "ref_type": "EventCatalog",
      "ref_id": "e02b0ace-96a5-47f8-a90e-c0960485f38e"
  "currency": "USD",
  "trial_count": 100000

Response Body:

    "id": "59c6641b-65a7-4a7b-a113-1616470cac1b",
    "_type": "YELTLossSet",
    "created": "2017-11-02T12:37:59.698215Z",
    "modified": "2017-11-02T12:37:59.698215Z",
    "loss_type": "LossGross",
    "profile": {
        "currency": "USD",
        "attributes": {},
        "min_loss": null,
        "avg_annual_loss": null,
        "max_loss": null,
        "num_losses": null,
        "non_zero_losses": null
    "currency": "USD",
    "data": {
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "30eee44b-fee7-46b3-a3f6-6e3e70b9287b"
    "data_type": "csv",
    "event_catalogs": [
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "e02b0ace-96a5-47f8-a90e-c0960485f38e"
    "reinstatements_data_type": "percentage",
    "start_date": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "status": "ready",
    "status_message": null,
    "trial_count": 100000,
    "description": "YELT loss set example."
Name Traits Description
_type required YELTLossSet
description required
currency required
event_catalogs required
trial_count required
start_date required
loss_type optional
reinstatements_data_type optional
meta_data optional

YLT Loss Set

from analyzere import LossSet
from datetime import datetime

loss_set = LossSet(type='YLTLossSet',
                   description='YLT loss set example.',
                   start_date=datetime(2017, 1, 1),
                   attributes={'Region': 'US', 'Peril': 'HU'},

with open('ylt.csv') as ylt:
YLTLossSet loss_set = new YLTLossSet
    description = "YLT loss set example.",
    currency = "USD",
    trial_count = 100000,
    start_date = new DateTime(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc),
    attributes = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Region", "US" }, { "Peril", "HU" } }
POST /loss_sets HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "YLTLossSet",
  "description": "YLT loss set example.",
  "sequence": 0.0,
  "currency": "USD",
  "attributes": {
    "Region": "US",
    "Peril": "HU"
  "trial_count": 100000

Response Body:

  "_type": "YLTLossSet",
  "id": "bee44c4c-7555-4327-b74f-25c97c1d175c",
  "description": "YLT loss set example.",
  "sequence": 0.0,
  "currency": "USD",
  "attributes": {
    "Region": "US",
    "Peril": "HU"
  "loss_type": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
  "trial_count": 100000,
  "profile": {
    "currency" : "USD",
    "min_loss": 0.0,
    "avg_annual_loss": 2333443.0,
    "max_loss": 47234883.0,
    "num_losses": 100000,
    "non_zero_losses" : 24402,
    "attributes": {
      "Region": ["US"],
      "Peril": ["HU"]
Name Traits Description
_type required YLTLossSet
description required
currency required
trial_count required
start_date required
loss_type optional
reinstatements_data_type optional
meta_data optional

Parametric Loss Set

from analyzere import Distribution, LossSet
from datetime import datetime

frequency_dist = Distribution.retrieve('3b1ed207-1e14-491e-9d38-a040346e2799')
severity_dist = Distribution.retrieve('f3147df2-2508-40a2-931a-d5aeef8f3ea5')
seasonality_dist = Distribution.retrieve('ebf7bfb6-0074-4910-bab1-050322af0001')

loss_set = LossSet(type='ParametricLossSet',
                   description='Parametric loss set example',
                   attributes={'Region': 'US', 'Peril': 'VL'}).save()
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Distributions;
using AnalyzeRe.LossSets;

ParametricLossSet loss_set = new ParametricLossSet
    description = "Parametric loss set example.",
    currency = "USD",
    frequency = new Reference<IDiscreteDistribution>("3b1ed207-1e14-491e-9d38-a040346e2799"),
    severity = new Reference<IContinuousDistribution>("f3147df2-2508-40a2-931a-d5aeef8f3ea5"),
    seasonality = new Reference<IContinuousDistribution>("ebf7bfb6-0074-4910-bab1-050322af0001"),
    attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>
        { "Region", "US" },
        { "Peril", "VL" }
POST /loss_sets HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "ParametricLossSet",
  "description": "Parametric loss set example",
  "frequency": {
    "ref_type": "PoissonDistribution",
    "ref_id": "3b1ed207-1e14-491e-9d38-a040346e2799"
  "severity": {
    "ref_type": "ParetoDistribution",
    "ref_id": "f3147df2-2508-40a2-931a-d5aeef8f3ea5"
  "seasonality": {
    "ref_type": "UniformDistribution",
    "ref_id": "ebf7bfb6-0074-4910-bab1-050322af0001"
  "currency": "USD",
  "attributes": {
    "Region": "US",
    "Peril": "VL"

Response Body:

  "_type": "ParametricLossSet",
  "id": "1baed37d-1f2d-417d-ac76-de9b1e39e2b5",
  "description": "Parametric loss set example",
  "frequency": {
    "ref_type": "PoissonDistribution",
    "href": "",
    "ref_id": "3b1ed207-1e14-491e-9d38-a040346e2799"
  "severity": {
    "ref_type": "ParetoDistribution",
    "href": "",
    "ref_id": "f3147df2-2508-40a2-931a-d5aeef8f3ea5"
  "seasonality": {
    "ref_type": "UniformDistribution",
    "href": "",
    "ref_id": "ebf7bfb6-0074-4910-bab1-050322af0001"
  "currency": "USD",
  "attributes": {
    "Region": "US",
    "Peril": "VL"
  "loss_type": "LossGross",
  "profile": {
    "currency" : "USD",
    "min_loss": 0.0,
    "avg_annual_loss": 10030230.0,
    "max_loss": 53433230.0,
    "num_losses": 1423,
    "non_zero_losses" : 1423,
    "attributes": {
      "Region": ["US"],
      "Peril": ["VL"]
Name Traits Description
_type string ParametricLossSet
description required
currency required
frequency required
severity required
seasonality required
start_date required
event_id optional
attributes optional
loss_type optional
meta_data optional

Loaded Loss Set

from analyzere import LossSet

loss_set = LossSet(type='LoadedLossSet',
                   description = 'Loaded loss set example.',
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.LossSets;

LoadedLossSet loss_set = new LoadedLossSet();
loss_set.description = "Loaded loss set example.";
loss_set.source = new Reference<ELTLossSet>("b4fbadc2-a3e9-4fc0-a818-99f2bb5acb87");
loss_set.load = 1.2;
loss_set = loss_set.Save();
POST /loss_sets HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "LoadedLossSet",
  "description": "Loaded loss set example.",
  "load" : 1.2,
  "source" : {
     "ref_type": "ELTLossSet",
     "href": "",
     "ref_id": "b4fbadc2-a3e9-4fc0-a818-99f2bb5acb87"

Response Body:

  "_type": "LoadedLossSet",
  "id": "d27c7cac-0af5-11e5-a82c-571795139193",
  "description": "Loaded loss set example.",
  "source" : {
     "ref_type": "ELTLossSet",
     "href": "",
     "ref_id": "b4fbadc2-a3e9-4fc0-a818-99f2bb5acb87"
  "load" : 1.2,
  "loss_type": "LossGross",
  "profile": {
    "currency" : "USD",
    "min_loss": 1200000.000000000000000,
    "avg_annual_loss": 1680000.000000000000000,
    "max_loss": 1800000.000000000000000,
    "num_losses": 30000,
    "non_zero_losses": 30000,
    "attributes": {
      "Region": ["US", "EU"],
      "Peril": ["HU", "EQ", "FF"]
Name Traits Description
_type required LoadedLossSet
description required
source required
load required
profile optional
loss_type optional


ELT Loss Set

from analyzere import LossSet

loss_set = LossSet.retrieve('991986fc-a2d4-4464-9fe1-3ca2e59bcd1b')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.LossSets;

ELTLossSet loss_set = API.Get<ELTLossSet>("991986fc-a2d4-4464-9fe1-3ca2e59bcd1b");
GET /loss_sets/991986fc-a2d4-4464-9fe1-3ca2e59bcd1b HTTP/1.1

Response Body:

  "_type": "ELTLossSet",
  "id": "991986fc-a2d4-4464-9fe1-3ca2e59bcd1b",
  "description": "ELT loss set example.",
  "event_catalogs": [
      "ref_type": "EventCatalog",
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "e02b0ace-96a5-47f8-a90e-c0960485f38e"
  "currency": "USD",
  "loss_type": "LossGross",
  "profile": {
    "currency": "USD",
    "min_loss": 0.0,
    "avg_annual_loss": 0.0,
    "max_loss": 0.0,
    "num_losses": 0,
    "non_zero_losses" : 0,
    "attributes": {
      "Region" : ["US"],
      "Peril": ["HU"]
Name Traits Description
id required

YELT Loss Set

from analyzere import LossSet

loss_set = LossSet.retrieve('59c6641b-65a7-4a7b-a113-1616470cac1b')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.LossSets;

YELTLossSet loss_set = API.Get<YELTLossSet>("59c6641b-65a7-4a7b-a113-1616470cac1b");
GET /loss_sets/59c6641b-65a7-4a7b-a113-1616470cac1b HTTP/1.1

Response Body:

    "id": "59c6641b-65a7-4a7b-a113-1616470cac1b",
    "_type": "YELTLossSet",
    "created": "2017-11-02T12:37:59.698215Z",
    "modified": "2017-11-02T12:37:59.698215Z",
    "loss_type": "LossGross",
    "profile": {
        "currency": "USD",
        "attributes": {},
        "min_loss": null,
        "avg_annual_loss": null,
        "max_loss": null,
        "num_losses": null,
        "non_zero_losses": null
    "currency": "USD",
    "data": {
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "30eee44b-fee7-46b3-a3f6-6e3e70b9287b"
    "data_type": "csv",
    "event_catalogs": [
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "e02b0ace-96a5-47f8-a90e-c0960485f38e"
    "reinstatements_data_type": "percentage",
    "start_date": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "status": "ready",
    "status_message": null,
    "trial_count": 100000,
    "description": "YELT loss set example."
Name Traits Description
id required

YLT Loss Set

from analyzere import LossSet

loss_set = LossSet.retrieve('bee44c4c-7555-4327-b74f-25c97c1d175c')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.LossSets;

YLTLossSet loss_set = API.Get<YLTLossSet>("bee44c4c-7555-4327-b74f-25c97c1d175c");
GET /loss_sets/bee44c4c-7555-4327-b74f-25c97c1d175c HTTP/1.1

Response Body:

  "_type": "YLTLossSet",
  "id": "bee44c4c-7555-4327-b74f-25c97c1d175c",
  "description": "YLT loss set example.",
  "start_date": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "currency": "USD",
  "attributes": {
    "Region": "US",
    "Peril": "HU"
  "loss_type": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
  "trial_count": 100000
Name Traits Description
id required

Loaded Loss Set

from analyzere import LossSet

loss_set = LossSet.retrieve('d27c7cac-0af5-11e5-a82c-571795139193')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.LossSets;

LoadedLossSet loss_set = API.Get<LoadedLossSet>("d27c7cac-0af5-11e5-a82c-571795139193");
GET /loss_sets/d27c7cac-0af5-11e5-a82c-571795139193 HTTP/1.1

Response Body:

  "_type": "LoadedLossSet",
  "id": "d27c7cac-0af5-11e5-a82c-571795139193",
  "description": "Loaded loss set example.",
  "load": 1.2,
  "source" : {
     "ref_type": "ELTLossSet",
     "href": "",
     "ref_id": "b4fbadc2-a3e9-4fc0-a818-99f2bb5acb87"
  "load" : 1.2,
  "loss_type": "LossGross",
  "profile": {
    "currency" : "USD",
    "min_loss": 122.000000000000000,
    "avg_annual_loss": 1680000.000000000000000,
    "max_loss": 1800000.000000000000000,
    "num_losses": 30000,
    "non_zero_losses": 30000,
    "attributes": {
      "Region": ["US", "EU"],
      "Peril": ["HU", "EQ", "FF"]
Name Traits Description
id required

List Loss Sets

GET /loss_sets?search=YELT&ordering=-created HTTP/1.1
from analyzere import LossSet

loss_sets = LossSet.list(search='YELT',
using AnalyzeRe;
using System.Collections.Generic;

IEnumerable<LossSet> lossSets = API.SearchResourceList<LossSet>(
    "YELT", API.Parameters.Order("-created")).items;

Response Body

  "items": [
        "id": "59c6641b-65a7-4a7b-a113-1616470cac1b",
        "_type": "YELTLossSet",
        "created": "2017-11-02T12:37:59.698215Z",
        "modified": "2017-11-02T12:37:59.698215Z",
        "loss_type": "LossGross",
        "profile": {
            "currency": "USD",
            "attributes": {},
            "min_loss": null,
            "avg_annual_loss": null,
            "max_loss": null,
            "num_losses": null,
            "non_zero_losses": null
        "currency": "USD",
        "data": {
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "30eee44b-fee7-46b3-a3f6-6e3e70b9287b"
        "data_type": "csv",
        "event_catalogs": [
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "e02b0ace-96a5-47f8-a90e-c0960485f38e"
        "reinstatements_data_type": "percentage",
        "start_date": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "status": "ready",
        "status_message": null,
        "trial_count": 100000,
        "description": "YELT loss set example."
  "meta": {
    "total_count": 1,
    "limit": 100,
    "offset": 0

Loss Sets of all types are returned in a list.


Name Traits Description
limit optional the maximum number of Loss Sets to return (default 100)
offset optional the number of Loss Sets to skip before returning the limit
fields optional a list of the Loss Set fields to include in the response (case-sensitive exact match)
omit optional a list of the Loss Set fields to exclude from the response (case-sensitive exact match)
ids optional a list of UUIDs for the Loss Sets to be retrieved (max 100 UUIDs)
search optional filters the list of Loss Sets by description (case-insensitive substring match)
type optional filters the list of Loss Sets by _type (case-sensitive exact match)
description optional filters the list of Loss Sets by description (case-sensitive exact match)
min_loss optional filters the list of Loss Sets by min_loss (exact match)
max_loss optional filters the list of Loss Sets by max_loss (exact match)
avg_annual_loss optional filters the list of Loss Sets by avg_annual_loss (exact match)
num_losses optional filters the list of Loss Sets by num_losses (exact match)
non_zero_losses optional filters the list of Loss Sets by non_zero_losses (exact match)
status optional filters the list of Loss Sets by status (case-sensitive exact match)
ordering optional orders the list of Loss Sets

ordering accepts the following values (case-sensitive):

This will return results in ascending order. To return results in descending order, add the prefix - to a value. e.g. -id will return results sorted by id in descending order.

To order by multiple attributes, provide a list of attributes to ordering. e.g. description,-created will sort results by description in ascending order and then sort by created in descending order (for duplicate descriptions).


Layer Class Description
CatXL Standard Excess of Loss Layer
AggXL Aggregate Excess of Loss Layer
Back Allocated Layer
Value Allocator
Nested Layer

Embedded Objects


The restoration of the reinsurance limit of an excess property treaty to its full amount after payment by the reinsurer of loss as a result of an occurrence.

A single reinstatement consists of a reinstatement premium (the percentage of the original premium paid to reinstate this layer after an event attaches), and a reinstatement brokerage (also a percentage of premium but representing the amount expensed (deducted from the reinstatement premium) and paid to a third party such as a brokerage firm).


Attribute Type Traits Description
premium Float required The percentage of the original premium.
brokerage Float required The percentage of the original premium.

Inlined Layers or references

Inlined layer

    "_type": "QuotaShare",
    "loss_sets": [
            "ref_id": "5ace83e3-ae79-45c0-8227-73a69973c595",
            "href": ""

Layer reference

{"ref_id": "f7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf91"}

LayerView reference

{"ref_id": "f7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf91", "reference_type": "LayerView"}

To represent complex structures layers can nest or reference other layers or LayerViews

Type Comment
Inlined1 layer definition is fully inlined
Layer reference reference to the previously saved layer
LayerView reference1 reference to the previously saved LayerView


Fees represent expenses on a layer. Fees can depend on layer terms, losses, and/or other fees. FeeReferences are used to define these dependencies.

In nested structures, fees are subject to the application of layer terms in the same way as regular losses.

Fee payout dates are not considered when resolving fee dependencies. For instance, if Fee B depends on Fee A, then the computed result will be the same regardless of whether Fee A has a payout date earlier or later than Fee B.

Filtering based on fees is not currently supported. Fees will be included in the result when using the default “match all” filter but will be excluded for any other filter, including non-default “match all” filters.

Analyze Re supports the following types of Fees:

  1. Fixed Expense
  2. Proportional Expense
  3. Profit Commission

Fixed Expense

    "_type": "FixedExpense",
    "name": "MyFixedExpense",
    "payout_date": "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z",
    "amount": {
        "value": 1500,
        "currency": "USD"
from analyzere import (
from datetime import datetime, timezone

fixed_expense = Fee(type='FixedExpense',
                    payout_date=datetime(2018, 1, 15, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
                    amount=MonetaryUnit(1500, 'USD'))
using System;
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Fees;

FixedExpense fixed_expense = new FixedExpense(); = "MyFixedExpense";
fixed_expense.payout_date = new DateTime(2018, 1, 15, 0, 0, 0);
fixed_expense.amount = new MonetaryUnit(1500, "USD");

Fixed Expense is an expense of a fixed amount. It has no dependencies.

Fixed Expense is calculated based on this formula:

FixedExpense = amount


Attribute Type Traits Description
_type Type required The server name for this type of fee.
name string required The name of this fee.
payout_date datetime string required The date and time when this fee is applied.
amount MonetaryUnit required The fixed expense amount.

Proportional Expense

    "_type": "ProportionalExpense",
    "name": "MyProportionalExpense",
    "payout_date": "2017-05-16T00:00:00Z",
    "rate": 0.04,
    "premiums": [
        {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
from analyzere import (
from datetime import datetime, timezone

proportional_expense = Fee(type='ProportionalExpense',
                           payout_date=datetime(2017, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
using System;
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Fees;

ProportionalExpense proportional_expense = new ProportionalExpense(); = "MyProportionalExpense";
proportional_expense.payout_date = new DateTime(2017, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0);
proportional_expense.rate = 0.04;
proportional_expense.premiums = new List<FeeReference>()

Proportional Expense is an expense that is proportional to the premiums on this layer.

Proportional Expense is calculated based on this formula:

ProportionalExpense = rate * sum(premiums)


Attribute Type Traits Description
_type Type required The server name for this type of fee.
name string required The name of this fee.
payout_date datetime string required The date and time when this fee is applied.
rate Float required The proportional expense rate.
premiums List(FeeReference) required A list of FeeReferences defining which premium sources to consider.

Profit Commission

   "_type": "ProfitCommmission",
   "name": "MyProfitCommission",
   "payout_date": "2017-08-08T00:00:00Z",
   "rate": 0.01,
   "premiums": [
       {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]},
       {"ref": ["Layer", "ReinstatementPremium"]},

   "losses": [
       {"ref": ["Layer", "Losses"]},
       {"ref": ["Layer", "ReinstatementBrokerage"]},
   "fees": [
       {"ref": ["Layer", "Fees", "MyFixedExpense"]}
from analyzere import (
from datetime import datetime, timezone

fixed_expense_ref = FeeReference.from_fee(fixed_expense)

profit_commission = Fee(type='ProfitCommission',
                        payout_date=datetime(2017, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
                        premiums=[FeeReference.PREMIUM, FeeReference.REINSTATEMENT_PREMIUM],
                        losses=[FeeReference.LOSSES, FeeReference.REINSTATEMENT_BROKERAGE],
using System;
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Fees;

ProfitCommission profit_commission = new ProfitCommission(); = "MyProportionalExpense";
profit_commission.payout_date = new DateTime(2017, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0);
profit_commission.rate = 0.04;
profit_commission.premiums = new List<FeeReference>()
profit_commission.losses = new List<FeeReference>()
profit_commission.fees = new List<FeeReference>()

Profit Commission is an expense that is proportional to this layer’s profit. Other fees can be considered when calculating profit.

Profit Commission is calculated based on this formula:

ProfitCommmission = MAX(0, rate * (sum(premiums) - sum(losses) - sum(fees))


Attribute Type Traits Description
_type Type required The server name for this type of fee.
name string required The name of this fee.
payout_date datetime string required The date and time when this fee is applied.
rate Float required The profit commission rate.
premiums List(FeeReference) required A list of FeeReferences defining which premium sources to consider.
losses List(FeeReference) required A list of FeeReferences defining which loss sources to consider.
fees List(FeeReference) required A list of FeeReferences defining which fee sources to consider.

Layer Policy

Layer Policy is the rule on RecordType that determines how occurrences belonging to a particular RecordType are treated by the layer. The user can use layer policy to control the individual record type’s behavior within a layer.

We have three policy categories: transform, forward and exclude. Both transform and forward are represented as lists of record types that users can specify. exclude is implicit. Any record types not listed in the either list are considered to belong to the exclude category.


When a record type is listed under transform, all input occurrences with the matching record type are subjected to layer terms.


When a record type is listed under forward, all input occurrences with the matching record type are not subjected to layer terms, and are instead simply forwarded through the layer without modification (participation, however, may be applied at the end).


If an input occurrence to a layer has a record type that does not match anything in transform or forward, they are excluded and discarded by the layer.


The policy field is an optional field. If the policy field is provided, it must contain both transform_records and forward_records lists. If the policy field is not provided, a default policy is chosen according to the layer type.


Attribute Type Traits Description
transform_records list(RecordType) required list of record types to transform
forward_records list(RecordType) required list of record types to forward

Default Policy

Record Types Quota Share Surplus Share Filter Layer Fixed Rate Currency Converter All other layers
Fees Forward Fees Forward Fees Transform Fees Transform Fees Exclude Fees
Loss Transform Loss Transform Loss Transform Loss Transform Loss Transform Loss


Payment Patterns

Delayed Payment

    "_type": "DelayedPayment",
    "loss_sets": [
    "payments": [
        { "delay": 0, "amount": 0.5 },
        { "delay": 30, "amount": 0.25 },
        { "delay": 90, "amount": 0.25 }
    "meta_data": {},
    "description": "A meaningful description"

A “delayed payment” payment pattern models claims being paid in instalments at fixed delays after the claim occurred. For example:

For this approach the total value of the initial claim is split into multiple loss entries in the YELT based on the respective percentage of each payment and the time of occurrence is offset by the delay. Given the following input YELT and the payment pattern of the example shown above, the transformation of the input YELT into a YELT with the payment pattern applied would look as follows:

Trial Time EventId Loss ReinstatementPremium ReinstatementBrokerage
1 10 1 1000 100 10
1 60 2 2000 0 0
1 340 3 300 50 5
2 260 4 5000 0 0
2 280 5 2000 0 0

Transformed to:

Trial Time EventId Loss ReinstatementPremium ReinstatementBrokerage Comment
1 10 1 500 50 5 1st Payment
1 40 1 250 25 2.5 2nd Payment
1 60 2 1000 0 0 1st Payment
1 90 2 500 0 0 2nd Payment
1 100 1 250 25 2.5 3rd Payment
1 150 2 500 0 0 3rd Payment
1 340 3 150 25 2.5 1st Payment
1 370 3 75 12.5 1.25 2nd Payment
1 430 3 75 12.5 1.25 3rd Payment
2 260 4 2500 0 0 1st Payment
2 280 5 1000 0 0 1st Payment
2 290 4 1250 0 0 2nd Payment
2 310 5 500 0 0 2nd Payment
2 350 4 1250 0 0 3rd Payment
2 370 5 500 0 0 3rd Payment


Attribute Type Description
_type Type DelayedPayment
id string A server-generated UUID
description string A user description of the layer.
meta_data Custom user metadata for this layer.
payments List of dictionaries Payment schedule for a claim consisting of a delay time offset in fractional days and an amount as a proportion of loss.

Fixed Date Payment

    "_type": "FixedDatePayment",
    "loss_sets": [
    "payments": [
    "payment_dates": [
    "meta_data": {},
    "description": "A meaningful description"

The “Fixed-Date Payment” payment pattern models claims being paid in instalments at specific dates following the date of occurrence. For example:

For this approach the total value of the initial claim is split into multiple loss entries in the YELT based on the respective percentage of each payment and the time of occurrence of these payments is predefined. Given the following input YELT and the payment pattern of the example shown above, the transformation of the input YELT into a YELT with the payment pattern applied would look as follows:

Trial Date EventId Loss ReinstatementPremium ReinstatementBrokerage
1 1/11/2019 1 1000 100 10
1 3/2/2019 2 2000 0 0
1 12/7/2019 3 300 50 5
2 9/18/2019 4 5000 0 0
2 10/8/2019 5 2000 0 0

Transformed to:

Trial Date EventId Loss ReinstatementPremium ReinstatementBrokerage Comment
1 4/1/2019 1 500 50 5 1st Payment
1 4/1/2019 2 1000 0 0 1st Payment
1 7/1/2019 1 250 25 2.5 2nd Payment
1 7/1/2019 2 500 0 0 2nd Payment
1 10/1/2019 1 250 25 2.5 3rd Payment
1 10/1/2019 2 500 0 0 3rd Payment
1 1/1/2020 3 150 25 2.5 1st Payment
1 4/1/2020 3 75 12.5 1.25 2nd Payment
1 7/1/2020 3 75 12.5 1.25 3rd Payment
2 10/1/2019 4 2500 0 0 1st Payment
2 1/1/2020 4 1250 0 0 2nd Payment
2 1/1/2020 5 1000 0 0 1st Payment
2 4/1/2020 4 1250 0 0 3rd Payment
2 4/1/2020 5 500 0 0 2nd Payment
2 7/1/2020 5 500 0 0 3rd Payment


Attribute Type Description
_type Type FixedDatePayment
id string A server-generated UUID
description string A user description of the layer.
meta_data Custom user metadata for this layer.
payments List of double values Payment amount for each payment as a proportion of loss
payment_dates List of ISO-8901 timestamp strings Payment schedule of future payment dates relative to the loss occurring date. Note: Analyze Re represents occurrence dates on a continuous (non-discrete) time line and the payment_date selected for a specific occurrence date must be strictly greater than the occurrence date.

Non-uniform Payment Intervals

Assume I want to aggregate all losses occurring into the 1st day of each subsequent 1st, 2nd and 4th quarter at 50%, 25%, and 25%. In that case the following original occurrence dates will be allocated as follows:

Original Occurrence Date 1st subsequent quarter 2nd subsequent quarter 4th subsequent quarter
2020-01-10 2020-04-01 2020-07-01 2021-01-01
2020-05-06 2020-07-01 2020-10-01 2021-04-01
2020-07-20 2020-10-01 2021-01-01 2021-07-01
2020-10-08 2021-01-01 2021-04-01 2021-10-01

As you can see in the first original date we are skipping the 2020-10-01, but we need it in the list for the second original date. So the FixedDatePayment structure needs to be configured to make 4 payments with the 3rd payment being 0:

    "_type": "FixedDatePayment",
    "loss_sets": [
    "payments": [
    "payment_dates": [
    "meta_data": {},
    "description": null



    "_type": "Generic",
    "id": "89804e42-e048-4146-a0b7-1ca9da0da798",
    "description": "Demo 1 Echo Re Layer 1",
    "meta_data": {
        "nth": 1,
        "if_cover_florida": 1
    "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "premium": {
        "value": 55774.15217,
        "currency": "USD"
    "fees": [
            "_type": "FixedExpense",
            "name": "MyFixedExpense",
            "payout_date": "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z",
            "amount": {
                "value": 1500,
                "currency": "USD"
            "_type": "ProportionalExpense",
            "name": "MyProportionalExpense",
            "payout_date": "2017-05-16T00:00:00Z",
            "rate": 0.04,
            "premiums": [
                {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
    "policy": {
        "transform_records": [
        "forward_records": [
    "loss_sets": [],
    "participation": 0.098,
    "attachment": {
        "value": 1000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "limit": {
        "value": 2000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_attachment": {
        "value": 0,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_limit": {
        "value": 0,
        "currency": "USD"
    "reinstatements": [],
    "franchise": {
        "value": 0,
        "currency": "USD"

Similar to AggXL, but with support for reinstatments. Unlike the CatXL layer, the number of reinstatements does not affect the aggregate limit of the Generic layer, they serve only to accrue reinstatement premium and brokerage until the specified aggregate limit is attained. As such, the Generic layer can be used to model partial reinstatements.


Attribute Type Description
_type Type The server name for this type of layer.
id string a server-generated UUID
description string A user description of the layer and it covers.
meta_data Custom user metadata for this layer.
participation Float The amount of participation of the reinsurer in this deal as the percentage of loss, premium, and brokerage.
inception_date datetime string The date and time when the contract takes effect.
expiry_date datetime string The date and time when effect of the contract expires.
premium MonetaryUnit The premium expected to be written by this layer excluding reinstatement premiums.
fees List(Fee) A list of fees associated with this layer.
policy Policy A transform_records list and a forward_records list
loss_sets List(LossSet) The list of LossSet references that is associated with the specific layer.
limit MonetaryUnit The per-occurrence limit applied by this layer.
attachment MonetaryUnit The per-occurrence attachment / deductible applied by this layer.
franchise MonetaryUnit The franchise deductible amount.
aggregate_limit MonetaryUnit The aggregate limit applied by this layer.
aggregate_attachment MonetaryUnit The aggregate attachment applied by this layer.
reinstatements List(Reinstatement) A list of reinstatement provisions applicable by this layer.


  "_type": "CatXL",
  "id": "7a61ffdf-1598-4e51-a7bb-09c918541fc8",
  "description": "Alpha Re Layer 1",
  "meta_data": {},
  "inception_date": "2017-03-17T14:02:43.837000Z",
  "expiry_date": "2018-03-16T14:02:43.837000Z",
  "premium": {
      "value": 100000,
      "currency": "USD"
  "fees": [
          "_type": "FixedExpense",
          "name": "MyFixedExpense",
          "payout_date": "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z",
          "amount": {
              "value": 1500,
              "currency": "USD"
          "_type": "ProportionalExpense",
          "name": "MyProportionalExpense",
          "payout_date": "2017-05-16T00:00:00Z",
          "rate": 0.04,
          "premiums": [
              {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
  "policy": {
      "transform_records": [
      "forward_records": [
  "loss_sets": [
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "49c9c3ca-475f-4b70-b362-3d09caa48afb"
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "9fadbccf-178e-4400-9bc3-5fff17886cb0"
  "participation": 0.25,
  "nth": 1,
  "attachment": {
      "value": 1718242.18923324,
      "currency": "USD"
  "limit": {
      "value": 1718242.18923324,
      "currency": "USD"
  "reinstatements": [
          "premium": 0.1,
          "brokerage": 0.05
          "premium": 0.2,
          "brokerage": 0.05
          "premium": 0.3,
          "brokerage": 0.05
  "franchise": {
      "value": 0,
      "currency": "USD"

Representation of a Catastrophe Excess of Loss (CatXL) layer.


Attribute Type Description
_type Type The server name for this type of layer.
id string a server-generated UUID
description string A user description of the layer and it covers.
meta_data Custom user metadata for this layer.
participation Float The amount of participation of the reinsurer in this deal as the percentage of loss, premium, and brokerage.
inception_date datetime string The date and time when the contract takes effect.
expiry_date datetime string The date and time when effect of the contract expires.
premium MonetaryUnit The premium expected to be written by this layer excluding reinstatement premiums.
fees List(Fee) A list of fees associated with this layer.
policy Policy A transform_records list and a forward_records list
loss_sets List(LossSet) The list of LossSet references that is associated with the specific layer.
limit MonetaryUnit The per-occurrence limit applied by this layer.
attachment MonetaryUnit The per-occurrence attachment / deductible applied by this layer.
franchise MonetaryUnit The franchise deductible amount.
reinstatements List(Reinstatement) A list of reinstatement provisions applicable by this layer.
nth Int The number of times the limit may be exhausted (minus one) before this layer attaches. For example: Set to ‘2’ if this is a Second Event XOL meaning this layer starts assuming losses after the limit is hit the first time. This is akin to having an aggregate attachment of (limit * (nth-1)).

Aggregate Excess of Loss

    "_type": "AggXL",
    "id": "b0aa6a44-f1c6-43b9-9747-116b5a1f2537",
    "description": "Golf Re Layer 1",
    "meta_data": {},
    "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "premium": {
        "value": 119718.3336,
        "currency": "USD"
    "fees": [
            "_type": "FixedExpense",
            "name": "MyFixedExpense",
            "payout_date": "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z",
            "amount": {
                "value": 1500,
                "currency": "USD"
            "_type": "ProportionalExpense",
            "name": "MyProportionalExpense",
            "payout_date": "2017-05-16T00:00:00Z",
            "rate": 0.04,
            "premiums": [
                {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
    "policy": {
        "transform_records": [
        "forward_records": [
    "loss_sets": [
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "a1ea710e-43b7-4b61-a672-31ad2c2137f1"
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "bb14804d-570a-408c-b4d7-f1763734032f"
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "1dd318b0-9af9-4716-9e08-f4811708a117"
    "participation": 0.098,
    "attachment": {
        "value": 10000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "limit": {
        "value": 5000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_attachment": {
        "value": 10000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_limit": {
        "value": 5000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "franchise": {
        "value": 0,
        "currency": "USD"

Representation of an Aggregate Catastrophe Excess of Loss layer.


Attribute Type Description
_type Type The server name for this type of layer.
id string a server-generated UUID
description string A user description of the layer and it covers.
meta_data Custom user metadata for this layer.
participation Float The amount of participation of the reinsurer in this deal as the percentage of loss, premium, and brokerage.
inception_date datetime string The date and time when the contract takes effect.
expiry_date datetime string The date and time when effect of the contract expires.
premium MonetaryUnit The premium expected to be written by this layer excluding reinstatement premiums.
fees List(Fee) A list of fees associated with this layer.
policy Policy A transform_records list and a forward_records list
loss_sets List(LossSet) The list of LossSet references that is associated with the specific layer.
limit MonetaryUnit The per-occurrence limit applied by this layer.
attachment MonetaryUnit The per-occurrence attachment / deductible applied by this layer.
franchise MonetaryUnit The franchise deductible amount.
aggregate_limit MonetaryUnit The aggregate limit applied by this layer.
aggregate_attachment MonetaryUnit The aggregate attachment applied by this layer.

Quota Share

    "id": "4c2608d7-6f87-4f77-b470-d65d39d1b950",
    "_type": "QuotaShare",
    "created": "2018-08-16T16:42:34.291515Z",
    "modified": "2018-08-16T16:42:34.291515Z",
    "loss_sets": [
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d"
    "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "premium": {
        "value": 245810.8696,
        "currency": "USD"
    "fees": [
            "_type": "FixedExpense",
            "name": "MyFixedExpense",
            "payout_date": "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z",
            "amount": {
                "value": 1500,
                "currency": "USD"
            "_type": "ProportionalExpense",
            "name": "MyProportionalExpense",
            "payout_date": "2017-05-16T00:00:00Z",
            "rate": 0.04,
            "premiums": [
                {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
    "policy": {
        "transform_records": [
        "forward_records": [
    "event_limit": {
        "value": 300000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "participation": 0.098,
    "meta_data": {},
    "description": "India Re Layer 5"

Representation of a Quota Share contract.


Attribute Type Description
_type Type The server name for this type of layer.
id string a server-generated UUID
description string A user description of the layer and it covers.
meta_data Custom user metadata for this layer.
participation Float The amount of participation of the reinsurer in this deal as the percentage of loss, premium, and brokerage.
inception_date datetime string The date and time when the contract takes effect.
expiry_date datetime string The date and time when effect of the contract expires.
premium MonetaryUnit The premium expected to be written by this layer excluding reinstatement premiums.
fees List(Fee) A list of fees associated with this layer.
policy Policy A transform_records list and a forward_records list
loss_sets List(LossSet) The list of LossSet references that is associated with the specific layer.
event_limit MonetaryUnit The maximum amount to be covered by the Quota Share per event.

Aggregate Quota Share

    "_type": "AggregateQuotaShare",
    "id": "c5a79065-6f9b-4290-89ca-b3954bac0a9d",
    "description": "Layer 7",
    "meta_data": {},
    "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "premium": {
        "value": 245810.8696,
        "currency": "USD"
    "fees": [],
    "policy": null,
    "loss_sets": [
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d"
    "participation": 0.1,
    "event_limit": {
        "value": 300000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_limit": {
        "value": 1000000.0,
        "currency": "USD",
        "value_date": null,
        "rate": null,
        "rate_currency": null
    "aggregate_attachment": {
        "value": 1000000.0,
        "currency": "USD",
        "value_date": null,
        "rate": null,
        "rate_currency": null

Representation of a Aggregate Quota Share contract.


Attribute Type Description
_type Type The server name for this type of layer.
id string a server-generated UUID
description string A user description of the layer and it covers.
meta_data Custom user metadata for this layer.
participation Float The amount of participation of the reinsurer in this deal as the percentage of loss, premium, and brokerage.
inception_date datetime string The date and time when the contract takes effect.
expiry_date datetime string The date and time when effect of the contract expires.
premium MonetaryUnit The premium expected to be written by this layer excluding reinstatement premiums.
fees List(Fee) A list of fees associated with this layer.
policy Policy A transform_records list and a forward_records list
loss_sets List(LossSet) The list of LossSet references that is associated with the specific layer.
event_limit MonetaryUnit The maximum amount to be covered by this layer per event.
aggregate_limit MonetaryUnit The aggregate limit applied by this layer.
aggregate_attachment MonetaryUnit The aggregate attachement applied by this layer.

Back Allocated Layer

    "_type": "BackAllocatedLayer",
    "id": "4c2608d7-6f87-4f77-b470-d65d39d1b950",
    "description": "Windstorm contributions",
    "meta_data": {},
    "sink": {"ref_id": "f7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf91", "reference_type": "LayerView"},
    "source_id": "f7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf92"

Used to perform a back-allocation of risk from some structure (sink) to some component source (source_id). Computes the proportion of the sink structure’s net losses that should be attributed to the specified source. This is done on a per-event-occurrence basis, so the result is a new YELT. As such, this Back-Allocated structure can be used like any other layer when simulated.


Attribute Type Description
_type Type The server name for this type of layer.
id string A server-generated UUID
description string A user description of the layer.
meta_data Custom user metadata for this layer.
sink Layer Model from which to back-allocate
source_id string Source identifier in the sink model to back-allocate to. Can be either LayerView or LossSet

Value Allocator

    "_type": "ValueAllocator",
    "id": "4c2608d7-6f87-4f77-b470-d65d39d1b950",
    "description": "Value Allocator",
    "meta_data": {},
    "source": {"ref_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "reference_type": "LayerView"},
    "target": {"ref_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002", "reference_type": "LayerView"},
    "group": {"ref_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003", "reference_type": "LayerView"},
    "proportioned_perspective" : "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
    "allocation_perspectives" : ["LossNetOfAggregateTerms", "ReinstatementPremium", "ReinstatementBrokerage"],
    "allocation_ratio_basis" : "PerEvent"

Representation of the Value Allocator. Allocates the results of a source (S) to a target structure (T) based on T’s proportion of the values held by a group of structures (G). Mathematically it computes the ratio of T to G and applies this ratio to the results in S.

Note: ValueAllocator layers may not be used as the sink of a Nested Layer.


Attribute Type Description
_type Type The server name for this type of layer.
id string A server-generated UUID
description string A user description of the layer.
meta_data Custom user metadata for this layer.
source Layer Source for allocation
target Layer Target structure of the values held by a group of structures
group Layer Group of structures
proportioned_perspective string Target and Group column to use as a basis for the multiplier. Must be one of [LossNetOfAggregateTerms, ReinstatementPremium, ReinstatementBrokerage]
allocation_perspectives list(strings) Source columns to multiply against. Must be one or combination of [LossNetOfAggregateTerms, ReinstatementPremium, ReinstatementBrokerage]
allocation_ratio_basis string Defines how the ratio is calculated. Can be PerEvent (by default) or PerTrial. With PerEvent, each event has its own ratio depending on the event loss in T and G sources. With PerTrial, one ratio is calculated based on total loss in T and total loss is G. This ratio is then applied to all events in the S.

Nested Layer

{  "_type": "NestedLayer",
  "description": "Nested Layer",
  "id": "9cc21572-226c-4524-8bb8-9d84efd84957",
  "meta_data": {},
  "sink": {"ref_id": "80886b31-73ca-4f4d-af0d-e814cf173c93"},
  "sources": [{"ref_id": "b7e7a55d-a6c6-47a9-8f0f-5c218103f224"}]

Representation of a Nested Layer. Indicates the sink and source(s) - the main components of a nested layer. In practice, the losses from source layer(s) flow into the singular sink and the loss of the resultant structure is calculated accodingly.


Attribute Type Description
_type Type The server name for this type of layer.
id string A server-generated UUID
description string A user description of the layer.
meta_data Custom user metadata for this layer.
sink Layer The sink layer into which the losses from the sources flow into
sources Layer Represented in square parentheses [] – one or more source layers from which loss values flow into the nested structure into the sink



POST /layers HTTP/1.1

    "_type": "Generic",
    "description": "Demo 1 Echo Re Layer 1",
    "meta_data": {
        "nth": 1,
        "if_cover_florida": 1
    "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "premium": {
        "value": 55774.15217,
        "currency": "USD"
    "fees": [
            "_type": "FixedExpense",
            "name": "MyFixedExpense",
            "payout_date": "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z",
            "amount": {
                "value": 1500,
                "currency": "USD"
            "_type": "ProportionalExpense",
            "name": "MyProportionalExpense",
            "payout_date": "2017-05-16T00:00:00Z",
            "rate": 0.04,
            "premiums": [
                {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
    "policy": {
        "transform_records": [
        "forward_records": [
    "loss_sets": [ "ref_id": "fcbdeb25-0557-4f9e-a4f5-64b8bc2557cf" ],
    "participation": 0.098,
    "attachment": {
        "value": 1000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "limit": {
        "value": 2000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_attachment": {
        "value": 0,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_limit": {
        "value": 20000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "reinstatements": [
            "premium": 0.1,
            "brokerage": 0.05
            "premium": 0.2,
            "brokerage": 0.05
            "premium": 0.3,
            "brokerage": 0.05
    "franchise": {
        "value": 0,
        "currency": "USD"
from analyzere import (
from datetime import datetime, timezone

fixed_expense = Fee(type='FixedExpense',
                    payout_date=datetime(2018, 1, 15, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
                    amount=MonetaryUnit(1500, 'USD'))

proportional_expense = Fee(type='ProportionalExpense',
                           payout_date=datetime(2017, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),

loss_set = LossSet.retrieve('fcbdeb25-0557-4f9e-a4f5-64b8bc2557cf')
generic = Layer(type='Generic',
                description='Demo 1 Echo Re Layer 1',
                meta_data={"nth": 1, "if_cover_florida": 1},
                inception_date=datetime(2017, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
                expiry_date=datetime(2018, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
                premium=MonetaryUnit(55774.15217, 'USD'),
                fees=[fixed_expense, proportional_expense],
                policy=LayerPolicy(transform_records=['Loss', 'FixedExpense'], forward_records=['ProportionalExpense']),
                attachment=MonetaryUnit(1000000, 'USD'),
                limit=MonetaryUnit(2000000, 'USD'),
                aggregate_attachment=MonetaryUnit(0, 'USD'),
                aggregate_limit=MonetaryUnit(20000000, 'USD'),
                reinstatements=[Reinstatement(premium=0.1, brokerage=0.05),
                                Reinstatement(premium=0.2, brokerage=0.05),
                                Reinstatement(premium=0.3, brokerage=0.05)],
                franchise = MonetaryUnit(0, 'USD')).save()
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Fees;
using AnalyzeRe.Layers;

Generic generic = new Generic
    description = "Demo 1 Echo Re Layer 1",
    meta_data = new Dictionary<string, object> {
        {"nth", 1},
        {"if_cover_florida", 1}
    inception_date = new DateTime(2017, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0),
    expiry_date = new DateTime(2018, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0),
    premium = new MonetaryUnit(55774.15217, "USD"),
    participation = 0.098,
    loss_sets = new List<IReference<LossSet>> {
        new Reference<LossSet>("fcbdeb25-0557-4f9e-a4f5-64b8bc2557cf")
    attachment = new MonetaryUnit(1000000, "USD"),
    limit = new MonetaryUnit(2000000, "USD"),
    franchise = new MonetaryUnit(0, "USD"),
    aggregate_attachment = new MonetaryUnit(0, "USD"),
    aggregate_limit = new MonetaryUnit(20000000, "USD"),
    reinstatements = new List<Reinstatement> {
        new Reinstatement { premium = 0.1, brokerage = 0.05 },
        new Reinstatement { premium = 0.2, brokerage = 0.05 },
        new Reinstatement { premium = 0.3, brokerage = 0.05 }
    fees = new List<Fee> {
        new FixedExpense {
            name = "MyFixedExpense",
            payout_date = new DateTime(2018, 1, 15, 0, 0, 0),
            amount = new MonetaryUnit(1500, "USD")
        new ProportionalExpense {
            name = "MyProportionalExpense",
            payout_date = new DateTime(2017, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0),
            rate = 0.04,
            premiums = new List<FeeReference> {

Response Body:

    "_type": "Generic",
    "id": "89804e42-e048-4146-a0b7-1ca9da0da798",
    "description": "Demo 1 Echo Re Layer 1",
    "meta_data": {
        "nth": 1,
        "if_cover_florida": 1
    "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "premium": {
        "value": 55774.15217,
        "currency": "USD"
    "fees": [
            "_type": "FixedExpense",
            "name": "MyFixedExpense",
            "payout_date": "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z",
            "amount": {
                "value": 1500,
                "currency": "USD"
            "_type": "ProportionalExpense",
            "name": "MyProportionalExpense",
            "payout_date": "2017-05-16T00:00:00Z",
            "rate": 0.04,
            "premiums": [
                {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
    "policy": {
        "transform_records": [
        "forward_records": [
    "loss_sets": [
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "fcbdeb25-0557-4f9e-a4f5-64b8bc2557cf"
    "participation": 0.098,
    "attachment": {
        "value": 1000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "limit": {
        "value": 2000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_attachment": {
        "value": 0,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_limit": {
        "value": 0,
        "currency": "USD"
    "reinstatements": [
            "premium": 0.1,
            "brokerage": 0.05
            "premium": 0.2,
            "brokerage": 0.05
            "premium": 0.3,
            "brokerage": 0.05
    "franchise": {
        "value": 0,
        "currency": "USD"


Attribute Traits Description
_type required Generic
description required
meta_data optional
participation required
inception_date optional
expiry_date optional
premium optional
fees optional
policy optional
loss_sets optional
attachment required
limit required
franchise required
aggregate_attachment required
aggregate_limit required
reinstatements optional

Excess of Loss

POST /layers HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "CatXL",
  "description": "Alpha Re Layer 1",
  "meta_data": {},
  "inception_date": "2017-03-17T14:02:43.837000Z",
  "expiry_date": "2018-03-16T14:02:43.837000Z",
  "premium": {
      "value": 100000,
      "currency": "USD"
  "fees": [
          "_type": "FixedExpense",
          "name": "MyFixedExpense",
          "payout_date": "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z",
          "amount": {
              "value": 1500,
              "currency": "USD"
          "_type": "ProportionalExpense",
          "name": "MyProportionalExpense",
          "payout_date": "2017-05-16T00:00:00Z",
          "rate": 0.04,
          "premiums": [
              {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
  "policy": {
      "transform_records": [
      "forward_records": [
  "loss_sets": [
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "49c9c3ca-475f-4b70-b362-3d09caa48afb"
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "9fadbccf-178e-4400-9bc3-5fff17886cb0"
  "participation": 0.25,
  "nth": 1,
  "attachment": {
      "value": 1718242.18923324,
      "currency": "USD"
  "limit": {
      "value": 1718242.18923324,
      "currency": "USD"
  "reinstatements": [
          "premium": 0.1,
          "brokerage": 0.05
          "premium": 0.2,
          "brokerage": 0.05
          "premium": 0.3,
          "brokerage": 0.05
  "franchise": {
      "value": 0,
      "currency": "USD"
from analyzere import (
from datetime import datetime, timezone

loss_set1 = LossSet.retrieve('49c9c3ca-475f-4b70-b362-3d09caa48afb')
loss_set2 = LossSet.retrieve('9fadbccf-178e-4400-9bc3-5fff17886cb0')

fixed_expense = Fee(type='FixedExpense',
                    payout_date=datetime(2018, 1, 15, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
                    amount=MonetaryUnit(1500, 'USD'))

proportional_expense = Fee(type='ProportionalExpense',
                           payout_date=datetime(2017, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),

catXL = Layer(type='CatXL',
              description='Alpha Re Layer 1',
              inception_date=datetime(2017, 3, 17, 14, 2, 43, 837, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
              expiry_date=datetime(2018, 3, 17, 14, 2, 43, 837, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
              premium=MonetaryUnit(100000, 'USD'),
              fees=[fixed_expense, proportional_expense],
              policy=LayerPolicy(transform_records=['Loss', 'FixedExpense'], forward_records=['ProportionalExpense']),
              loss_sets=[loss_set1, loss_set2],
              attachment=MonetaryUnit(1718242.18923324, 'USD'),
              limit=MonetaryUnit(1718242.18923324, 'USD'),
              reinstatements=[Reinstatement(premium=0.1, brokerage=0.05),
                              Reinstatement(premium=0.2, brokerage=0.05),
                              Reinstatement(premium=0.3, brokerage=0.05)],
              franchise=MonetaryUnit(0, 'USD')).save()
using System;
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Fees;
using AnalyzeRe.Layers;

CatXL catXL = new CatXL {
    description = "Alpha Re Layer 1",
    inception_date = new DateTime(2017, 3, 17, 14, 2, 43, 837),
    expiry_date = new DateTime(2018, 3, 17, 14, 2, 43, 837),
    premium = new MonetaryUnit(100000, "USD"),
    participation = 0.25,
    loss_sets = new List<IReference<LossSet>> {
        new Reference<LossSet>("49c9c3ca-475f-4b70-b362-3d09caa48afb"),
        new Reference<LossSet>("9fadbccf-178e-4400-9bc3-5fff17886cb0")
    nth = 1,
    attachment = new MonetaryUnit(1718242.18923324, "USD"),
    limit = new MonetaryUnit(1718242.18923324, "USD"),
    franchise = new MonetaryUnit(0, "USD"),
    reinstatements = new List<Reinstatement> {
        new Reinstatement { premium = 0.1, brokerage = 0.05 },
        new Reinstatement { premium = 0.2, brokerage = 0.05 },
        new Reinstatement { premium = 0.3, brokerage = 0.05 }
    fees = new List<Fee> {
        new FixedExpense {
            name = "MyFixedExpense",
            payout_date = new DateTime(2018, 1, 15, 0, 0, 0),
            amount = new MonetaryUnit(1500, "USD")
        new ProportionalExpense {
            name = "MyProportionalExpense",
            payout_date = new DateTime(2017, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0),
            rate = 0.04,
            premiums = new List<FeeReference> {

Response Body:

  "_type": "CatXL",
  "id": "7a61ffdf-1598-4e51-a7bb-09c918541fc8",
  "description": "Alpha Re Layer 1",
  "meta_data": {},
  "inception_date": "2017-03-17T14:02:43.837000Z",
  "expiry_date": "2018-03-16T14:02:43.837000Z",
  "premium": {
      "value": 100000,
      "currency": "USD"
  "fees": [
          "_type": "FixedExpense",
          "name": "MyFixedExpense",
          "payout_date": "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z",
          "amount": {
              "value": 1500,
              "currency": "USD"
          "_type": "ProportionalExpense",
          "name": "MyProportionalExpense",
          "payout_date": "2017-05-16T00:00:00Z",
          "rate": 0.04,
          "premiums": [
              {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
  "policy": {
      "transform_records": [
      "forward_records": [
  "loss_sets": [
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "49c9c3ca-475f-4b70-b362-3d09caa48afb"
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "9fadbccf-178e-4400-9bc3-5fff17886cb0"
  "participation": 0.25,
  "nth": 1,
  "attachment": {
      "value": 1718242.18923324,
      "currency": "USD"
  "limit": {
      "value": 1718242.18923324,
      "currency": "USD"
  "reinstatements": [
          "premium": 0.1,
          "brokerage": 0.05
          "premium": 0.2,
          "brokerage": 0.05
          "premium": 0.3,
          "brokerage": 0.05
  "franchise": {
      "value": 0,
      "currency": "USD"


Attribute Traits Description
_type required CatXL
description required
meta_data optional
participation required
inception_date optional
expiry_date optional
premium optional
fees optional
loss_sets optional
attachment required
limit required
franchise required
reinstatements optional
nth required default=1

Aggregate Excess of Loss

POST /layers HTTP/1.1

    "_type": "AggXL",
    "description": "Golf Re Layer 1",
    "meta_data": {},
    "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "premium": {
        "value": 119718.3336,
        "currency": "USD"
    "fees": [
            "_type": "FixedExpense",
            "name": "MyFixedExpense",
            "payout_date": "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z",
            "amount": {
                "value": 1500,
                "currency": "USD"
            "_type": "ProportionalExpense",
            "name": "MyProportionalExpense",
            "payout_date": "2017-05-16T00:00:00Z",
            "rate": 0.04,
            "premiums": [
                {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
    "policy": {
        "transform_records": [
        "forward_records": [
    "loss_sets": [
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "a1ea710e-43b7-4b61-a672-31ad2c2137f1"
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "bb14804d-570a-408c-b4d7-f1763734032f"
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "1dd318b0-9af9-4716-9e08-f4811708a117"
    "participation": 0.098,
    "attachment": {
        "value": 10000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "limit": {
        "value": 5000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_attachment": {
        "value": 10000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_limit": {
        "value": 5000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "franchise": {
        "value": 0,
        "currency": "USD"
from analyzere import (
from datetime import datetime, timezone

loss_set1 = LossSet.retrieve('a1ea710e-43b7-4b61-a672-31ad2c2137f1')
loss_set2 = LossSet.retrieve('bb14804d-570a-408c-b4d7-f1763734032f')
loss_set3 = LossSet.retrieve('1dd318b0-9af9-4716-9e08-f4811708a117')

fixed_expense = Fee(type='FixedExpense',
                    payout_date=datetime(2018, 1, 15, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
                    amount=MonetaryUnit(1500, 'USD'))

proportional_expense = Fee(type='ProportionalExpense',
                           payout_date=datetime(2017, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),

aggXL = Layer(type='AggXL',
              description='Golf Re Layer 1',
              inception_date=datetime(2017, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
              expiry_date=datetime(2018, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
              premium=MonetaryUnit(119718.3336, 'USD'),
              fees=[fixed_expense, proportional_expense],
              policy=LayerPolicy(transform_records=['Loss', 'FixedExpense'], forward_records=['ProportionalExpense']),
              loss_sets=[loss_set1, loss_set2, loss_set3],
              attachment=MonetaryUnit(10000000, 'USD'),
              limit=MonetaryUnit(5000000, 'USD'),
              aggregate_attachment=MonetaryUnit(10000000, 'USD'),
              aggregate_limit=MonetaryUnit(5000000, 'USD'),
              franchise=MonetaryUnit(0, 'USD')).save()
using System;
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Fees;
using AnalyzeRe.Layers;

AggXL aggXl = new AggXL
    description = "Golf Re Layer 1",
    meta_data = new Dictionary<string, object> {
        {"nth", 1},
        {"if_cover_florida", 1}
    inception_date = new DateTime(2017, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0),
    expiry_date = new DateTime(2018, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0),
    premium = new MonetaryUnit(1119718.3336, "USD"),
    participation = 0.098,
    loss_sets = new List<IReference<LossSet>> {
        new Reference<LossSet>("a1ea710e-43b7-4b61-a672-31ad2c2137f1"),
        new Reference<LossSet>("bb14804d-570a-408c-b4d7-f1763734032f"),
        new Reference<LossSet>("1dd318b0-9af9-4716-9e08-f4811708a117")
    attachment = new MonetaryUnit(110000000, "USD"),
    limit = new MonetaryUnit(15000000, "USD"),
    franchise = new MonetaryUnit(10, "USD"),
    aggregate_attachment = new MonetaryUnit(110000000, "USD"),
    aggregate_limit = new MonetaryUnit(15000000, "USD"),
    fees = new List<Fee> {
        new FixedExpense {
            name = "MyFixedExpense",
            payout_date = new DateTime(2018, 1, 15, 0, 0, 0),
            amount = new MonetaryUnit(1500, "USD")
        new ProportionalExpense {
            name = "MyProportionalExpense",
            payout_date = new DateTime(2017, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0),
            rate = 0.04,
            premiums = new List<FeeReference> {

Response Body:

  "_type": "AggXL",
  "id": "b0aa6a44-f1c6-43b9-9747-116b5a1f2537",
  "description": "Golf Re Layer 1",
  "meta_data": {},
  "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
  "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
  "premium": {
      "value": 119718.3336,
      "currency": "USD"
  "fees": [
          "_type": "FixedExpense",
          "name": "MyFixedExpense",
          "payout_date": "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z",
          "amount": {
              "value": 1500,
              "currency": "USD"
          "_type": "ProportionalExpense",
          "name": "MyProportionalExpense",
          "payout_date": "2017-05-16T00:00:00Z",
          "rate": 0.04,
          "premiums": [
              {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
  "policy": {
      "transform_records": [
      "forward_records": [
  "loss_sets": [
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "a1ea710e-43b7-4b61-a672-31ad2c2137f1"
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "bb14804d-570a-408c-b4d7-f1763734032f"
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "1dd318b0-9af9-4716-9e08-f4811708a117"
  "participation": 0.098,
  "attachment": {
      "value": 10000000,
      "currency": "USD"
  "limit": {
      "value": 5000000,
      "currency": "USD"
  "aggregate_attachment": {
      "value": 10000000,
      "currency": "USD"
  "aggregate_limit": {
      "value": 5000000,
      "currency": "USD"
  "franchise": {
      "value": 0,
      "currency": "USD"


Attribute Traits Description
_type required AggXL
description required
meta_data optional
participation required
inception_date optional
expiry_date optional
premium optional
fees optional
policy optional
loss_sets optional
attachment required
limit required
franchise required
aggregate_attachment required
aggregate_limit required

Quota Share

POST /layers HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "QuotaShare",
  "description": "India Re Layer 5",
  "meta_data": {},
  "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
  "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
  "premium": {
      "value": 245810.8696,
      "currency": "USD"
  "loss_sets": [
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d"
  "participation": 0.098,
  "event_limit": {
      "value": 300000,
      "currency": "USD"
from analyzere import (
from datetime import datetime, timezone

loss_set1 = LossSet.retrieve('e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a')
loss_set2 = LossSet.retrieve('9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d')

layer = Layer(type='QuotaShare',
              description = 'India Re Layer 5',
              meta_data = {},
              inception_date=datetime(2017, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
              expiry_date=datetime(2018, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
              premium=MonetaryUnit(245810.8696, 'USD'),
              loss_sets=[loss_set1, loss_set2],
              event_limit=MonetaryUnit(300000, 'USD')).save()
using System;
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Layers;

QuotaShare quotaShare = new QuotaShare {
    description = "India Re Layer 5",
    inception_date = new DateTime(2017, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0),
    expiry_date = new DateTime(2018, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0),
    premium = new MonetaryUnit(245810.8696, "USD"),
    loss_sets = new List<IReference<LossSet>> {
        new Reference<LossSet>("e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"),
        new Reference<LossSet>("9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d")
    participation = 0.098,
    event_limit = new MonetaryUnit(300000, "USD")

Response Body:

    "id": "4c2608d7-6f87-4f77-b470-d65d39d1b950",
    "_type": "QuotaShare",
    "created": "2018-08-16T16:42:34.291515Z",
    "modified": "2018-08-16T16:42:34.291515Z",
    "loss_sets": [
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d"
    "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "premium": {
        "value": 245810.8696,
        "currency": "USD"
    "event_limit": {
        "value": 300000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "participation": 0.098,
    "meta_data": {},
    "description": "India Re Layer 5"


Attribute Traits Description
_type required QuotaShare
description required
meta_data optional
participation required
inception_date optional
expiry_date optional
premium optional
fees optional
policy optional
loss_sets optional
event_limit required

Aggregate Quota Share

POST /layers HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "AggregateQuotaShare",
  "description": "India Re Layer 5",
  "meta_data": {},
  "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
  "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
  "premium": {
      "value": 245810.8696,
      "currency": "USD"
  "fees": [],
  "policy": null,
  "loss_sets": [
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d"
  "participation": 0.098,
  "event_limit": {
      "value": 300000,
      "currency": "USD"
  "aggregate_limit": {
      "value": 1000000,
      "currency": "USD"
  "aggregate_attachment": {
      "value": 1000000,
      "currency": "USD",
from analyzere import (
from datetime import datetime, timezone

loss_set1 = LossSet.retrieve('e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a')
loss_set2 = LossSet.retrieve('9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d')

layer = Layer(type='AggregateQuotaShare',
              description = 'India Re Layer 5',
              meta_data = {},
              inception_date=datetime(2017, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
              expiry_date=datetime(2018, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
              premium=MonetaryUnit(245810.8696, 'USD'),
              loss_sets=[loss_set1, loss_set2],
              event_limit=MonetaryUnit(300000, 'USD'),
              aggregate_limit=MonetaryUnit(1000000, 'USD'),
              aggregate_attachment=MonetaryUnit(1000000, 'USD')).save()
using System;
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Layers;

AggregateQuotaShare aggQuotaShare = new AggregateQuotaShare {
    description = "India Re Layer 5",
    inception_date = new DateTime(2017, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0),
    expiry_date = new DateTime(2018, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0),
    premium = new MonetaryUnit(245810.8696, "USD"),
    loss_sets = new List<IReference<LossSet>> {
        new Reference<LossSet>("e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"),
        new Reference<LossSet>("9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d")
    participation = 0.098,
    event_limit = new MonetaryUnit(300000, "USD"),
    aggregate_limit = new MonetaryUnit(1000000, "USD"),
    aggregate_attachment = new MonetaryUnit(1000000, "USD")

Response Body:

    "_type": "AggregateQuotaShare",
    "id": "c25618e5-dcb3-4592-8ece-9d7926a1f3ab",
    "description": "India Re Layer 5",
    "meta_data": {},
    "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "premium": {
        "value": 245810.8696,
        "currency": "USD"
    "fees": [],
    "policy": null,
    "loss_sets": [
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d"
    "participation": 0.098,
    "event_limit": {
        "value": 300000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_limit": {
        "value": 1000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_attachment": {
        "value": 1000000.0,
        "currency": "USD",


Attribute Traits Description
_type required AggregateQuotaShare
description required
meta_data optional
participation required
inception_date optional
expiry_date optional
premium optional
fees optional
policy optional
loss_sets optional
event_limit required
aggregate_limit required
aggregate_attachment optional

Back Allocated layer

POST /layers HTTP/1.1
    "_type": "BackAllocatedLayer",
    "id": "4c2608d7-6f87-4f77-b470-d65d39d1b950",
    "description": "Windstorm contributions",
    "meta_data": {},
    "sink": {"ref_id": "f7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf91", "reference_type": "LayerView"},
    "source_id": "f7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf92"
from analyzere import (
from datetime import datetime, timezone

layer = Layer(type='BackAllocatedLayer',
              description = 'Windstorm contributions',
              meta_data = {},
              sink = {'ref_id': "f7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf91", 'reference_type': 'LayerView'}
              source_id = "f7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf92")
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Layers;

BackAllocatedLayer layer = new BackAllocatedLayer
    description = "Windstorm contributions",
    sink = new Reference<ILayerView>("f7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf91"),
    source_id = "f7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf92"

Response Body:

    "id": "4c2608d7-6f87-4f77-b470-d65d39d1b950",
    "_type": "BackAllocatedLayer",
    "created": "2018-08-16T16:42:34.291515Z",
    "modified": "2018-08-16T16:42:34.291515Z",
    "sink": {"ref_id": "f7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf91", "reference_type": "LayerView"},
    "source_id": "f7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf92",
    "meta_data": {},
    "description": "Windstorm contributions"


Attribute Traits Description
_type required BackAllocatedLayer
description required
meta_data optional
sink required
source_id required

Value Allocator

POST /layers HTTP/1.1
    "_type": "ValueAllocator",
    "description": "Value Allocator",
    "meta_data": {},
    "source": {"ref_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "reference_type": "LayerView"},
    "target": {"ref_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002", "reference_type": "LayerView"},
    "group": {"ref_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003", "reference_type": "LayerView"},
    "proportioned_perspective" : "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
    "allocation_perspectives" : ["LossNetOfAggregateTerms", "ReinstatementPremium", "ReinstatementBrokerage"],
    "allocation_ratio_basis" : "PerEvent"
from analyzere import (
from datetime import datetime, timezone
 layer = Layer(type='ValueAllocator',
              description = 'Value Allocator',
              meta_data = {},
              source = {'ref_id': "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", 'reference_type': ReferenceType('LayerView').name},
              target = {'ref_id': "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002", 'reference_type': ReferenceType('LayerView').name},
              group = {'ref_id': "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003", 'reference_type': ReferenceType('LayerView').name},
              proportioned_perspective = "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
              allocation_perspectives = ["LossNetOfAggregateTerms", "ReinstatementPremium", "ReinstatementBrokerage"])
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Layers;

ValueAllocator layer = new ValueAllocator
    description = "Value Allocator",
    source = new Reference<ILayerView>("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"),
    target = new Reference<ILayerView>("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002"),
    group = new Reference<ILayerView>("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003"),
    proportioned_perspective = Perspective.Base.LossNetOfAggregateTerms,
    allocation_perspectives = new [] {
    allocation_ratio_basis = ValueAllocator.AllocationRatioBasis.PerEvent

Response Body:

    "id": "4c2608d7-6f87-4f77-b470-d65d39d1b950",
    "_type": "ValueAllocator",
    "created": "2018-08-16T16:42:34.291515Z",
    "modified": "2018-08-16T16:42:34.291515Z",
    "description": "Value Allocator",
    "meta_data": {},
    "source": {"ref_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "reference_type": "LayerView"},
    "target": {"ref_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002", "reference_type": "LayerView"},
    "group": {"ref_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003", "reference_type": "LayerView"},
    "proportioned_perspective" : "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
    "allocation_perspectives" : ["LossNetOfAggregateTerms", "ReinstatementPremium", "ReinstatementBrokerage"],
    "allocation_ratio_basis" : "PerEvent"


Attribute Traits Description
_type required ValueAllocator
description required
meta_data optional
source required
target required
group required
proportioned_perspective required
allocation_perspectives required
allocation_ratio_basis optional

Nested Layer

POST /layers HTTP/1.1
  "_type": "NestedLayer",
  "description": "Nested Layer for Target",
  "id": "b9c8be63-7251-4ade-98c7-fd53de354483",
  "meta_data": {},
  "sink": {"ref_id": "66fea650-f7ae-4f64-a9e1-bcd986c9611b"},
  "sources": [{"ref_id": "e00cb143-3083-4035-8082-b0f990d878b6"}]
import analyzere

from analyzere import (

# Define the baser url, user name and password of the server to be used
# Specify an analysis profile to use in order to generate metrics

loss_set1 = LossSet.retrieve('f6f688ef-585b-4d95-9ec0-d9275f282a63')

layer_source = Layer( type = 'CatXL',
                description = 'Source Layer',
                meta_data= {},
                participation = 1.00,
                attachment = MonetaryUnit(0, 'USD'),
                limit = MonetaryUnit(1500000, 'USD'),
                reinstatements=[Reinstatement(premium = 1.0, brokerage = 0.75)],
                franchise=MonetaryUnit(0, 'USD')

layer_sink = Layer( type = 'QuotaShare',
                    description = 'Unlimited quota share Sink',
                    meta_data= {},
                    participation = 1.00,
                    event_limit = MonetaryUnit(10000000000000000, 'USD')

layer_Nested = Layer(   type = 'NestedLayer',
                        description = 'Nested Layer for Target',
                        meta_data = {},
                        sink = layer_sink,
                        sources = [Layer.retrieve(layer_source.to_dict()["id"])]
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Layers;

Nested layer = new Nested
    description = "Nested Layer for Target",
    // Note that sink/source can be *inlined* references (unsaved layer definitions)
    sink = new QuotaShare {
        description = "Unlimited quota share Sink",
        event_limit = new MonetaryUnit(10000000000000000, "USD"),
        participation = 1.0
    // Nested.Sources is a helper class for building a source reference list.
    sources = new Nested.Sources {
        new CatXL {
            description = "Source Layer",
            loss_sets = new List<IReference<LossSet>> { new Reference<LossSet>("f6f688ef-585b-4d95-9ec0-d9275f282a63") },
            participation = 1.0,
            attachment = new MonetaryUnit(0, "USD"),
            limit = new MonetaryUnit(1500000, "USD"),
            reinstatements = new List<Reinstatement> { new Reinstatement { premium = 1.0, brokerage = 0.75 } },
            franchise = new MonetaryUnit(0, "USD"),

Response Body:

  "_type": "NestedLayer",
  "description": "Nested Layer for Target",
  "id": "b9c8be63-7251-4ade-98c7-fd53de354483",
  "meta_data": {},
  "sink": {"ref_id": "66fea650-f7ae-4f64-a9e1-bcd986c9611b"},
  "sources": [{"ref_id": "e00cb143-3083-4035-8082-b0f990d878b6"}]


Attribute Traits Description
_type required NestedLayer
description required
meta_data optional
sink required Can only be one value
sources required One or more values represented in parantheses []



GET /layers/89804e42-e048-4146-a0b7-1ca9da0da798 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import Layer

layer = Layer.retrieve('89804e42-e048-4146-a0b7-1ca9da0da798')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Layers;

Generic layer = API.Get<Generic>("89804e42-e048-4146-a0b7-1ca9da0da798");

Response Body:

    "_type": "Generic",
    "id": "89804e42-e048-4146-a0b7-1ca9da0da798",
    "description": "Demo 1 Echo Re Layer 1",
    "meta_data": {
        "nth": 1,
        "if_cover_florida": 1
    "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "premium": {
        "value": 55774.15217,
        "currency": "USD"
    "fees": [
            "_type": "FixedExpense",
            "name": "MyFixedExpense",
            "payout_date": "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z",
            "amount": {
                "value": 1500,
                "currency": "USD"
            "_type": "ProportionalExpense",
            "name": "MyProportionalExpense",
            "payout_date": "2017-05-16T00:00:00Z",
            "rate": 0.04,
            "premiums": [
                {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
    "policy": {
        "transform_records": [
        "forward_records": [
    "loss_sets": [],
    "participation": 0.098,
    "attachment": {
        "value": 1000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "limit": {
        "value": 2000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_attachment": {
        "value": 0,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_limit": {
        "value": 0,
        "currency": "USD"
    "reinstatements": [],
    "franchise": {
        "value": 0,
        "currency": "USD"


Attribute Traits Description
id required The UUID of the resource to be retrieved

Excess of Loss

GET /layers/7a61ffdf-1598-4e51-a7bb-09c918541fc8 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import Layer

layer = Layer.retrieve('7a61ffdf-1598-4e51-a7bb-09c918541fc8')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Layers;

CatXL layer = API.Get<CatXL>("7a61ffdf-1598-4e51-a7bb-09c918541fc8");

Response Body:

  "_type": "CatXL",
  "id": "7a61ffdf-1598-4e51-a7bb-09c918541fc8",
  "description": "Alpha Re Layer 1",
  "meta_data": {},
  "inception_date": "2017-03-17T14:02:43.837000Z",
  "expiry_date": "2018-03-16T14:02:43.837000Z",
  "premium": {
      "value": 100000,
      "currency": "USD"
  "fees": [
          "_type": "FixedExpense",
          "name": "MyFixedExpense",
          "payout_date": "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z",
          "amount": {
              "value": 1500,
              "currency": "USD"
          "_type": "ProportionalExpense",
          "name": "MyProportionalExpense",
          "payout_date": "2017-05-16T00:00:00Z",
          "rate": 0.04,
          "premiums": [
              {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
  "policy": {
      "transform_records": [
      "forward_records": [
  "loss_sets": [
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "49c9c3ca-475f-4b70-b362-3d09caa48afb"
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "9fadbccf-178e-4400-9bc3-5fff17886cb0"
  "participation": 0.25,
  "nth": 1,
  "attachment": {
      "value": 1718242.18923324,
      "currency": "USD"
  "limit": {
      "value": 1718242.18923324,
      "currency": "USD"
  "reinstatements": [
          "premium": 0.1,
          "brokerage": 0.05
          "premium": 0.2,
          "brokerage": 0.05
          "premium": 0.3,
          "brokerage": 0.05
  "franchise": {
      "value": 0,
      "currency": "USD"


Attribute Traits Description
id required The UUID of the resource to be retrieved

Aggregate Excess of Loss

GET /layers/b0aa6a44-f1c6-43b9-9747-116b5a1f2537 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import Layer

layer = Layer.retrieve('b0aa6a44-f1c6-43b9-9747-116b5a1f2537')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Layers;

AggXL layer = API.Get<AggXL>("b0aa6a44-f1c6-43b9-9747-116b5a1f2537");

Response Body:

    "_type": "AggXL",
    "id": "b0aa6a44-f1c6-43b9-9747-116b5a1f2537",
    "description": "Golf Re Layer 1",
    "meta_data": {},
    "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "premium": {
        "value": 119718.3336,
        "currency": "USD"
    "fees": [
            "_type": "FixedExpense",
            "name": "MyFixedExpense",
            "payout_date": "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z",
            "amount": {
                "value": 1500,
                "currency": "USD"
            "_type": "ProportionalExpense",
            "name": "MyProportionalExpense",
            "payout_date": "2017-05-16T00:00:00Z",
            "rate": 0.04,
            "premiums": [
                {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
    "policy": {
        "transform_records": [
        "forward_records": [
    "loss_sets": [
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "a1ea710e-43b7-4b61-a672-31ad2c2137f1"
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "bb14804d-570a-408c-b4d7-f1763734032f"
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "1dd318b0-9af9-4716-9e08-f4811708a117"
    "participation": 0.098,
    "attachment": {
        "value": 10000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "limit": {
        "value": 5000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_attachment": {
        "value": 10000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_limit": {
        "value": 5000000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "franchise": {
        "value": 0,
        "currency": "USD"


Attribute Traits Description
id required The UUID of the resource to be retrieved

Quota Share

GET /layers/4c2608d7-6f87-4f77-b470-d65d39d1b950 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import Layer

layer = Layer.retrieve('4c2608d7-6f87-4f77-b470-d65d39d1b950')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Layers;

QuotaShare layer = API.Get<QuotaShare>("4c2608d7-6f87-4f77-b470-d65d39d1b950");

Response Body:

    "id": "4c2608d7-6f87-4f77-b470-d65d39d1b950",
    "_type": "QuotaShare",
    "created": "2018-08-16T16:42:34.291515Z",
    "modified": "2018-08-16T16:42:34.291515Z",
    "loss_sets": [
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d"
    "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "premium": {
        "value": 245810.8696,
        "currency": "USD"
    "fees": [
            "_type": "FixedExpense",
            "name": "MyFixedExpense",
            "payout_date": "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z",
            "amount": {
                "value": 1500,
                "currency": "USD"
            "_type": "ProportionalExpense",
            "name": "MyProportionalExpense",
            "payout_date": "2017-05-16T00:00:00Z",
            "rate": 0.04,
            "premiums": [
                {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
    "policy": {
        "transform_records": [
        "forward_records": [
    "event_limit": {
        "value": 300000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "participation": 0.098,
    "meta_data": {},
    "description": "India Re Layer 5"


Attribute Traits Description
id required The UUID of the resource to be retrieved

Aggregate Quota Share

GET /layers/c25618e5-dcb3-4592-8ece-9d7926a1f3ab HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import Layer

layer = Layer.retrieve('c25618e5-dcb3-4592-8ece-9d7926a1f3ab')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Layers;

AggregateQuotaShare layer = API.Get<AggregateQuotaShare>("c25618e5-dcb3-4592-8ece-9d7926a1f3ab");

Response Body:

    "_type": "AggregateQuotaShare",
    "id": "c25618e5-dcb3-4592-8ece-9d7926a1f3ab",
    "description": "India Re Layer 5",
    "meta_data": {},
    "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
    "premium": {
        "value": 245810.8696,
        "currency": "USD"
    "fees": [],
    "policy": null,
    "loss_sets": [
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d"
    "participation": 0.098,
    "event_limit": {
        "value": 300000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "aggregate_limit": {
        "value": 1000000,
        "currency": "USD"


Attribute Traits Description
id required The UUID of the resource to be retrieved

Back Allocated

GET /layers/c25618e5-dcb3-4592-8ece-9d7926a1f3ab HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import Layer

layer = Layer.retrieve('c25618e5-dcb3-4592-8ece-9d7926a1f3ab')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Layers;

BackAllocatedLayer layer = API.Get<BackAllocatedLayer>("c25618e5-dcb3-4592-8ece-9d7926a1f3ab");

Response Body:

   "id": "4c2608d7-6f87-4f77-b470-d65d39d1b950",
    "_type": "BackAllocatedLayer",
    "created": "2018-08-16T16:42:34.291515Z",
    "modified": "2018-08-16T16:42:34.291515Z",
    "sink": {"ref_id": "f7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf91", "reference_type": "LayerView"},
    "source_id": "f7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf92",
    "meta_data": {},
    "description": "Windstorm contributions"


Attribute Traits Description
id required The UUID of the resource to be retrieved

Value Allocator

GET /layers/c25618e5-dcb3-4592-8ece-9d7926a1f3ab HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import Layer

layer = Layer.retrieve('c25618e5-dcb3-4592-8ece-9d7926a1f3ab')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Layers;

ValueAllocator layer = API.Get<ValueAllocator>("c25618e5-dcb3-4592-8ece-9d7926a1f3ab");

Response Body:

    "id": "4c2608d7-6f87-4f77-b470-d65d39d1b950",
    "_type": "ValueAllocator",
    "created": "2018-08-16T16:42:34.291515Z",
    "modified": "2018-08-16T16:42:34.291515Z",
    "description": "Value Allocator",
    "meta_data": {},
    "source": {"ref_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "reference_type": "LayerView"},
    "target": {"ref_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002", "reference_type": "LayerView"},
    "group": {"ref_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003", "reference_type": "LayerView"},
    "proportioned_perspective" : "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
    "allocation_perspectives" : ["LossNetOfAggregateTerms", "ReinstatementPremium", "ReinstatementBrokerage"]


Attribute Traits Description
id required The UUID of the resource to be retrieved

Nested Layer

GET /layers/b9c8be63-7251-4ade-98c7-fd53de354483 HTTP/1.1
from analyzere import Layer

layer = Layer.retrieve('b9c8be63-7251-4ade-98c7-fd53de354483')
using AnalyzeRe;

ValueAllocator layer = API.Get<ValueAllocator>("b9c8be63-7251-4ade-98c7-fd53de354483");

Response Body:

  "_type": "NestedLayer",
  "created": "2019-04-11T19:22:03.606556+00:00",
  "description": "Nested Layer for Target",
  "id": "b9c8be63-7251-4ade-98c7-fd53de354483",
  "meta_data": {},
  "modified": "2019-04-11T19:22:03.606556+00:00",
  "sink": {"ref_id": "66fea650-f7ae-4f64-a9e1-bcd986c9611b"},
  "sources": [{"ref_id": "e00cb143-3083-4035-8082-b0f990d878b6"}]


Attribute Traits Description
id required The UUID of the resource to be retrieved

List Layers

GET /layers?search=India%20Re&ordering=-created HTTP/1.1
from analyzere import Layer

layers = Layer.list(search='India Re',
using AnalyzeRe;
using System.Collections.Generic;

IEnumerable<Layer> layers = API.SearchResourceList<Layer>(
    "India Re", API.Parameters.Order("-created")).items;

Response Body

  "items": [
          "id": "4c2608d7-6f87-4f77-b470-d65d39d1b950",
          "_type": "QuotaShare",
          "created": "2018-08-16T16:42:34.291515Z",
          "modified": "2018-08-16T16:42:34.291515Z",
          "loss_sets": [
                "href": "",
                "ref_id": "e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"
                "href": "",
                "ref_id": "9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d"
          "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
          "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
          "premium": {
              "value": 245810.8696,
              "currency": "USD"
          "fees": [
                  "_type": "FixedExpense",
                  "name": "MyFixedExpense",
                  "payout_date": "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z",
                  "amount": {
                      "value": 1500,
                      "currency": "USD"
                  "_type": "ProportionalExpense",
                  "name": "MyProportionalExpense",
                  "payout_date": "2017-05-16T00:00:00Z",
                  "rate": 0.04,
                  "premiums": [
                      {"ref": ["Layer", "Premium"]}
          "policy": {
              "transform_records": [
              "forward_records": [
          "event_limit": {
              "value": 300000,
              "currency": "USD"
          "participation": 0.098,
          "meta_data": {},
          "description": "India Re Layer 5"
  "meta": {
    "total_count": 1,
    "limit": 100,
    "offset": 0

Layers of all types are returned in a list.


Name Traits Description
limit optional the maximum number of Layers to return (default 100)
offset optional the number of Layers to skip before returning the limit
fields optional a list of the Layer fields to include in the response (case-sensitive exact match)
omit optional a list of the Layer fields to exclude from the response (case-sensitive exact match)
ids optional a list of UUIDs for the Layers to be retrieved (max 100 UUIDs)
search optional filters the list of Layers by description (case-insensitive substring match)
description optional filters the list of Layers by description (case-sensitive exact match)
ordering optional orders the list of Layers

ordering accepts the following values (case-sensitive):

This will return results in ascending order. To return results in descending order, add the prefix - to a value. e.g. -id will return results sorted by id in descending order.

To order by multiple attributes, provide a list of attributes to ordering. e.g. description,-created will sort results by description in ascending order and then sort by created in descending order (for duplicate descriptions).

Layer Views

A Layer View represents the analysis of a Layer. Layer Views (or Portfolio Views) are required for metrics requests. In order to query metrics for a Layer, you must create a corresponding Layer View.


  "id": "89ad2976-5c4c-e5cc-4b0b-53be184851b9",
  "analysis_profile": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "286cb65c-07ec-4482-a192-427889471b8d"
  "layer": {
      "_type": "QuotaShare",
      "id": "f35ec156-2072-48fd-b96a-860fc4c4cdcc",
      "description": "India Re Layer 5",
      "meta_data": {},
      "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
      "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
      "premium": {
          "value": 245810.8696,
          "currency": "USD"
      "fees": [],
      "loss_sets": [
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d"
      "participation": 0.098,
      "event_limit": {
          "value": 300000,
          "currency": "USD"
  "target_currency": "USD",
  "ylt_id": "e05565a2-e303-6ede-88d1-18ae991f3173"


Attribute Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
analysis_profile Reference Analysis Profile The Analysis Profile to use for this analysis
layer Inline Layer The Layer to analyze
target_currency string The ISO 4217 currency code to use by default for metrics results
ylt_id string a server-generated UUID representing the completed analysis


Option 1: Using a saved layer

POST /layer_views HTTP/1.1

  "analysis_profile": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "286cb65c-07ec-4482-a192-427889471b8d"
  "layer": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "f35ec156-2072-48fd-b96a-860fc4c4cdcc"
  "target_currency": "USD"
from analyzere import (

analysis_profile = AnalysisProfile.retrieve('286cb65c-07ec-4482-a192-427889471b8d')

layer = Layer.retrieve('f35ec156-2072-48fd-b96a-860fc4c4cdcc')
layer_view = LayerView(analysis_profile=analysis_profile,
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Layers;

ILayerView layerView = LayerViews.Create(
    new Reference<AnalysisProfile>("286cb65c-07ec-4482-a192-427889471b8d"),

Option 2: Using an inline layer definition

POST /layer_views HTTP/1.1

  "analysis_profile": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "286cb65c-07ec-4482-a192-427889471b8d"
  "layer": {
          "_type": "QuotaShare",
          "description": "India Re Layer 5",
          "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
          "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
          "premium": {
              "value": 245810.8696,
              "currency": "USD"
          "loss_sets": [
                "href": "",
                "ref_id": "e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"
                "href": "",
                "ref_id": "9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d"
          "participation": 0.098,
          "event_limit": {
              "value": 300000,
              "currency": "USD"
  "target_currency": "USD"
from analyzere import (
from datetime import datetime, timezone

analysis_profile = AnalysisProfile.retrieve('286cb65c-07ec-4482-a192-427889471b8d')
loss_set1 = LossSet.retrieve('e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a')
loss_set2 = LossSet.retrieve('9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d')

layer_view = LayerView(analysis_profile=analysis_profile,
                                   description = 'India Re Layer 5',
                                   meta_data = {},
                                   inception_date=datetime(2017, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
                                   expiry_date=datetime(2018, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
                                   premium=MonetaryUnit(245810.8696, 'USD'),
                                   loss_sets=[loss_set1, loss_set2],
                                   event_limit=MonetaryUnit(300000, 'USD')
using System;
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Layers;
using AnalyzeRe.LossSets;

LayerView<QuotaShare> layerView = new LayerView<QuotaShare> {
    layer = new QuotaShare {
        description = "India Re Layer 5",
        inception_date = new DateTime(2017, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0),
        expiry_date = new DateTime(2018, 1, 23, 4, 0, 0),
        premium = new MonetaryUnit(245810.8696, "USD"),
        participation = 0.098
        event_limit = new MonetaryUnit(300000, "USD"),
        loss_sets = new List<IReference<LossSet>> {
            new Reference<PortfolioLossSet>("e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"),
            new Reference<PortfolioLossSet>("9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d")
    analysis_profile = new Reference<AnalysisProfile>("286cb65c-07ec-4482-a192-427889471b8d"),
    target_currency = "USD"

Response Body:

  "id": "89ad2976-5c4c-e5cc-4b0b-53be184851b9",
  "analysis_profile": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "286cb65c-07ec-4482-a192-427889471b8d"
  "layer": {
      "_type": "QuotaShare",
      "id": "f35ec156-2072-48fd-b96a-860fc4c4cdcc",
      "description": "India Re Layer 5",
      "meta_data": {},
      "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
      "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
      "premium": {
          "value": 245810.8696,
          "currency": "USD"
      "fees": [],
      "loss_sets": [
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d"
      "participation": 0.098,
      "event_limit": {
          "value": 300000,
          "currency": "USD"
  "target_currency": "USD",
  "ylt_id": "e05565a2-e303-6ede-88d1-18ae991f3173"

Layer Views can be created using either inline Layer definitions, references to existing Layers or LayerView. However, Layer Views will only store inline Layer definitions. Thus, changes to a referenced Layer will not be reflected in the Layer View. A new Layer View must be created to analyze the changed Layer.


Attribute Traits Description
analysis_profile required
layer required
target_currency optional


GET /layer_views/89ad2976-5c4c-e5cc-4b0b-53be184851b9 HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import LayerView

layer = LayerView.retrieve('89ad2976-5c4c-e5cc-4b0b-53be184851b9')
using AnalyzeRe;

ILayerView layerView = API.Get<ILayerView>("89ad2976-5c4c-e5cc-4b0b-53be184851b9");

Response Body:

  "id": "89ad2976-5c4c-e5cc-4b0b-53be184851b9",
  "analysis_profile": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "286cb65c-07ec-4482-a192-427889471b8d"
  "layer": {
      "_type": "QuotaShare",
      "id": "f35ec156-2072-48fd-b96a-860fc4c4cdcc",
      "description": "India Re Layer 5",
      "meta_data": {},
      "inception_date": "2017-01-23T04:00:00Z",
      "expiry_date": "2018-01-23T04:00:00Z",
      "premium": {
          "value": 245810.8696,
          "currency": "USD"
      "fees": [],
      "loss_sets": [
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "e7e116dc-9e88-4d4c-ada3-6307194ecf9a"
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "9d991b36-48fd-45a5-a322-c9286868a98d"
      "participation": 0.098,
      "event_limit": {
          "value": 300000,
          "currency": "USD"
  "target_currency": "USD",
  "ylt_id": "e05565a2-e303-6ede-88d1-18ae991f3173"


Attribute Traits Description
id required The UUID of the Layer View to be retrieved


Layers can be grouped together to form Portfolios. There is no restriction on the number of Layers that can be a part of a Portfolio, and a Layer may belong to many Portfolios.

Portfolio Class Description
StaticPortfolio User managed portfolio


Static Portfolio

    "id": "e5110b09-fbb5-49ca-9f00-3e4928bc328e",
    "_type": "StaticPortfolio",
    "created": "2016-03-09T18:46:07.945446Z",
    "modified": "2016-03-09T18:46:07.945446Z",
    "name": "2015 North American In Force",
    "layers": [
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "768c8554-6fa8-464b-8878-5ac1792ffdb5"
    "meta_data": {},
    "description": "All North American exposures"

A Static Portfolio is user-managed: users control which Layers belong to a Static Portfolio by explicitly setting its members.


Name Type Description
_type Type The server name for this type of Portfolio.
id string A server-generated UUID.
name string The name of the Portfolio.
description string A short description of the Portfolio.
layers Reference Layer The Layers that are a part of the Portfolio.


Static Portfolio

from analyzere import Layer, Portfolio

static_portfolio = Portfolio(name='2015 North American In Force',
                             description='All North American exposures'
using AnalyzeRe;

StaticPortfolio portfolio = new StaticPortfolio(); = "2015 North American In Force";
portfolio.description = "All North American exposures";
portfolio.layers.Add(new Reference<Layer>("768c8554-6fa8-464b-8878-5ac1792ffdb5"));
portfolio = portfolio.Save();

POST /portfolios HTTP/1.1

  "_type": "StaticPortfolio",
  "name": "2015 North American In Force",
  "description": "All North American exposures",
  "layers": [
      "ref_id": "768c8554-6fa8-464b-8878-5ac1792ffdb5",
      "ref_type": "Generic",
      "href": ""

Response Body

    "id": "e5110b09-fbb5-49ca-9f00-3e4928bc328e",
    "_type": "StaticPortfolio",
    "created": "2016-03-09T18:46:07.945446Z",
    "modified": "2016-03-09T18:46:07.945446Z",
    "name": "2015 North American In Force",
    "layers": [
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "768c8554-6fa8-464b-8878-5ac1792ffdb5"
    "meta_data": {},
    "description": "All North American exposures"
Name Traits Description
name required
description required
layers required


Static Portfolio

from analyzere import Portfolio

portfolio = Portfolio.retrieve('e5110b09-fbb5-49ca-9f00-3e4928bc328e')
using AnalyzeRe;

StaticPortfolio portfolio = API.Get<StaticPortfolio>("e5110b09-fbb5-49ca-9f00-3e4928bc328e");
GET /portfolios/e5110b09-fbb5-49ca-9f00-3e4928bc328e HTTP/1.1

Response Body

    "id": "e5110b09-fbb5-49ca-9f00-3e4928bc328e",
    "_type": "StaticPortfolio",
    "created": "2016-03-09T18:46:07.945446Z",
    "modified": "2016-03-09T18:46:07.945446Z",
    "name": "2015 North American In Force",
    "layers": [
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "768c8554-6fa8-464b-8878-5ac1792ffdb5"
    "meta_data": {},
    "description": "All North American exposures"
Name Traits Description
id required The UUID of the Portfolio to be retrieved

List Portfolios

GET /portfolios?search=North%20American&ordering=-created HTTP/1.1
from analyzere import Portfolio

portfolios = Portfolio.list(search='North American',
using AnalyzeRe;
using System.Collections.Generic;

IEnumerable<Portfolio> portfolios = API.SearchResourceList<Portfolio>(
    "North American", API.Parameters.Order("-created")).items;

Response Body

  "items": [
          "id": "e5110b09-fbb5-49ca-9f00-3e4928bc328e",
          "_type": "StaticPortfolio",
          "created": "2016-03-09T18:46:07.945446Z",
          "modified": "2016-03-09T18:46:07.945446Z",
          "name": "2015 North American In Force",
          "layers": [
                "href": "",
                "ref_id": "768c8554-6fa8-464b-8878-5ac1792ffdb5"
          "meta_data": {},
          "description": "All North American exposures"
  "meta": {
      "total_count": 1,
      "limit": 100,
      "offset": 0

Portfolios are returned in a list.


Name Traits Description
limit optional the maximum number of Portfolios to return (default 100)
offset optional the number of Portfolios to skip before returning the limit
fields optional a list of the Portfolio fields to include in the response (case-sensitive exact match)
omit optional a list of the Portfolio fields to exclude from the response (case-sensitive exact match)
ids optional a list of UUIDs for the Portfolios to be retrieved (max 100 UUIDs)
search optional filters the list of Portfolios by name and description (case-insensitive substring match)
name optional filters the list of Portfolios by name (case-sensitive exact match)
description optional filters the list of Portfolios by description (case-sensitive exact match)
ordering optional orders the list of Portfolios

ordering accepts the following values (case-sensitive):

This will return results in ascending order. To return results in descending order, add the prefix - to a value. e.g. -id will return results sorted by id in descending order.

To order by multiple attributes, provide a list of attributes to ordering. e.g. description,-created will sort results by description in ascending order and then sort by created in descending order (for duplicate descriptions).

Portfolio Views

A Portfolio View represents the analysis of a Portfolio. Portfolio Views (or Layer Views) are required for metrics requests. In order to query metrics for a Portfolio, you must create a corresponding Portfolio View.

For analyzing marginal changes to a Portfolio, see Marginal Portfolio Views.


  "id": "53ed2634-fa83-a0ae-2fcb-8e6d3b8902fe",
  "analysis_profile": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "286cb65c-07ec-4482-a192-427889471b8d"
  "layer_views": [
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "a474595b-06d1-4da8-2ad4-c797dc138fc4"
  "portfolio": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "e5110b09-fbb5-49ca-9f00-3e4928bc328e"
  "target_currency": "USD",
  "ylt_id": "300a568e-b1c5-8c7e-31af-03e538b2e7e4"


Attribute Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
analysis_profile Reference Analysis Profile The Analysis Profile to use for this analysis
layer_views list(Reference Layer View) The Layer Views included in this Portfolio View (server-generated if portfolio is supplied)
portfolio Reference Portfolio The Portfolio to analyze
target_currency string The ISO 4217 currency code to use by default for metrics results
ylt_id string a server-generated UUID representing the completed analysis


POST /portfolio_views HTTP/1.1

  "analysis_profile": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "286cb65c-07ec-4482-a192-427889471b8d"
  "portfolio": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "e5110b09-fbb5-49ca-9f00-3e4928bc328e"
  "target_currency": "USD"

from analyzere import (

analysis_profile = AnalysisProfile.retrieve('286cb65c-07ec-4482-a192-427889471b8d')
portfolio = Portfolio.retrieve('e5110b09-fbb5-49ca-9f00-3e4928bc328e')

portfolio_view = PortfolioView(analysis_profile=analysis_profile,
using AnalyzeRe;

PortfolioView portfolioView = new PortfolioView() {
    analysis_profile = new Reference<AnalysisProfile>("286cb65c-07ec-4482-a192-427889471b8d"),
    portfolio = new Reference<StaticPortfolio>("e5110b09-fbb5-49ca-9f00-3e4928bc328e"),
    target_currency = "USD"

Response Body:

  "id": "53ed2634-fa83-a0ae-2fcb-8e6d3b8902fe",
  "analysis_profile": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "286cb65c-07ec-4482-a192-427889471b8d"
  "layer_views": [
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "a474595b-06d1-4da8-2ad4-c797dc138fc4"
  "portfolio": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "e5110b09-fbb5-49ca-9f00-3e4928bc328e"
  "target_currency": "USD",
  "ylt_id": "300a568e-b1c5-8c7e-31af-03e538b2e7e4"

Portfolio Views can be created using either a list of references to existing Layer Views or a reference to a Portfolio. If a reference to a Portfolio is used, Layer Views will be created for the Layers in that Portfolio and the resulting Portfolio View will depend on these Layer Views. Thus, changes to the referenced Portfolio will not be reflected in the Portfolio View. A new Portfolio View must be created to analyze the changed Portfolio.

Only one of layer_views and portfolio may be provided. Providing both will result in an error.


Attribute Traits Description
analysis_profile required
layer_views required (if portfolio not provided)
portfolio required (if layer_views not provided)
target_currency optional


GET /portfolio_views/53ed2634-fa83-a0ae-2fcb-8e6d3b8902fe HTTP/1.1

from analyzere import PortfolioView

portfolio = PortfolioView.retrieve('53ed2634-fa83-a0ae-2fcb-8e6d3b8902fe')
using AnalyzeRe;

PortfolioView portfolioView = API.Get<PortfolioView>("53ed2634-fa83-a0ae-2fcb-8e6d3b8902fe");

Response Body:

  "id": "53ed2634-fa83-a0ae-2fcb-8e6d3b8902fe",
  "analysis_profile": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "286cb65c-07ec-4482-a192-427889471b8d"
  "layer_views": [
          "href": "",
          "ref_id": "a474595b-06d1-4da8-2ad4-c797dc138fc4"
  "portfolio": {
      "href": "",
      "ref_id": "e5110b09-fbb5-49ca-9f00-3e4928bc328e"
  "target_currency": "USD",
  "ylt_id": "300a568e-b1c5-8c7e-31af-03e538b2e7e4"


Attribute Traits Description
id required The UUID of the Portfolio View to be retrieved


Metrics, in general, includes Tail Metrics, TVaR (tail value at risk), Window Metrics, Window VaR (window value at risk), Tail Co Metrics, Window Co Metrics, and EL (expected loss). Metrics can be accessed for both Layer Views and Portfolio Views. Tail metrics take a list of probabilities as input. Window metrics take a list of probability ranges (windows) as input.

PRIME also supports downloading of YLTs and YELTs directly.

Metrics-specific conventions

LayerView and PortfolioView Metrics

Both LayerViews and PortfolioViews support the metrics described below. The metric that will be calculated depends entirely on the resource for which the metric is requested. Any differences in the request/response format will be highlighted.




1. Layer's layered losses only:<UUID>/tail_metrics/0.5?perspective=NetLoss

2. Layer's up-front premium only:<UUID>/tail_metrics/0.5?perspective=Premium

3. Layer's total premium income including premium from reinstatements:<UUID>/tail_metrics/0.5?perspective=Premium,ReinstatementPremium

4. Layer's layered losses net of premium income:<UUID>/tail_metrics/0.5?perspective=NetLoss,Premium,ReinstatementPremium

5. Layer's expenses other than loss expenses:<UUID>/tail_metrics/0.5?perspective=ReinstatementBrokerage,FixedExpense,ProportionalExpense,ProfitCommission,NoClaimsBonus


1. Portfolio's total losses:<UUID>/tail_metrics/0.5?perspective=NetLoss

2. Portfolio's total up-front premium:<UUID>/tail_metrics/0.5?perspective=Premium

3. Portfolio's total premium income including premium from reinstatements:<UUID>/tail_metrics/0.5?perspective=Premium,ReinstatementPremium

4. Portfolio's total premium income including premium from reinstatements in
   June 2020. This query may be useful for cash flow management:<UUID>/tail_metrics/0.5?perspective=Premium,ReinstatementPremium&reporting_period_begin=2020-06-01&reporting_period_end=2020-07-01

The perspective is a parameter provided to a metrics request that defines which financial perspective should be used to compute the requested metrics. A Layer View or Portfolio View may have multiple financial perspectives, which typically differ in what additional income or expense is included when determining a loss. For example, we may want to obtain metrics on a contract for only the claimed losses or we may want to include income such as premium and reinstatement premium, or expenses such as reinstatement brokerage or fees.

Analyze Re allows for each financial component to be specified individually or in combination. When specified individually as a stand-alone value the sign on the returned value is positive for both income and expenses. That is, when requesting an income component such as Premium, the value returned is positive if there is a positive income. On the other hand, when requesting an expense component, such as NetLoss the value returned is also positive.

When specifying financial components in combination, different financial components are automatically added or subtracted, depending on whether they are an expense or income. Since Analyze Re considers losses as positive values, expenses are additive and income is subtractive. For example, when requesting the net loss net of premium (e.g. NetLoss,Premium) the resulting value is positive if NetLoss is greater than the Premium income and negative if the Premium income is greater than the NetLoss.

In addition, all financial components are subject to filters and reporting period, which means that financial components whose “transaction” does not match the optionally specified filter or fall outside of the optionally specified reporting period are not considered during accumulation.

Analyze Re provides the following perspective modifiers to be selected:

Default Perspective

When no perspective parameter is provided the default perspective is assumed which is equivalent to perspective=NetLoss,FixedExpense,ProportionalExpense,ProfitCommission,NoClaimsBonus. This default perspective is compatible with the default legacy perspective LossNetOfAggregateTerms of the legacy perspective filtering.


Not all financial components included in the modelling of a contract or portfolio can be associated with individual occurrences or events, and thus cannot be filtered using event filters or meaningfully included in OEP metrics.

Event Filters

Event Filters operate by applying selection criteria on the meta information associated with individual events. Some financial components, such as Premium, NoClaimsBonus and other expense structures, are not associated with any events and thus cannot be meaningfully filtered using event filters. Extra precaution should be taken when querying perspectives including these financial components in combination with event filters. The system generally does not restrict the use of such combination and it is the responsibility of the user to determine meaningful queries.

There is one restriction that the system imposes, which is the use of the Premium financial component in combination with Event Filters.

Generally safe combinations of perspective modifiers in conjunction with Event Filters are combinations of the following:


Similar to event filters, OEP metrics are computed from individual occurrences and depending on the use case not all financial components can be considered occurrences. For example in some use cases a No-Claims Bonus or Profit Commission payment may be considered a stand-alone occurrence, while other use cases may reserve the term “occurrence” for event losses only.

The system does not apply any restrictions of what financial components can be used in combination with OEP metrics. It is the responsibility of the user to determine a combination that is meaningful to their use case.

Legacy Perspective Filtering

The perspective filtering described in the section above was introduced as part of Release 121. Prior to this release the perspective parameter only supported the following values:

This form of specifying perspective filters is still supported in Analyze Re, but users are encouraged to utilize the new form. Please note, that the use of LossNetOfAggregateTerms as a perspective component, prohibits the use of any of the “fee” components (e.g. FixedExpense, ProportionalExpense, ProfitCommission, and NoClaimsBonus) as they are already included in this perspective.

The default perspective is LossNetOfAggregateTerms.

Additional Columns

YELTs with additional columns may be downloaded. Additional columns are specified as a comma-separated list of strings. Possible additional columns are:

By default, no additional columns are downloaded.

Embedded Objects


The context of a metrics request, indicating what parameters were used in the simulation that produced the associated metrics response. The context varies depending on the type of metrics request. See individual metrics for the structure of their context.


Tail Metrics


    "_type": "LayerViewMetrics",
    "kurtosis": 0.0,
    "max": 4800000.0,
    "mean": 4800000.0,
    "min": 4800000.0,
    "skewness": 0.0,
    "variance": 0.0,
    "context": {
        "_type": "LayerViewMetricsContext",
        "perspective": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
        "secondary_uncertainty": true,
        "filter": "ANY_FILTER",
        "aggregation_method": "AEP",
        "currency": "USD",
        "apply_participation": false,
        "probability": 0.1


    "_type": "PortfolioViewMetrics",
    "kurtosis": 0.0,
    "max": 20000000.0,
    "mean": 20000000.0,
    "min": 20000000.0,
    "skewness": 0.0,
    "variance": 0.0,
    "context": {
        "_type": "PortfolioViewMetricsContext",
        "perspective": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
        "secondary_uncertainty": true,
        "filter": "ANY_FILTER",
        "aggregation_method": "AEP",
        "currency": "USD",
        "apply_participation": true,
        "probability": 0.1


Attribute Type Description
_type string LayerViewMetrics or PortfolioViewMetrics
context Context Context includes arguments of metrics request
mean float Metrics result
variance float Metrics result
min float Metrics result
max float Metrics result
skewness float Metrics result
kurtosis float Metrics result

Tail Metrics Context

Attribute Type Description
_type string LayerViewMetrics or PortfolioViewMetrics
probability float Probability in range: (0.0, 1.0]
currency ISO 4217 currency code Currency used for metrics results (Default is the currency of the LayerView or PortfolioView)
filter string (filter name) The name of the filter when filtering losses
perspective string (choices) The name of the perspective determining which metrics to return
secondary_uncertainty bool Whether or not to apply secondary uncertainty
aggregation_method string The name of the aggregation method (“AEP” or “OEP”)
apply_participation bool Whether or not to apply participation (For PortfolioView, this will always be true)
reporting_period_begin DateTime Starting time of reporting
reporting_period_end DateTime Ending time of reporting

TVaR (Tail Value at Risk)

Shortcut for retrieving the mean loss of the tail.

Tail Co Metrics


    "_type": "LayerViewCoMetrics",
    "context": {
        "_type": "LayerViewCoMetricsContext",
        "perspective": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
        "secondary_uncertainty": true,
        "filter": "ANY_FILTER",
        "aggregation_method": "AEP",
        "currency": "USD",
        "apply_participation": false,
        "component": {
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "4fab6fee-bb04-1c82-e45b-9cd878d7cf5b"
        "component_filter": "ANY_FILTER",
        "component_perspective": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
        "include_primary_metrics": false,
        "probability": 0.1
    "component_metrics": {
        "mean": 10000000.0,
        "min": 10000000.0,
        "covariance": 0.0,
        "correlation": 0.0


    "_type": "PortfolioViewCoMetrics",
    "context": {
        "_type": "PortfolioViewCoMetricsContext",
        "perspective": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
        "secondary_uncertainty": true,
        "filter": "ANY_FILTER",
        "aggregation_method": "AEP",
        "currency": "USD",
        "apply_participation": true,
        "component": {
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "a0ced66d-ccba-909b-0611-d6a4cd19f761"
        "component_filter": "ANY_FILTER",
        "component_perspective": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
        "include_primary_metrics": false,
        "probability": 0.1
    "component_metrics": {
        "mean": 20000000.0,
        "min": 20000000.0,
        "covariance": 0.0,
        "correlation": 0.0


Attribute Type Description
_type string LayerViewCoMetrics or PortfolioViewCoMetrics
context [Context] Context includes arguments of co metrics request
component_metrics [Tail Co metrics] Co metrics results

Tail Co Metrics Context

Attribute Type Description
_type string LayerViewCometricsContext or PortfolioViewCoMetricsContext
probability float Probability in range: (0.0, 1.0]
currency ISO 4217 currency code Currency used for metrics results (Default is the currency of the LayerView or PortfolioView)
filter string (filter name) The name of the filter when filtering losses
perspective string (choices) The name of the perspective determining which metrics to return
secondary_uncertainty bool Whether or not to apply secondary uncertainty
aggregation_method string The name of the aggregation method (“AEP” or “OEP”)
apply_participation bool Whether or not to apply participation (For PortfolioView, this will always be true)
reporting_period_begin DateTime Starting time of reporting
reporting_period_end DateTime Ending time of reporting
component Reference Reference (href and ref_id) LayerView or PortfolioView
component_filter string (filter name) Default is the AnyFilter (i.e. losses are unfiltered)
component_perspective string (choices) The name of the perspective determining which metrics to return
component_reporting_period_begin DateTime Starting time of reporting of the component LayerView or PortfolioView
component_reporting_period_end DateTime Ending time of reporting of the component LayerView or PortfolioView
include_primary_metrics bool Whether or not to include primary metrics in results

Tail Co Metrics

Attribute Type Description
mean float Co metrics result
covariance float Co metrics result
min float Co metrics result
correlation float Co metrics result

Window Metrics


    "_type": "LayerViewMetrics",
    "kurtosis": 0.0,
    "max": 4800000.0,
    "mean": 4800000.0,
    "min": 4800000.0,
    "skewness": 0.0,
    "variance": 0.0,
    "context": {
        "_type": "LayerViewMetricsContext",
        "perspective": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
        "secondary_uncertainty": true,
        "filter": "ANY_FILTER",
        "aggregation_method": "AEP",
        "max_probability": 0.1,
        "min_probability": 0.0,
        "currency": "USD",
        "apply_participation": false


    "_type": "PortfolioViewMetrics",
    "kurtosis": 0.0,
    "max": 20000000.0,
    "mean": 20000000.0,
    "min": 20000000.0,
    "skewness": 0.0,
    "variance": 0.0,
    "context": {
        "_type": "PortfolioViewMetricsContext",
        "perspective": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
        "secondary_uncertainty": true,
        "filter": "ANY_FILTER",
        "aggregation_method": "AEP",
        "max_probability": 0.1,
        "min_probability": 0.0,
        "currency": "USD",
        "apply_participation": true


Attribute Type Description
_type string LayerViewMetrics or PortfolioViewMetrics
context Context Context includes arguments of window metrics request
mean float Metrics result
variance float Metrics result
min float Metrics result
max float Metrics result
skewness float Metrics result
kurtosis float Metrics result

Window Metrics Context

Attribute Type Description
_type string LayerViewMetricsContext or PortfolioViewMetricsContext
min_probability float Input minimum probability, range: [0.0, 1.0)
max_probability float Input maximum probability, range: [min_probability, 1.0] where max_probability != 0.0
currency ISO 4217 currency code Currency used for metrics results (Default is the currency of the LayerView or PortfolioView)
filter string (filter name) The name of the filter when filtering losses
perspective string (choices) The name of the perspective determining which metrics to return
layer_view or portfolio_view Reference LayerView or PortfolioView
secondary_uncertainty bool Whether or not to apply secondary uncertainty.
aggregation_method string The name of the aggregation method (“AEP” or “OEP”)
apply_participation bool Whether or not to apply participation (For PortfolioView, this will always be true)
reporting_period_begin DateTime Starting time of reporting
reporting_period_end DateTime Ending time of reporting
component Reference Reference (href and ref_id) LayerView or PortfolioView
component_filter string (filter name) Default is the AnyFilter (i.e. losses are unfiltered)
component_perspective string (choices) The name of the perspective determining which metrics to return
component_reporting_period_begin DateTime Starting time of reporting of the component LayerView or PortfolioView
component_reporting_period_end DateTime Ending time of reporting of the component LayerView or PortfolioView
include_primary_metrics bool Whether or not to include primary metrics in results

Window VaR (Window Value at Risk)

Shortcut for retrieving the mean loss of the probability window.

Window Co Metrics


    "_type": "LayerViewCoMetrics",
    "context": {
        "_type": "LayerViewCoMetricsContext",
        "perspective": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
        "secondary_uncertainty": true,
        "filter": "ANY_FILTER",
        "aggregation_method": "AEP",
        "max_probability": 0.1,
        "min_probability": 0.0,
        "currency": "USD",
        "apply_participation": false,
        "component": {
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "4fab6fee-bb04-1c82-e45b-9cd878d7cf5b"
        "component_filter": "ANY_FILTER",
        "component_perspective": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
        "include_primary_metrics": false
    "component_metrics": {
        "mean": 10000000.0,
        "min": 10000000.0,
        "covariance": 0.0,
        "correlation": 0.0


    "_type": "PortfolioViewCoMetrics",
    "context": {
        "_type": "PortfolioViewCoMetricsContext",
        "perspective": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
        "secondary_uncertainty": true,
        "filter": "ANY_FILTER",
        "aggregation_method": "AEP",
        "max_probability": 0.1,
        "min_probability": 0.0,
        "currency": "USD",
        "apply_participation": true,
        "component": {
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "a0ced66d-ccba-909b-0611-d6a4cd19f761"
        "component_filter": "ANY_FILTER",
        "component_perspective": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
        "include_primary_metrics": false
    "component_metrics": {
        "mean": 20000000.0,
        "min": 20000000.0,
        "covariance": 0.0,
        "correlation": 0.0


Attribute Type Description
_type string LayerViewCoMetrics or PortfolioViewCoMetrics
context Context Context includes arguments of co metrics request
component_metrics [Window Co metrics] Co metrics results

Window Co Metrics Context

Attribute Type Description
_type string LayerViewCometricsContext or PortfolioViewCoMetricsContext
min_probability float Input minimum probability, range: [0.0, 1.0)
max_probability float Input maximum probability, range: [min_probability, 1.0] where max_probability != 0.0
currency ISO 4217 currency code Currency used for metrics results (Default is the currency of the LayerView or PortfolioView)
filter string (filter name) The name of the filter when filtering losses
perspective string (choices) The name of the perspective determining which metrics to return
secondary_uncertainty bool Whether or not to apply secondary uncertainty
aggregation_method string The name of the aggregation method (“AEP” or “OEP”)
apply_participation bool Whether or not to apply participation (For PortfolioView, this will always be true)
reporting_period_begin DateTime Starting time of reporting
reporting_period_end DateTime Ending time of reporting
component Reference Reference (href and ref_id) LayerView or PortfolioView
component_filter string (filter name) Default is the AnyFilter (i.e. losses are unfiltered)
component_perspective string (choices) The name of the perspective determining which metrics to return
component_reporting_period_begin DateTime Starting time of reporting of the component LayerView or PortfolioView
component_reporting_period_end DateTime Ending time of reporting of the component LayerView or PortfolioView
include_primary_metrics bool Whether or not to include primary metrics in results

Window Co Metrics

Attribute Type Description
mean float Co metrics result
covariance float Co metrics result
min float Co metrics result
correlation float Co metrics result


Tail Metrics


from analyzere import LayerView

layer_view = LayerView.retrieve('c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d')
tail_metrics = layer_view.tail_metrics(0.1)
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Metrics;

LayerView layer_view = API.Get<LayerView>("c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d");
TailMetrics tail_metrics = layer_view.tail_metrics(0.1)
GET /layer_views/c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d/tail_metrics/0.1 HTTP/1.1

Response Body

    "_type": "LayerViewMetrics",
    "kurtosis": 0.0,
    "max": 4800000.0,
    "mean": 4800000.0,
    "min": 4800000.0,
    "skewness": 0.0,
    "variance": 0.0,
    "context": {
        "_type": "LayerViewMetricsContext",
        "perspective": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
        "secondary_uncertainty": true,
        "filter": "ANY_FILTER",
        "aggregation_method": "AEP",
        "currency": "USD",
        "apply_participation": false,
        "probability": 0.1


from analyzere import PortfolioView

portfolio_view = PortfolioView.retrieve('491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f')
tail_metrics = portfolio_view.tail_metrics(0.1)
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Metrics;

PortfolioView portfolio_view = API.Get<PortfolioView>("491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f");
TailMetrics tail_metrics = portfolio_view.tail_metrics(0.1)
GET /portfolio_views/491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f/tail_metrics/0.1 HTTP/1.1

Response Body

    "_type": "PortfolioViewMetrics",
    "kurtosis": 0.0,
    "max": 20000000.0,
    "mean": 20000000.0,
    "min": 20000000.0,
    "skewness": 0.0,
    "variance": 0.0,
    "context": {
        "_type": "PortfolioViewMetricsContext",
        "perspective": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
        "secondary_uncertainty": true,
        "filter": "ANY_FILTER",
        "aggregation_method": "AEP",
        "currency": "USD",
        "apply_participation": true,
        "probability": 0.1


Attribute Traits Type Description
probability required float Probability in range: (0.0, 1.0]
filter optional string (filter name) Default is the AnyFilter (i.e. losses are unfiltered)
perspective optional string (choices) Default is LossNetOfAggregateTerms
currency optional ISO 4217 currency code Currency used for metrics results (Default is the currency of the LayerView or PortfolioView)
perspective optional string (choices) The name of the perspective determining which metrics to return
secondary_uncertainty optional bool Whether or not to apply secondary uncertainty
aggregation_method optional string The name of the aggregation method (“AEP” or “OEP”)
apply_participation optional bool Whether or not to apply participation (For PortfolioView, this will always be true)
reporting_period_begin optional DateTime Starting time of reporting
reporting_period_end optional DateTime Ending time of reporting

TVaR (Tail Value at Risk)


from analyzere import LayerView

layer_view = LayerView.retrieve('c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d')
tvar = layer_view.tvar(0.1)
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Metrics;

LayerView layer_view = API.Get<LayerView>("c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d");
TailMetrics tail_metrics = layer_view.tail_metrics(
    0.1, MetricsOptions.Default);
double tvar = tail_metrics.mean;
GET /layer_views/c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d/tvar/0.1 HTTP/1.1


from analyzere import PortfolioView

portfolio_view = PortfolioView.retrieve('491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f')
tvar = portfolio_view.tvar(0.1)
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Metrics;

PortfolioView portfolio_view = API.Get<LayerView>("491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f");
TailMetrics tail_metrics = portfolio_view.tail_metrics(
    0.1, MetricsOptions.Default);
double tvar = tail_metrics.mean;
GET /portfolio_views/491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f/tvar/0.1 HTTP/1.1

Tail Co Metrics


from analyzere import LayerView

layer_view = LayerView.retrieve('10b25b62-a705-b44c-63c3-cf40d575da4b')
tail_co_metrics = layer_view.co_metrics([0.1,0.2], component_id='4fab6fee-bb04-1c82-e45b-9cd878d7cf5b', component_type='LayerView')

using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Metrics;

LayerView layer_view = API.Get<LayerView>("10b25b62-a705-b44c-63c3-cf40d575da4b");
LayerView component_layer_view = API.Get<LayerView>("c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d");
List<CoMetrics> co_metrics = layer_view.co_metrics(
    new []{0.1, 0.2}, component_layer_view.ToReference(), CoMetricsOptions.Default);
GET /layer_views/c10b25b62-a705-b44c-63c3-cf40d575da4b/co_metrics/0.1,0.2?component_id=4fab6fee-bb04-1c82-e45b-9cd878d7cf5b&component_type=LayerView HTTP/1.1


from analyzere import PortfolioView

portfolio_view = PortfolioView.retrieve('491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f')
tail_co_metrics = portfolio_view.co_metrics([0.1,0.2], component_id='a0ced66d-ccba-909b-0611-d6a4cd19f761', component_type='PortfolioView')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Metrics;

PortfolioView portfolio_view = API.Get<PortfolioView>("491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f");
PortfolioView component_portfolio_view = API.Get<PortfolioView>("a0ced66d-ccba-909b-0611-d6a4cd19f761");
List<CoMetrics> co_metrics = portfolio_view.co_metrics(
    new List<double>(){0.1, 0.2}, component_layer_view.ToReference(), CoMetricsOptions.Default);
GET /portfolio_views/491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f/co_metrics/0.1,0.2?component_id=a0ced66d-ccba-909b-0611-d6a4cd19f761&component_type=PortfolioView HTTP/1.1


Attribute Traits Type Description
probability required float Probability in range: (0.0, 1.0]
filter optional string (filter name) Default is the AnyFilter (i.e. losses are unfiltered)
perspective optional string (choices) Default is LossNetOfAggregateTerms
currency optional ISO 4217 currency code Currency used for metrics results (Default is the currency of the LayerView or PortfolioView)
perspective optional string (choices) The name of the perspective determining which metrics to return
secondary_uncertainty optional bool Whether or not to apply secondary uncertainty
aggregation_method optional string The name of the aggregation method (“AEP” or “OEP”)
apply_participation optional bool Whether or not to apply participation (For PortfolioView, this will always be true)
reporting_period_begin optional DateTime Starting time of reporting (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss)
reporting_period_end optional DateTime Ending time of reporting (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss)
component_id required UUID The component LayerView or PortfolioView ID
component_type required string LayerView or PortfolioView
component_filter optional string (filter name) Default is the AnyFilter (i.e. losses are unfiltered)
component_perspective optional string (choices) The name of the perspective determining which metrics to return
component_reporting_period_begin optional DateTime Starting time of reporting of the component LayerView or PortfolioView (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss)
component_reporting_period_end optional DateTime Ending time of reporting of the component LayerView or PortfolioView (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss)
include_primary_metrics optional bool Whether or not to include primary metrics in results

Window Metrics


from analyzere import LayerView

layer_view = LayerView.retrieve('c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d')
window_metrics = layer_view.window_metrics((0.0, 0.1))
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Metrics;

LayerView layer_view = API.Get<LayerView>("c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d");
WindowMetrics window_metrics = layer_view.window_metrics(
    new ProbabilityWindow(0.0, 0.1), MetricsOptions.Default);
GET /layer_views/c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d/window_metrics/0_0.1 HTTP/1.1

Response Body

    "_type": "LayerViewMetrics",
    "kurtosis": 0.0,
    "max": 4800000.0,
    "mean": 4800000.0,
    "min": 4800000.0,
    "skewness": 0.0,
    "variance": 0.0,
    "context": {
        "_type": "LayerViewMetricsContext",
        "perspective": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
        "secondary_uncertainty": true,
        "filter": "ANY_FILTER",
        "aggregation_method": "AEP",
        "max_probability": 0.1,
        "min_probability": 0.0,
        "currency": "USD",
        "apply_participation": false


from analyzere import PortfolioView

portfolio_view = PortfolioView.retrieve('491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f')
window_metrics = portfolio_view.window_metrics((0.0, 0.1))
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Metrics;

PortfolioView portfolio_view = API.Get<PortfolioView>("491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f");
WindowMetrics window_metrics = portfolio_view.window_metrics(
    new ProbabilityWindow(0.0, 0.1), MetricsOptions.Default);
GET /portfolio_views/491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f/window_metrics/0_0.1 HTTP/1.1

Response Body

    "_type": "PortfolioViewMetrics",
    "kurtosis": 0.0,
    "max": 20000000.0,
    "mean": 20000000.0,
    "min": 20000000.0,
    "skewness": 0.0,
    "variance": 0.0,
    "context": {
        "_type": "PortfolioViewMetricsContext",
        "perspective": "LossNetOfAggregateTerms",
        "secondary_uncertainty": true,
        "filter": "ANY_FILTER",
        "aggregation_method": "AEP",
        "max_probability": 0.1,
        "min_probability": 0.0,
        "currency": "USD",
        "apply_participation": true


Attribute Traits Type Description
min_probability required float Input minimum probability, range: [0.0, 1.0)
max_probability required float Input maximum probability, range: [min_probability, 1.0] where max_probability != 0.0
filter optional string (filter name) Default is the AnyFilter (i.e. losses are unfiltered)
perspective optional string (choices) Default is LossNetOfAggregateTerms
currency optional ISO 4217 currency code Currency used for metrics results (Default is the currency of the LayerView or PortfolioView)
secondary_uncertainty optional bool Whether or not to apply secondary uncertainty
aggregation_method optional string The name of the aggregation method (“AEP” or “OEP”)
apply_participation optional bool Whether or not to apply participation (For PortfolioView, this will always be true)
reporting_period_begin optional DateTime Starting time of reporting
reporting_period_end optional DateTime Ending time of reporting

Window VaR (Window Value at Risk)


from analyzere import LayerView

layer_view = LayerView.retrieve('c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d')
window_var = layer_view.window_var((0.0, 0.1))
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Metrics;

LayerView layer_view = API.Get<LayerView>("c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d");
WindowMetrics window_metrics = layer_view.window_metrics(
    new ProbabilityWindow(0.0, 0.1), MetricsOptions.Default);
double window_var = window_metrics.mean
GET /layer_views/c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d/window_var/0_0.1 HTTP/1.1


from analyzere import PortfolioView

portfolio_view = PortfolioView.retrieve('491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f')
window_var = portfolio_view.window_var((0.0, 0.1))
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Metrics;

PortfolioView portfolio_view = API.Get<PortfolioView>("491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f");
WindowMetrics window_metrics = portfolio_view.window_metrics(
    new ProbabilityWindow(0.0, 0.1), MetricsOptions.Default);
double window_var = window_metrics.mean
GET /portfolio_views/491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f/window_var/0_0.1 HTTP/1.1

Window Co Metrics


from analyzere import LayerView

layer_view = LayerView.retrieve('10b25b62-a705-b44c-63c3-cf40d575da4b')
window_co_metrics = layer_view.window_co_metrics([(0.0, 0.1), (0.0, 0.2)], component_id='4fab6fee-bb04-1c82-e45b-9cd878d7cf5b', component_type='LayerView')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Metrics;

LayerView layer_view = API.Get<LayerView>("10b25b62-a705-b44c-63c3-cf40d575da4b");
LayerView component_layer_view = API.Get<LayerView>("c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d");
List<CoMetrics> window_metrics = layer_view.co_metrics(
    new [] {new ProbabilityWindow(0.0, 0.1), new ProbabilityWindow(0.0, 0.2)},
GET /layer_views/c10b25b62-a705-b44c-63c3-cf40d575da4b/co_metrics/0_0.1,0_0.2?component_id=4fab6fee-bb04-1c82-e45b-9cd878d7cf5b&component_type=LayerView HTTP/1.1


from analyzere import PortfolioView

portfolio_view = PortfolioView.retrieve('491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f')
window_co_metrics = portfolio_view.window_co_metrics([(0.0, 0.1), (0.0, 0.2)], component_id='a0ced66d-ccba-909b-0611-d6a4cd19f761', component_type='PortfolioView')
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Metrics;

PortfolioView portfolio_view = API.Get<PortfolioView>("491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f");
PortfolioView component_portfolio_view = API.Get<PortfolioView>("a0ced66d-ccba-909b-0611-d6a4cd19f761");
List<CoMetrics> window_metrics = portfolio_view.co_metrics(
    new []{new ProbabilityWindow(0.0, 0.1), new ProbabilityWindow(0.0, 0.2)},
GET /portfolio_views/491031bf-396a-c46a-bef2-8712f2a4e83f/co_metrics/0_0.1,0_0.2?component_id=a0ced66d-ccba-909b-0611-d6a4cd19f761&component_type=PortfolioView HTTP/1.1


Attribute Traits Type Description
min_probability required float Input minimum probability, range: [0.0, 1.0)
max_probability required float Input maximum probability, range: [min_probability, 1.0] where max_probability != 0.0
filter optional string (filter name) Default is the AnyFilter (i.e. losses are unfiltered)
perspective optional string (choices) Default is LossNetOfAggregateTerms
currency optional ISO 4217 currency code Currency used for metrics results (Default is the currency of the LayerView or PortfolioView)
perspective optional string (choices) The name of the perspective determining which metrics to return
secondary_uncertainty optional bool Whether or not to apply secondary uncertainty
aggregation_method optional string The name of the aggregation method (“AEP” or “OEP”)
apply_participation optional bool Whether or not to apply participation (For PortfolioView, this will always be true)
reporting_period_begin optional DateTime Starting time of reporting (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss)
reporting_period_end optional DateTime Ending time of reporting (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss)
component_id required UUID The component LayerView or PortfolioView ID
component_type required string LayerView or PortfolioView
component_filter optional string (filter name) Default is the AnyFilter (i.e. losses are unfiltered)
component_perspective optional string (choices) The name of the perspective determining which metrics to return
component_reporting_period_begin optional DateTime Starting time of reporting of the component LayerView or PortfolioView (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss)
component_reporting_period_end optional DateTime Ending time of reporting of the component LayerView or PortfolioView (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss)
include_primary_metrics optional bool Whether or not to include primary metrics in results

YLT Download


from analyzere import LayerView

layer_view = LayerView.retrieve('c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d')
ylt = layer_view.download_ylt()
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Metrics;

LayerView layer_view = API.Get<LayerView>("c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d");
string ylt = layer_view.ylt.Get(MetricsOptions.Default);
GET /layer_views/c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d/ylt HTTP/1.1

Response Body



from analyzere import PortfolioView

portfolio_view = PortfolioView.retrieve('5e047c08-1146-42f4-8319-a8b93774d948')
window_metrics = portfolio_view.download_ylt()
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Metrics;

PortfolioView portfolio_view = API.Get<PortfolioView>("5e047c08-1146-42f4-8319-a8b93774d948");
string ylt = portfolio_view.ylt.Get(MetricsOptions.Default);
GET /portfolio_views/5e047c08-1146-42f4-8319-a8b93774d948/ylt HTTP/1.1

Response Body



Attribute Traits Type Description
filter optional string (filter name) Default is the AnyFilter (i.e. losses are unfiltered)
loss_perspective optional string (choices) Default is LossNetOfAggregateTerms
currency optional ISO 4217 currency code Currency used for results (Default is the currency of the LayerView or PortfolioView)
secondary_uncertainty optional bool Whether or not to apply secondary uncertainty
aggregation_method optional string The name of the aggregation method (“AEP” or “OEP”)
apply_participation optional bool Whether or not to apply participation (For PortfolioView, this will always be true)
reporting_period_begin optional DateTime Starting time of reporting
reporting_period_end optional DateTime Ending time of reporting

YELT Download


from analyzere import LayerView

layer_view = LayerView.retrieve('c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d')
yelt = layer_view.download_yelt()
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Metrics;

LayerView layer_view = API.Get<LayerView>("c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d");
string yelt = layer_view.yelt.Get(YELTOptions.Default);
GET /layer_views/c94cd2b9-832c-5661-5ada-a2449faff95d/ylt HTTP/1.1

Response Body



from analyzere import PortfolioView

portfolio_view = PortfolioView.retrieve('5e047c08-1146-42f4-8319-a8b93774d948')
yelt = portfolio_view.download_yelt()
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Metrics;

PortfolioView portfolio_view = API.Get<PortfolioView>("5e047c08-1146-42f4-8319-a8b93774d948");
string yelt = portfolio_view.yelt.Get(YELTOptions.Default);
GET /portfolio_views/5e047c08-1146-42f4-8319-a8b93774d948/yelt HTTP/1.1

Response Body



Attribute Traits Type Description
filter optional string (filter name) Default is the AnyFilter (i.e. losses are unfiltered)
loss_perspective optional string (choices) Default is LossNetOfAggregateTerms
currency optional ISO 4217 currency code Currency used for results (Default is the currency of the LayerView or PortfolioView)
secondary_uncertainty optional bool Whether or not to apply secondary uncertainty
apply_participation optional bool Whether or not to apply participation (For PortfolioView, this will always be true)
reporting_period_begin optional DateTime Starting time of reporting
reporting_period_end optional DateTime Ending time of reporting
start_trial optional Int The starting range of trials to download (Default is 1)
end_trial optional Int The end range of trials to download (Default is infinity)
additional_columns optional list(strings) (choices) Additional columns to include in YELT

Vectorized Requests

from analyzere import LayerView

layer_view = LayerView.retrieve('8e571e0f-a292-3228-9d71-55df7a839d79')
tail_metrics = layer_view.tail_metrics([0.3, 0.2, 0.1])

layer_view = LayerView.retrieve('8e571e0f-a292-3228-9d71-55df7a839d79')
window_metrics = layer_view.window_metrics([(0.2, 0.3), (0.1, 0.2), (0.0, 0.1)])

// Not supported in C#
GET /layer_views/8e571e0f-a292-3228-9d71-55df7a839d79/tail_metrics/0.3,0.2,0.1 HTTP/1.1

GET /layer_views/8e571e0f-a292-3228-9d71-55df7a839d79/window_metrics/0.2_0.3,0.1_0.2,0_0.1 HTTP/1.1

Response body

  // ... 3 metrics response objects (one for each probability in the vector/list)

Metrics endpoints that allow arguments via a path parameter may return multiple response values if the arguments are vectorized. The response will contain each value requested, in the order in which they appear in the request.

Marginal Portfolio Views

Using the Marginal Portfolio View feature allows for faster metrics computation when existing Portfolio Views need to be modified slightly by the addition or removal of Layer Views.


from analyzere import LayerView, PortfolioView

portfolio_view = PortfolioView.retrieve('3fb77a2e-a03f-48db-9577-5f8fb566d974')

layer_views_to_add = [

layer_views_to_remove = [

marginal_portfolio_view = portfolio_view.marginal(
using AnalyzeRe;

PortfolioView portfolio_view = API.Get<PortfolioView>("3fb77a2e-a03f-48db-9577-5f8fb566d974");

IReference<ILayerView> layer_views_to_add = new IReference<ILayerView>[]
        new Reference<LayerView>("22fc6c8d-0037-4e57-9655-b8dbf1140fff"),
        new Reference<LayerView>("025800e0-a85e-45cf-8ec8-a61378717238")

IReference<ILayerView> layer_views_to_remove = new IReference<ILayerView>[]
        new Reference<LayerView>("809db678-65ab-45fe-af1c-29c93396b35b"),
        new Reference<LayerView>("16a4ace9-3c82-4db8-851b-fbc098d17229")

IReference<PortfolioView> marginal_portfolio_view_ref =
    portfolio_view.PostMarginalPortfolio(layer_views_to_add, layer_views_to_remove);
POST /portfolio_view_marginals HTTP/1.1

  "portfolio_view_id": {
    "ref_id": "3fb77a2e-a03f-48db-9577-5f8fb566d974"
  "add_layer_view_ids": [
       "ref_id": "22fc6c8d-0037-4e57-9655-b8dbf1140fff"
       "ref_id": "025800e0-a85e-45cf-8ec8-a61378717238"
  "remove_layer_view_ids": [
       "ref_id": "809db678-65ab-45fe-af1c-29c93396b35b"
       "ref_id": "16a4ace9-3c82-4db8-851b-fbc098d17229"

Response Body

  "portfolio_view": {
    "ref_id": "c0618e24-49bd-4d78-b956-cd8a91d6e730"

Create a marginal Portfolio View from an existing Portfolio View by supplying the unique identifier for the Portfolio View together with the Layer Views to add or remove.

Optimization Views

Optimization Views provide the ability to execute optimization of portfolios in the AnalyzeRe system.



Name Type Description
id string a server-generated UUID
analysis_profile Reference AnalysisProfile AnalysisProfile
description string user-provided descriptive text
domains List(OptimizationDomain) list of OptimizationDomains that specify which Layers to include, along with per-layer constraints
iterations integer how many population iterations to conduct during optimization
population_size integer how large a population size to use for each iteration
target_currency string three-letter currency symbol to designate the currency used for output of monetary values
custom_parameters json custom input parameters that specify the objectives and constraints to consider for optimization; refer to Custom Parameters


from analyzere import Layer, AnalysisProfile, OptimizationView, OptimizationDomain

l1 = Layer.retrieve('b0a5a3b4-a2c4-4a52-b737-f67f3d2d86dc')
l2 = Layer.retrieve('7bab71f1-a67b-4ad4-ac3b-b2bb50bf57fd')

ap = AnalysisProfile.retrieve('2d7c49cd-0d8c-45cf-ab07-ec7fd49b507f')

d1 = OptimizationDomain(layer=l1, min=1.0, max=10.0, allow_exclude=False)
d2 = OptimizationDomain(layer=l2, min=0.5, max=1.0, allow_exclude=False)

ov = OptimizationView(domains=[d1, d2],
                      description='notebook example',
                          "Objective 1 - Name": "Expected Return",
                          "Objective 1 - Type": "max",
                          "Objective 1 - Function": "expected_return",
                          "Objective 1 - Loss Perspective": "losses_net_premium",
                          "Objective 1 - Return Period": "",
                          "Objective 2 - Name": "Tail Value at Risk",
                          "Objective 2 - Type": "max",
                          "Objective 2 - Function": "tail_value_at_risk",
                          "Objective 2 - Loss Perspective": "losses_net_premium",
                          "Objective 2 - Return Period": 0.5,
using AnalyzeRe;

OptimizationView optimizationView = new OptimizationView();
AnalysisProfile analysisProfile = API.Get<AnalysisProfile>("2d7c49cd-0d8c-45cf-ab07-ec7fd49b507f");
Layer l1 = API.Get<Layer>("b0a5a3b4-a2c4-4a52-b737-f67f3d2d86dc");
Layer l2 = API.Get<Layer>("b0a5a3b4-a2c4-4a52-b737-f67f3d2d86dc");

DomainEntry d1 = new DomainEntry()
    allow_exclude = false,
    layer = new Reference<Layer>(l1),
    min = 1.0,
    max = 10.0,

DomainEntry d2 = new DomainEntry()
    allow_exclude = false,
    layer = new Reference<Layer>(l2),
    min = 0.5,
    max = 1.0,
}; = new List<DomainEntry>(){ d1, d2 };
optimizationView.analysis_profile = new Reference<AnalysisProfile>(analysisProfile);
optimizationView.iterations = 50;
optimizationView.population_size = 50;
optimizationView.target_currency = "USD";
optimizationView.description = "c# example";
optimizationView.custom_parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>() {
    { "Objective 1 - Name", "Expected Return" },
    { "Objective 1 - Type", "max"},
    { "Objective 1 - Function", "expected_return" },
    { "Objective 1 - Loss Perspective", "losses_net_premium" },
    { "Objective 1 - Return Period", "" },
    { "Objective 2 - Name", "Tail Value at Risk" },
    { "Objective 2 - Type", "max" },
    { "Objective 2 - Function", "tail_value_at_risk" },
    { "Objective 2 - Loss Perspective", "losses_net_premium" },
    { "Objective 2 - Return Period", 0.5 },

optimizationView = optimizationView.Save();
POST /optimization_views HTTP/1.1

    "analysis_profile": {
        "ref_id": "2d7c49cd-0d8c-45cf-ab07-ec7fd49b507f"
    "custom_parameters": {
        "Objective 1 - Name": "Expected Return",
        "Objective 1 - Type": "max",
        "Objective 1 - Function": "expected_return",
        "Objective 1 - Loss Perspective": "losses_net_premium",

        "Objective 2 - Name": "Tail Value at Risk",
        "Objective 2 - Type": "max",
        "Objective 2 - Function": "tail_value_at_risk",
        "Objective 2 - Loss Perspective": "losses_net_premium",
        "Objective 2 - Return Period": 0.5
    "domains": [
            "layer": {
                "ref_id": "b0a5a3b4-a2c4-4a52-b737-f67f3d2d86dc"
            "min": 0.0,
            "max": 1.0,
            "allow_exclude": false
            "layer": {
                "ref_id": "7bab71f1-a67b-4ad4-ac3b-b2bb50bf57fd"
            "min": 0.0,
            "max": 1.0,
            "allow_exclude": false
    "iterations": 10,
    "population_size": 5,
    "target_currency": "USD",
    "description": "Test Optimization Description"

Response Body

    "id": "319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b",
    "created": "2018-06-18T18:07:49.386898Z",
    "modified": "2018-06-18T18:07:49.416371Z",
    "analysis_profile": {
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "2d7c49cd-0d8c-45cf-ab07-ec7fd49b507f"
    "custom_parameters": {
        "Objective 1 - Function": "expected_return",
        "Objective 1 - Loss Perspective": "losses_net_premium",
        "Objective 2 - Type": "max",
        "Objective 2 - Function": "tail_value_at_risk",
        "Objective 1 - Type": "max",
        "Objective 1 - Name": "Expected Return",
        "Objective 2 - Loss Perspective": "losses_net_premium",
        "Objective 2 - Return Period": 0.5,
        "Objective 2 - Name": "Tail Value at Risk"
    "domains": [
            "layer": {
                "href": "",
                "ref_id": "b0a5a3b4-a2c4-4a52-b737-f67f3d2d86dc"
            "min": 0.0,
            "max": 1.0,
            "allow_exclude": false
            "layer": {
                "href": "",
                "ref_id": "7bab71f1-a67b-4ad4-ac3b-b2bb50bf57fd"
            "min": 0.0,
            "max": 1.0,
            "allow_exclude": false
    "iterations": 10,
    "population_size": 5,
    "status": "queued",
    "status_message": null,
    "progress": 0.0,
    "target_currency": "USD",
    "meta_data": {},
    "description": "Test Optimization Description"

An Optimization View requires a set of layers with constraints (known as OptimizationDomains), Analysis Profile and some custom parameters. Two objectives must be provided via custom parameters, and additional constraints may be provided.

Custom Parameters

Custom Parameters JSON

    "Discretization": 0.0001,

    "Objective 1 - Name": "Expected Return",
    "Objective 1 - Function": "expected_return",
    "Objective 1 - Type": "max",
    "Objective 1 - Loss Perspective": "losses_net_premium",
    "Objective 1 - Return Period": "",

    "Objective 2 - Name": "Tail Value at Risk",
    "Objective 2 - Function": "tail_value_at_risk",
    "Objective 2 - Type": "max",
    "Objective 2 - Loss Perspective": "losses_net_premium",
    "Objective 2 - Return Period": 0.01,

    "Constraint 1 - Name": "EL-Capital Ratio",
    "Constraint 1 - Function": "el_capital_ratio",
    "Constraint 1 - Capital Load": 1.5,
    "Constraint 1 - Min": "",
    "Constraint 1 - Max": 0.8,
    "Constraint 1 - Loss Perspective": "",
    "Constraint 1 - Return Period": "",

    "Constraint 2 - Function": "florida_limit_total_limit_ratio",
    "Constraint 2 - Min": "",
    "Constraint 2 - Max": 0.5,
    "Constraint 2 - Loss Perspective": "",
    "Constraint 2 - Return Period": "",

    "Constraint 3 - Function": 2,
    "Constraint 3 - Max": "",
    "Constraint 3 - Min": -10000,
    "Constraint 3 - Loss Perspective": "",
    "Constraint 3 - Return Period": ""

Constraints and Objectives define how optimization proceeds. The two objectives given will provide the optimizer with the dimensions it can explore to find a set of optimal solutions. Constraints are provided to prevent certain parameters from being exceeded, such that the optimizer will ignore solutions that may potentially be optimal, but that fall outside the bounds set by constraints.

A Discretization parameter can also be provided which determines the possible choices for layer participation. For example, a value of 0.01 means the possible choices for participation are limited to increments of 1% within the defined minimum and maximum range.

Custom Parameters are provided and handled based on a naming convention. Each Objective and Constraint provides its attribute names following a hyphen. The order in which the individual values are provided is not important, but they are organized for clarity in the example at the right.


ov = OptimizationView.retrieve('319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b')

for domain in
using AnalyzeRe;

OptimizationView optimizationView = API.Get<OptimizationView>("319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b");
GET /optimization_views/319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b/

Response Body

    "id": "319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b",
    "created": "2018-06-18T18:07:49.386898Z",
    "modified": "2018-06-18T18:07:49.386898Z",
    "analysis_profile": {
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "2d7c49cd-0d8c-45cf-ab07-ec7fd49b507f"
    "custom_parameters": {
        "Objective 1 - Function": "expected_return",
        "Objective 1 - Loss Perspective": "losses_net_premium",
        "Objective 2 - Type": "max",
        "Objective 2 - Function": "tail_value_at_risk",
        "Objective 1 - Type": "max",
        "Objective 1 - Name": "Expected Return",
        "Objective 2 - Loss Perspective": "losses_net_premium",
        "Objective 2 - Return Period": 0.5,
        "Objective 2 - Name": "Tail Value at Risk"
    "domains": [
            "layer": {
                "href": "",
                "ref_id": "b0a5a3b4-a2c4-4a52-b737-f67f3d2d86dc"
            "min": 0.0,
            "max": 1.0,
            "allow_exclude": false
            "layer": {
                "href": "",
                "ref_id": "7bab71f1-a67b-4ad4-ac3b-b2bb50bf57fd"
            "min": 0.0,
            "max": 1.0,
            "allow_exclude": false
    "iterations": 10,
    "population_size": 5,
    "status": "processing_succeeded",
    "status_message": null,
    "progress": 1.0,
    "target_currency": "USD",
    "meta_data": {},
    "description": "Test Optimization Description"

Retrieve the optimization view data by providing its unique UUID (as would apply to any other resource).

List Candidates

candidates = OptimizationView.retrieve('319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b').candidates()
for c in candidates:

OptimizationView optimizationView = API.Get<OptimizationView>("319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b");
IEnumerable<Candidate> candidateList = optimizationView.candidates.List(0, 100).items;

foreach (Candidate c in candidateList) {
GET /optimization_views/319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b/candidates

Response body

    "items": [
            "index": 0,
            "objectives": {
                "Tail Value at Risk": -2403033.777013758,
                "Expected Return": -1435759.1740139436
            "constraints": {},
            "feasible": true,
            "parameterization": [
                    "original_layer": {
                        "href": "",
                        "ref_id": "b0a5a3b4-a2c4-4a52-b737-f67f3d2d86dc"
                    "parameters": {
                        "participation": 1.0000112604956126
                    "original_layer": {
                        "href": "",
                        "ref_id": "7bab71f1-a67b-4ad4-ac3b-b2bb50bf57fd"
                    "parameters": {
                        "participation": 0.5000033571133844
            "optimization_view": {
                "href": "",
                "ref_id": "319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b"
    "meta": {
        "total_count": 1,
        "limit": 100,
        "offset": 0

When an optimization is finished running, its candidates are available. They provide the optimized participation values for the Layers specified as Optimization Domains.

Retrieve Candidate by index

candidate = OptimizationView.retrieve('319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b').candidates(0)
OptimizationView optimizationView = API.Get<OptimizationView>("319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b");
Candidate c1 = optimizationView.candidates.GetItem("0");

foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> objective in c1.objectives) {
    Console.WriteLine("Objective: " + objective.Key + " = " + objective.Value);
GET /optimization_views/319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b/candidate/0

Response body

  "constraints": {},
  "feasible": true,
  "index": 0,
  "objectives": {
    "Expected Return": -1435759.1740139436,
    "Tail Value at Risk": -2403033.777013758
  "optimization_view": {
    "ref_id": "319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b"
  "optimziation_view_id": "319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b",
  "parameterization": [
      "original_layer": {
        "ref_id": "b0a5a3b4-a2c4-4a52-b737-f67f3d2d86dc"
      "parameters": {
        "participation": 1.0000112604956126
      "original_layer": {
        "ref_id": "7bab71f1-a67b-4ad4-ac3b-b2bb50bf57fd"
      "parameters": {
        "participation": 0.5000033571133844

Candidates can be retrieved by index. Note that you’ll receive a 404 Not Found error if requesting any candidates outside the range of candidates available.

List Candidate Parameters

candidate_parameters = OptimizationView.retrieve('319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b').candidate_parameters()

GET /optimization_views/319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b/candidate_parameters

Response body

    "items": [
            "parameterizations": {
                "index": 0,
                "participations": [
    "meta": {
        "total_count": 1,
        "limit": 100,
        "offset": 0

Candidate parameters is an endpoint that facilitates fast retrieval of the parameterizations of candidates. It returns all candidates’ layer participation values in an array. The order of the values within the participations array corresponds to the layers’ indexes in the OptimizationDomain of the OptimizationView.

Retrieve Candidate parameters by index

candidate_parameter = OptimizationView.retrieve('319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b').candidate_parameters(0)
GET /optimization_views/319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b/candidate_parameters/0

Response body

    "parameterizations": {
        "index": 0,
        "participations": [

Candidate parameters can be retrieved for individual candidates with the candidate index. Note that you’ll receive a 404 Not Found error if requesting any candidates outside the range of candidates available.

Retrieve Candidate Metrics

candidate_metrics = OptimizationView.retrieve('319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b').candidate_metrics()
GET /optimization_views/319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b/candidate_metrics

Response body

    "objectives": {
        "Tail Value at Risk": [
        "Expected Return": [
    "constraints": {},
    "feasibles": [

Candidate metrics is an endpoint that facilitates fast retrieval of candidate metrics (objectives, constraints, and feasibles) of all candidates. The endpoint returns the objective, constraint and feasibility values for all candidates as lists that are ordered by the index of their corresponding candidate.

Retrieve Candidate Portfolio View

candidate = OptimizationView.retrieve('319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b').candidates(0)
OptimizationView optimizationView = API.Get<OptimizationView>("319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b");
Candidate c1 = optimizationView.candidates.GetItem("0");
GET /optimization_views/319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b/candidates/0/portfolio_view

Response body

    "id": "7ca7f053-a22a-b657-e176-2d2a955f9d37",
    "analysis_profile": {
        "href": "",
        "ref_id": "2d7c49cd-0d8c-45cf-ab07-ec7fd49b507f"
    "layer_views": [
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "f441b1cf-ab5a-dc0a-2ca5-40471e800a64"
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "1f1ea011-ba3a-5ca9-7460-f44fe8c30a09"
    "portfolio": null,
    "target_currency": "USD",
    "ylt_id": "040268e2-f4cc-3346-b444-4968d9a410d3"

Each optimization Candidate provides a convenience access to its PortfolioView. Metrics can be requested to perform detailed analysis on any given candidate via its PortfolioView.

Initial Portfolio Metrics

ov = OptimizationView.retrieve('319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b')
metrics = ov.initial_metrics()

print(metrics.objectives['Expected Return'])
OptimizationView optimizationView = API.Get<OptimizationView>("319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b");
OptimizationResult result = optimizationView.initial_portfolio_result;

foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> objective in result.objectives)
    Console.WriteLine("Objective: " + objective.Key + " = " + objective.Value);

foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> constraint in result.constraints)
    Console.WriteLine("Constraint: " + constraint.Key + " = " + constraint.Value);

Console.WriteLine("Feasible: " + result.feasible);
GET /optimization_views/319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b/initial_portfolio_metics

Response body

    "objectives": {
        "Tail Value at Risk": -2396694.984748127,
        "Expected Return": -1432668.4801119135
    "constraints": {},
    "feasible": true

Initial portfolio metrics can be retrieved for an Optimization View to inspect the analysis results for the layers provided at Optimization View creation time. These metrics may be compared to the resulting candidates to determine the suitability of individual candidates.

List Optimization Views

GET /optimization_views?search=Test&ordering=-created HTTP/1.1
from analyzere import OptimizationView

optimization_views = OptimizationView.list(search='Test',
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Optimization;
using System.Collections.Generic;

IEnumerable<OptimizationView> optimizationViews = API.SearchResourceList<OptimizationView>(
    "Test", API.Parameters.Order("-created")).items;

Response Body

  "items": [
        "id": "319c867b-e10b-4298-9e7b-57ee626ce22b",
        "created": "2018-06-18T18:07:49.386898Z",
        "modified": "2018-06-18T18:07:49.386898Z",
        "analysis_profile": {
            "href": "",
            "ref_id": "2d7c49cd-0d8c-45cf-ab07-ec7fd49b507f"
        "custom_parameters": {
            "Objective 1 - Function": "expected_return",
            "Objective 1 - Loss Perspective": "losses_net_premium",
            "Objective 2 - Type": "max",
            "Objective 2 - Function": "tail_value_at_risk",
            "Objective 1 - Type": "max",
            "Objective 1 - Name": "Expected Return",
            "Objective 2 - Loss Perspective": "losses_net_premium",
            "Objective 2 - Return Period": 0.5,
            "Objective 2 - Name": "Tail Value at Risk"
        "domains": [
                "layer": {
                    "href": "",
                    "ref_id": "b0a5a3b4-a2c4-4a52-b737-f67f3d2d86dc"
                "min": 0.0,
                "max": 1.0,
                "allow_exclude": false
                "layer": {
                    "href": "",
                    "ref_id": "7bab71f1-a67b-4ad4-ac3b-b2bb50bf57fd"
                "min": 0.0,
                "max": 1.0,
                "allow_exclude": false
        "iterations": 10,
        "population_size": 5,
        "status": "processing_succeeded",
        "status_message": null,
        "progress": 1.0,
        "target_currency": "USD",
        "meta_data": {},
        "description": "Test Optimization Description"
  "meta": {
    "total_count": 1,
    "limit": 100,
    "offset": 0

Optimization Views are returned in a list.


Name Traits Description
limit optional the maximum number of Optimization Views to return (default 100)
offset optional the number of Optimization Views to skip before returning the limit
fields optional a list of the Optimization View fields to include in the response (case-sensitive exact match)
omit optional a list of the Optimization View fields to exclude from the response (case-sensitive exact match)
ids optional a list of UUIDs for the Optimization Views to be retrieved (max 100 UUIDs)
search optional filters the list of Optimization Views by description (case-insensitive substring match)
description optional filters the list of Optimization Views by description (case-sensitive exact match)
iterations optional filters the list of Optimization Views by iterations (exact match)
population_size optional filters the list of Optimization Views by population_size (exact match)
status optional filters the list of Optimization Views by status (case-sensitive exact match)
ordering optional orders the list of Optimization Views

ordering accepts the following values (case-sensitive):

This will return results in ascending order. To return results in descending order, add the prefix - to a value. e.g. -id will return results sorted by id in descending order.

To order by multiple attributes, provide a list of attributes to ordering. e.g. description,-created will sort results by description in ascending order and then sort by created in descending order (for duplicate descriptions).

Retrieve Sensitivity Analysis

GET /optimization_views/fc1dd887-b8d6-469f-acb0-0ef062eb3e28/sensitivity_analysis HTTP/1.1
from analyzere import OptimizationView
ov = OptimizationView.retrieve('fc1dd887-b8d6-469f-acb0-0ef062eb3e28')
sa = ov.sensitivity_analysis()
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Optimization;

OptimizationView optimizationView = API.Get<OptimizationView>("fc1dd887-b8d6-469f-acb0-0ef062eb3e28");
SensitivityAnalysis sa = optimizationView.GetSensitivityAnalysis();
{    "sensitivities": [
            "normalized_interquartile_range": 0.2589999999999999,
            "min": 0.0,
            "normalized_standard_deviation": 0.2973416661014732,
            "initial_share": 0.181,
            "hist": {
                "0.05": 5,
                "0.1": 0,
                "0.15": 0,
                "0.2": 0,
                "0.25": 0,
                "0.3": 9,
                "0.35": 0,
                "0.4": 0,
                "0.45": 0,
                "0.5": 3,
                "0.55": 0,
                "0.6": 5,
                "0.65": 0,
                "0.7": 3,
                "0.75": 0,
                "0.8": 3,
                "0.85": 2,
                "0.9": 4,
                "0.95": 2,
                "1.0": 64
            "mean": 0.8175600000000002,
            "max": 1.0,
            "ref_id": "b2b4db35-67c9-4c4c-ac3f-f8ca3bf182f8"
            "normalized_interquartile_range": 0.71075,
            "min": 0.0,
            "normalized_standard_deviation": 0.3580190419516816,
            "initial_share": 0.087,
            "hist": {
                "0.05": 36,
                "0.1": 0,
                "0.15": 8,
                "0.2": 1,
                "0.25": 1,
                "0.3": 3,
                "0.35": 2,
                "0.4": 3,
                "0.45": 0,
                "0.5": 0,
                "0.55": 8,
                "0.6": 0,
                "0.65": 12,
                "0.7": 0,
                "0.75": 1,
                "0.8": 10,
                "0.85": 0,
                "0.9": 7,
                "0.95": 0,
                "1.0": 8
            "mean": 0.3798399999999999,
            "max": 1.0,
            "ref_id": "6b491aca-9baa-41f3-a515-047e1f34a874"

The sensitivity analysis endpoint allows analyzing distribution properties of layers participations across all available candidate portfolios without collecting data from the individual candidates’ endpoints. The endpoint returns a list of layer sensitivities. Each layer sensitivity contains several statistical metrics: minimum, maximum and average layer participation; normalized standard deviation and interquartile ranges; and histogram data.

If the optimization view is not yet ready, the sensitivity analysis endpoint will return an empty results list.

If the minimum and maximum possible participations for a layer are equal (i.e. the layer is “locked”), then normalized interquartile range, normalized standard deviation, and histogram will contain zero values.


Name Traits Description
id required The UUID of the optimization view, for which analysis is made
candidates optional a list of candidates, that will be included in a sensitivity analysis


Name Type Description
ref_id string layer’s UUID
min float minimum possible layer participation
max float maximum possible layer participation
mean float average layer participation
normalized_standard_deviation float standard deviation of layer participations normalized to min and max values
normalized_interquartile_range float interquartile range of layers participations normalized to min and max values
hist list data for a histogram, count of layer participations in 20 5% intervals

Filter by Candidates’ Indexes

GET /optimization_views/fc1dd887-b8d6-469f-acb0-0ef062eb3e28/sensitivity_analysis?candidates=0,1 HTTP/1.1
from analyzere import OptimizationView
ov = OptimizationView.retrieve('fc1dd887-b8d6-469f-acb0-0ef062eb3e28')
candidates_list = [0,1]
sa = ov.sensitivity_analysis(candidates=[candidates_list])
using AnalyzeRe;
using AnalyzeRe.Optimization;

OptimizationView optimizationView = API.Get<OptimizationView>("fc1dd887-b8d6-469f-acb0-0ef062eb3e28");
int[] candidatesList = new[] { 0, 1 };
SensitivityAnalysis sa = optimizationView.GetSensitivityAnalysis(candidates: candidatesList);

If a list of candidates is not provided, then all candidates are included in the analysis. If a list of candidates is provided, an analysis is performed only on the selected candidates. If a list contains only non-existing candidates, an endpoint will return an empty list.